/// <summary>
/// 添加图层到Mxd文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverContext">IServerContext</param>
/// <param name="nfc">新图层对应的要素集</param>
/// <param name="groupIndex">复合图层的序号</param>
/// <param name="mxdPath">mxd所在的路径</param>
/// <param name="picPath">用于对图层渲染的图片</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string addLayerInMxd(IServerContext serverContext, IFeatureClass nfc, int groupIndex, string mxdPath,string picPath)
IMapServer pMapServer = serverContext.ServerObject as IMapServer;
IMapServerObjects pMapServerObjs = pMapServer as IMapServerObjects;
IMap pMap = pMapServerObjs.get_Map(pMapServer.DefaultMapName);
bool hasLayer = hasTheLayer(pMap, nfc.AliasName);
if (hasLayer) return "已存在该命名图层,操作未能完成"; //如果图层已经存在了,那就不添加
if (groupIndex >= pMap.LayerCount) return "组合图层序号越界,操作未能完成";
IMapLayers mapLayer = pMap as IMapLayers;
IGroupLayer gLayer = pMap.get_Layer(groupIndex) as IGroupLayer;
IFeatureLayer fl = serverContext.CreateObject("esriCarto.FeatureLayer") as IFeatureLayer;
fl.FeatureClass = nfc;
fl.Name = nfc.AliasName;
ISimpleRenderer pRen = serverContext.CreateObject("esriCarto.SimpleRenderer") as ISimpleRenderer;
IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoLayer = fl as IGeoFeatureLayer;
IPictureMarkerSymbol picMark = serverContext.CreateObject("esriDisplay.PictureMarkerSymbol") as IPictureMarkerSymbol;
picMark.Size = 20;
picMark.CreateMarkerSymbolFromFile(esriIPictureType.esriIPictureBitmap, picPath);
pRen.Symbol = (ISymbol)picMark;
pGeoLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRen;
mapLayer.InsertLayerInGroup(gLayer, pGeoLayer as ILayer, false, 3);
IMxdContents pMxdC;
pMxdC = pMap as IMxdContents;
IMapDocument pMapDocument = serverContext.CreateObject("esriCarto.MapDocument") as IMapDocument;
pMapDocument.Open(mxdPath, "");
if (pMapDocument == null) return "文档为空不能完成操作";
if (pMapDocument.get_IsReadOnly(mxdPath) == true)
return "地图文档只读,未能完成操作";
pMapDocument.Save(pMapDocument.UsesRelativePaths, false);
return "操作成功";
/// <summary>
/// 是否存在layerName为别名的图层
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pMap"></param>
/// <param name="layerName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool hasTheLayer(IMap pMap, string layerName)
for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
ILayer pLayer = pMap.get_Layer(i);
if (pLayer.Name == layerName)
return true;
if (pLayer is ICompositeLayer)
ICompositeLayer comLayer = pLayer as ICompositeLayer;
for (int j = 0; j < comLayer.Count; j++)
ILayer cLayer = comLayer.get_Layer(j);
if (cLayer.Name == layerName)
return true;
return false;
public string removeLayerFromMxd(IServerContext serverContext, layerName,string mxdPath)
IMapServer pMapServer = serverContext.ServerObject as IMapServer;
IMapServerObjects pMapServerObjs = pMapServer as IMapServerObjects;
IMap pMap = pMapServerObjs.get_Map(pMapServer.DefaultMapName);
IMapLayers pMapLayers = pMap as IMapLayers;
ILayer removeLayer = getLayerByName(serverContext, layerName);
if (removeLayer == null)
return "操作失败,找不到要删除的图层";
IMxdContents pMxdC = pMap as IMxdContents; ;
IMapDocument pMapDocument = serverContext.CreateObject("esriCarto.MapDocument") as IMapDocument;
pMapDocument.Open(mxdPath, "");
if (pMapDocument == null) return "操作失败,地图文档为空";
if (pMapDocument.get_IsReadOnly(mxdPath) == true)
return "操作失败,地图文档只读";
pMapDocument.Save(pMapDocument.UsesRelativePaths, false);
return "操作成功";
/// <summary>
/// 是否存在layerName为别名的图层
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pMap"></param>
/// <param name="layerName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool hasTheLayer(IMap pMap, string layerName)
for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
ILayer pLayer = pMap.get_Layer(i);
if (pLayer.Name == layerName)
return true;
if (pLayer is ICompositeLayer)
ICompositeLayer comLayer = pLayer as ICompositeLayer;
for (int j = 0; j < comLayer.Count; j++)
ILayer cLayer = comLayer.get_Layer(j);
if (cLayer.Name == layerName)
return true;
return false;
private void updateService(string serviceName,string serverName)
ServerConnection pServerConnection = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Server.WebControls.ServerConnection(serverName);//地图服务机器名
IServerObjectAdmin pServerSOA = pServerConnection.ServerObjectAdmin;
IServerObjectConfiguration pConfig = pServerSOA.GetConfiguration(serviceName, "MapServer");
细心的朋友应该注意到了,这里面主要是使用了IServerObjectAdmin 接口,IServerObjectAdmin 接口功能十分强大,建议去查一下帮助,
RemarksAny application that runs as a user account in the agsadmin user group on the ArcGIS Server can use the IGISServerConnection interface to connect to the ArcGIS Server and to get a reference to the ServerObjectAdmin. If the user account is not part of the agsadmin user group the ServerObjectAdmin property on IServerConnection will return an error. Applications that are running as accounts that can connect to the server but are not part of the agsadmin user group can use the ServerObjectManager property on IGISServerConnection to get a reference on the ServerObjectManager.
The IServerObjectAdmin interface has the necessary methods for an application to adminstrate both the set of server object configurations and types associated with the server, and to administer aspects of the server itself. The following administration functionality of the ArcGIS Server is exposed by methods and properties on IServerObjectAdmin :
Adminster server object configurations:
- Add and delete server object configurations
- Update a server object configuration's properties
- Start, stop and pause server object configurations
- Report the status of a server object configuration
- Get all server object configurations and their properties
- Get all server object types and their properties
Administer aspects of the server itself:
- Add and remove server container machines
- Get all server container machines
- Add and remove server directories
- Get all server directories
- Configure the server's logging properties
/// <summary>
/// 通过图层名称返回图层
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pSOC">地图控件</param>
/// <param name="LayerName">图层名称</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ILayer getLayerByName(IServerContext pSOC, string LayerName)
IMapServer pMapServer = pSOC.ServerObject as IMapServer;
IMapServerObjects pMapServerObjs = pMapServer as IMapServerObjects;
IMap pMap = pMapServerObjs.get_Map(pMapServer.DefaultMapName);
for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
ILayer lyr = pMap.get_Layer(i);
if (lyr.Name == LayerName)
return lyr;
else if (lyr is ICompositeLayer)
ICompositeLayer comLayer = lyr as ICompositeLayer;
for (int j = 0; j < comLayer.Count; j++)
ILayer cLayer = comLayer.get_Layer(j);
if (cLayer.Name == layerName)
return cLayer;
return null;