Write a function that given a BST, it will return the distance (number of edges) between 2 nodes.
For example, given this tree
3 6
2 4 7
1 8
The distance between 1
and 4
is 3: [1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4]
The distance between 1
and 8
is 6: [1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8]
public int bstDistance(TreeNode root, int node1, int node2) { if (root == null) return -1; TreeNode lca = lca(root, node1, node2); return getDistance(lca, node1) + getDistance(lca, node2); } private int getDistance(TreeNode src, int dest) { if (src.val == dest) return 0; TreeNode node = src.left; if (src.val < dest) { node = src.right; } return 1 + getDistance(node, dest); } private TreeNode lca(TreeNode root, int node1, int node2) { while (true) { if (root.val > node1 && root.val > node2) { root = root.left; } else if (root.val < node1 && root.val < node2) { root = root.right; } else { return root; } } }
Time complexity: O(h)
, where h
is the height of the tree.
Space complexity: O(h)
class Solution { public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) { if(root == null || root == p || root == q) return root; TreeNode left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q);//尝试在左边找p和q TreeNode right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q);//尝试在右边找q和q if(left != null && right != null) return root;//如果p、q在左右两侧,说明root是LCA return left != null ? left : right; //如果p和q都在右边(left == null)就返回right,right会返回p和q中首先发现的,就一定是LCA了 //如果p和q都在左边(right == null),和上面情况类似。 } }
static int distanceFromRoot(Node root, int x) { if (root.key == x) return 0; else if (root.key > x) return 1 + distanceFromRoot(root.left, x); return 1 + distanceFromRoot(root.right, x); }