<template> <!-- @dragstart.prevent:拖拽开始就阻止自身的默认事件 --> <div @dragstart.prevent :class="[ 'el-input-number', inputNumberSize ? 'el-input-number--' + inputNumberSize : '', { 'is-disabled': inputNumberDisabled }, { 'is-without-controls': !controls }, { 'is-controls-right': controlsAtRight } ]"> <!-- 图标:增加和减少,位置可控制 --> <span class="el-input-number__decrease" role="button" v-if="controls" v-repeat-click="decrease" :class="{'is-disabled': minDisabled}" @keydown.enter="decrease"> <i :class="`el-icon-${controlsAtRight ? 'arrow-down' : 'minus'}`"></i> </span> <span class="el-input-number__increase" role="button" v-if="controls" v-repeat-click="increase" :class="{'is-disabled': maxDisabled}" @keydown.enter="increase"> <i :class="`el-icon-${controlsAtRight ? 'arrow-up' : 'plus'}`"></i> </span> <!-- 输入回调:鼠标事件+键盘事件: 新需求:对displayValue的符号进行过滤替换显示 --> <el-input ref="input" :value="displayValue" :placeholder="placeholder" :disabled="inputNumberDisabled" :size="inputNumberSize" :max="max" :min="min" :name="name" :label="label" @keydown.up.native.prevent="increase" @keydown.down.native.prevent="decrease" @blur="handleBlur" @focus="handleFocus" @input="handleInput" @change="handleInputChange"> </el-input> </div> </template> <script> import ElInput from 'element-ui/packages/input'; import Focus from 'element-ui/src/mixins/focus'; import RepeatClick from 'element-ui/src/directives/repeat-click'; export default { name: 'ElInputNumber', mixins: [Focus('input')], inject: { elForm: { default: '' }, elFormItem: { default: '' } }, directives: { repeatClick: RepeatClick }, components: { ElInput }, props: { step: { type: Number, default: 1 }, stepStrictly: { type: Boolean, default: false }, max: { type: Number, default: Infinity }, min: { type: Number, default: -Infinity }, value: {}, disabled: Boolean, size: String, controls: { type: Boolean, default: true }, controlsPosition: { type: String, default: '' }, name: String, label: String, placeholder: String, precision: { type: Number, validator(val) { return val >= 0 && val === parseInt(val, 10); } } }, data() { return { currentValue: 0, userInput: null }; }, watch: { value: { immediate: true, handler(value) { let newVal = value === undefined ? value : Number(value); if (newVal !== undefined) { if (isNaN(newVal)) { return; } if (this.stepStrictly) { const stepPrecision = this.getPrecision(this.step); const precisionFactor = Math.pow(10, stepPrecision); newVal = Math.round(newVal / this.step) * precisionFactor * this.step / precisionFactor; } if (this.precision !== undefined) { newVal = this.toPrecision(newVal, this.precision); } } if (newVal >= this.max) newVal = this.max; if (newVal <= this.min) newVal = this.min; this.currentValue = newVal; this.userInput = null; this.$emit('input', newVal); } } }, computed: { minDisabled() { return this._decrease(this.value, this.step) < this.min; }, maxDisabled() { return this._increase(this.value, this.step) > this.max; }, numPrecision() { const { value, step, getPrecision, precision } = this; const stepPrecision = getPrecision(step); if (precision !== undefined) { if (stepPrecision > precision) { console.warn('[Element Warn][InputNumber]precision should not be less than the decimal places of step'); } return precision; } else { return Math.max(getPrecision(value), stepPrecision); } }, controlsAtRight() { return this.controls && this.controlsPosition === 'right'; }, _elFormItemSize() { return (this.elFormItem || {}).elFormItemSize; }, inputNumberSize() { return this.size || this._elFormItemSize || (this.$ELEMENT || {}).size; }, inputNumberDisabled() { return this.disabled || !!(this.elForm || {}).disabled; }, displayValue() { if (this.userInput !== null) { return this.userInput; } let currentValue = this.currentValue; if (typeof currentValue === 'number') { if (this.stepStrictly) { const stepPrecision = this.getPrecision(this.step); const precisionFactor = Math.pow(10, stepPrecision); currentValue = Math.round(currentValue / this.step) * precisionFactor * this.step / precisionFactor; } if (this.precision !== undefined) { currentValue = currentValue.toFixed(this.precision); } } return currentValue; } }, methods: { toPrecision(num, precision) { if (precision === undefined) precision = this.numPrecision; return parseFloat(Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision)); }, getPrecision(value) { if (value === undefined) return 0; const valueString = value.toString(); const dotPosition = valueString.indexOf('.'); let precision = 0; if (dotPosition !