MIME stands for "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions," which refers to a way of configuring browsers or mail clients to view files that are in multiple formats based on a "MIME type." "MIME mapping" is a process by which Internet Information Server (IIS) "maps" files by their extensions to a particular MIME type. For example, a file with the extension .htm has a MIME type of "text/html", whereas a file with the extension .gif has a MIME Type of "image/gif".
1. 打开 Internet 服务管理器 (ISM)。
2. 找到您默认 Web 站点下 站点 文件夹。
3. 右击 站点 文件夹并选择 属性 。
4. 选择 HTTP 头 选项卡。
5. 单击 添加 自定义 HTTP 标题 部分中。
6. 添加名为标题 Cache-Control 其值为 no-cache。
7. 单击 应用, 确定。