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  • B+树查询上下级(sql实现)

    use pubs
    --drop table employee
    create table employee
     empId char(32) primary key,
     empName varchar(20),
     higherUpId char(32)
    insert into employee values('0001','aa',null)
    insert into employee values('0002','bb','0001')
    insert into employee values('0003','cc','0001')
    insert into employee values('0004','dd','0002')
    insert into employee values('0005','ee','0002')
    insert into employee values('0006','ff','0003')
    insert into employee values('0007','gg','0003')
    insert into employee values('0008','hh','0004')
    insert into employee values('0009','ii','0004')
    insert into employee values('0010','jj','0007')
    insert into employee values('0011','kk','0007')
    create proc proc_treeDownQuery
     @id varchar(20)
     declare @temp varchar(2000)
     declare @tempCount nvarchar(2000)
     declare @sql varchar(5000)
     declare @count int
     set @sql = 'select empId from employee where higherUpId = ' + @id
     set @temp = 'select empId from employee where higherUpId = '+ @id
     while (1=1)
      set @tempCount = 'select @count=count(*) from employee where higherUpId in (' + @temp + ')'
      exec sp_executesql @tempCount,N'@count int output',@count output
      if (@count=0)
        set @temp = 'select empId from employee where higherUpId in (' + @temp + ')'
        set @sql = @sql +  ' union ' + @temp
    exec proc_treeDownQuery '0001'

    --drop proc proc_treeUpQuery

    create proc proc_treeUpQuery
     @id varchar(20)
     declare @count int
     declare @sql varchar(5000)
     declare @temp varchar(2000)
     declare @tempCount nvarchar(2000)
     set @sql = 'select higherUpId from employee where empId = ' + @id
     set @temp = 'select higherUpId from employee where empId = ' + @id
     while (1=1)
      set @tempCount = 'select @count=count(higherUpId) from employee where empId in (' + @temp + ')'
      exec sp_executesql @tempCount,N'@count int output',@count output
      if (@count=0)
        set @temp = 'select higherUpId from employee where empId in (' + @temp + ')'
        set @sql = @sql + ' union ' + @temp

    exec proc_treeUpQuery '0009'

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wenjl520/p/1445778.html
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