== -1) { precision = valueString.length - dotPosition - 1; } return precision; }, _increase(val, step) { if (typeof val !== 'number' && val !== undefined) return this.currentValue; const precisionFactor = Math.pow(10, this.numPrecision); // Solve the accuracy problem of JS decimal calculation by converting the value to integer. return this.toPrecision((precisionFactor * val + precisionFactor * step) / precisionFactor); }, _decrease(val, step) { if (typeof val !== 'number' && val !== undefined) return this.currentValue; const precisionFactor = Math.pow(10, this.numPrecision); return this.toPrecision((precisionFactor * val - precisionFactor * step) / precisionFactor); }, increase() { if (this.inputNumberDisabled || this.maxDisabled) return; const value = this.value || 0; const newVal = this._increase(value, this.step); this.setCurrentValue(newVal); }, decrease() { if (this.inputNumberDisabled || this.minDisabled) return; const value = this.value || 0; const newVal = this._decrease(value, this.step); this.setCurrentValue(newVal); }, handleBlur(event) { this.$emit('blur', event); }, handleFocus(event) { this.$emit('focus', event); }, setCurrentValue(newVal) { const oldVal = this.currentValue; if (typeof newVal === 'number' && this.precision !== undefined) { newVal = this.toPrecision(newVal, this.precision); } if (newVal >= this.max) newVal = this.max; if (newVal <= this.min) newVal = this.min; if (oldVal === newVal) return; this.userInput = null; this.$emit('input', newVal); this.$emit('change', newVal, oldVal); this.currentValue = newVal; }, handleInput(value) { this.userInput = value; }, handleInputChange(value) { const newVal = value === '' ? undefined : Number(value); if (!isNaN(newVal) || value === '') { this.setCurrentValue(newVal); } this.userInput = null; }, select() { this.$refs.input.select(); } }, mounted() { let innerInput = this.$refs.input.$refs.input; innerInput.setAttribute('role', 'spinbutton'); innerInput.setAttribute('aria-valuemax', this.max); innerInput.setAttribute('aria-valuemin', this.min); innerInput.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', this.currentValue); innerInput.setAttribute('aria-disabled', this.inputNumberDisabled); }, updated() { if (!this.$refs || !this.$refs.input) return; const innerInput = this.$refs.input.$refs.input; innerInput.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', this.currentValue); } }; </script>
<template> <div :class="wrapClasses"> <!-- 图标 --> <div :class="handlerClasses"> <a @click="up" :class="upClasses"> <span :class="innerUpClasses" @click="preventDefault"></span> </a> <a @click="down" :class="downClasses"> <span :class="innerDownClasses" @click="preventDefault"></span> </a> </div> <!-- 输入框 --> <div :class="inputWrapClasses"> <input :id="elementId" :class="inputClasses" :disabled="itemDisabled" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" :autofocus="autofocus" @focus="focus" @blur="blur" @keydown.stop="keyDown" @input="change" @mouseup="preventDefault" @change="change" :readonly="readonly || !editable" :name="name" :value="formatterValue" :placeholder="placeholder"> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { oneOf, findComponentUpward } from '../../utils/assist'; import Emitter from '../../mixins/emitter'; import mixinsForm from '../../mixins/form'; const prefixCls = 'ivu-input-number'; const iconPrefixCls = 'ivu-icon'; function addNum (num1, num2) { let sq1, sq2, m; try { sq1 = num1.toString().split('.')[1].length; }catch (e) { sq1 = 0; } try { sq2 = num2.toString().split('.')[1].length; }catch (e) { sq2 = 0; } // if (sq1 === 0 || sq2 === 0) { // return num1 + num2; // } else { // m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(sq1, sq2)); // return (num1 * m + num2 * m) / m; // } m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(sq1, sq2)); return (Math.round(num1 * m) + Math.round(num2 * m)) / m; } export default { name: 'InputNumber', mixins: [ Emitter, mixinsForm ], props: { max: { type: Number, default: Infinity }, min: { type: Number, default: -Infinity }, step: { type: Number, default: 1 }, activeChange: { type: Boolean, default: true }, value: { type: Number, default: 1 }, size: { validator (value) { return oneOf(value, ['small', 'large', 'default']); }, default () { return !this.$IVIEW || this.$IVIEW.size === '' ? 'default' : this.$IVIEW.size; } }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, autofocus: { type: Boolean, default: false }, readonly: { type: Boolean, default: false }, editable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, name: { type: String }, precision: { type: Number }, elementId: { type: String }, formatter: { type: Function }, parser: { type: Function }, placeholder: { type: String, default: '' }, }, data () { return { focused: false, upDisabled: false, downDisabled: false, currentValue: this.value }; }, computed: { wrapClasses () { return [ `${prefixCls}`, { [`${prefixCls}-${this.size}`]: !!this.size, [`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: this.itemDisabled, [`${prefixCls}-focused`]: this.focused } ]; }, handlerClasses () { return `${prefixCls}-handler-wrap`; }, upClasses () { return [ `${prefixCls}-handler`, `${prefixCls}-handler-up`, { [`${prefixCls}-handler-up-disabled`]: this.upDisabled } ]; }, innerUpClasses () { return `${prefixCls}-handler-up-inner ${iconPrefixCls} ${iconPrefixCls}-ios-arrow-up`; }, downClasses () { return [ `${prefixCls}-handler`, `${prefixCls}-handler-down`, { [`${prefixCls}-handler-down-disabled`]: this.downDisabled } ]; }, innerDownClasses () { return `${prefixCls}-handler-down-inner ${iconPrefixCls} ${iconPrefixCls}-ios-arrow-down`; }, inputWrapClasses () { return `${prefixCls}-input-wrap`; }, inputClasses () { return `${prefixCls}-input`; }, precisionValue () { // can not display 1.0 if(!this.currentValue) return this.currentValue; return this.precision ? this.currentValue.toFixed(this.precision) : this.currentValue; }, formatterValue () { if (this.formatter && this.precisionValue !== null) { return this.formatter(this.precisionValue); } else { return this.precisionValue; } } }, methods: { preventDefault (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, up (e) { const targetVal = Number(e.target.value); if (this.upDisabled && isNaN(targetVal)) { return false; } this.changeStep('up', e); }, down (e) { const targetVal = Number(e.target.value); if (this.downDisabled && isNaN(targetVal)) { return false; } this.changeStep('down', e); }, changeStep (type, e) { if (this.itemDisabled || this.readonly) { return false; } const targetVal = Number(e.target.value); let val = Number(this.currentValue); const step = Number(this.step); if (isNaN(val)) { return false; } // input a number, and key up or down if (!isNaN(targetVal)) { if (type === 'up') { if (addNum(targetVal, step) <= this.max) { val = targetVal; } else { return false; } } else if (type === 'down') { if (addNum(targetVal, -step) >= this.min) { val = targetVal; } else { return false; } } } if (type === 'up') { val = addNum(val, step); } else if (type === 'down') { val = addNum(val, -step); } this.setValue(val); }, setValue (val) { // 如果 step 是小数,且没有设置 precision,是有问题的 if (val && !isNaN(this.precision)) val = Number(Number(val).toFixed(this.precision)); const {min, max} = this; if (val!==null) { if (val > max) { val = max; } else if (val < min) { val = min; } } this.$nextTick(() => { this.currentValue = val; this.$emit('input', val); this.$emit('on-change', val); this.dispatch('FormItem', 'on-form-change', val); }); }, focus (event) { this.focused = true; this.$emit('on-focus', event); }, blur () { this.focused = false; this.$emit('on-blur'); if (!findComponentUpward(this, ['DatePicker', 'TimePicker', 'Cascader', 'Search'])) { this.dispatch('FormItem', 'on-form-blur', this.currentValue); } }, keyDown (e) { if (e.keyCode === 38) { e.preventDefault(); this.up(e); } else if (e.keyCode === 40) { e.preventDefault(); this.down(e); } }, change (event) { if (event.type == 'change' && this.activeChange) return; if (event.type == 'input' && !this.activeChange) return; let val = event.target.value.trim(); if (this.parser) { val = this.parser(val); } const isEmptyString = val.length === 0; if(isEmptyString){ this.setValue(null); return; } if (event.type == 'input' && val.match(/^-?.?$|.$/)) return; // prevent fire early if decimal. If no more input the change event will fire later val = Number(val); if (!isNaN(val)) { this.currentValue = val; this.setValue(val); } else { event.target.value = this.currentValue; } }, changeVal (val) { val = Number(val); if (!isNaN(val)) { const step = this.step; this.upDisabled = val + step > this.max; this.downDisabled = val - step < this.min; } else { this.upDisabled = true; this.downDisabled = true; } } }, mounted () { this.changeVal(this.currentValue); }, watch: { value (val) { this.currentValue = val; }, currentValue (val) { this.changeVal(val); }, min () { this.changeVal(this.currentValue); }, max () { this.changeVal(this.currentValue); } } }; </script>