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Delphi 取JPG图片内的Exif信息
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, simsun, u5b8bu4f53; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px; "><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">//</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">取Exif信息</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /></span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">function GetExifItem(GPImage:TGPImage;ItemID: PROPID): String;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " />var<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> PropSize: UINT;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> PropItem: PPropertyItem;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S:PChar;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S1,S2:String;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " />begin<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> PropSize :</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> GPImage.GetPropertyItemSize(ItemID);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 255); ">if</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropSize</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">0</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> then begin<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> Result:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">''</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> Exit;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> end;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> GetMem(PropItem ,PropSize);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> GPImage.GetPropertyItem(ItemID, PropSize, PropItem);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">//</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">字符</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /></span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 255); ">if</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropItem.type_</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropertyTagTypeASCII then begin<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> Result:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">PChar(PropItem.Value);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> end;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">//</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">分数</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /></span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 255); ">if</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> (PropItem.type_</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropertyTagTypeRational)<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> or (PropItem.type_</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">PropertyTagTypeSRational) then begin<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">PChar(PropItem.Value);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S1:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">3</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">1</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">0</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S2:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">7</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">6</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">5</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">4</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> Result:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToStr(StrToInt(</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">$</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">S1))</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">/</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToStr(StrToInt(</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">$</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">S2));<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> end;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">//</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">数字</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /></span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 255); ">if</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropItem.type_</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropertyTagTypeShort then begin<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">PChar(PropItem.Value);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> S1:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">1</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">0</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> Result:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToStr(StrToInt(</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">$</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">S1));<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> end;<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> </span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">//</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">字节</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /></span><span style="line-height: 25px; "><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">{</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 255); ">if</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropItem.type_</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "> PropertyTagTypeByte then begin<br style="line-height: 25px; " /> S:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">PChar(PropItem.Value);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /> S1:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">1</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">)</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToHex(Ord(S[</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">0</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">]),</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">2</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /> Result:</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">=</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">IntToStr(StrToInt(</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">$</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">'</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">+</span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">S1));<br style="line-height: 25px; " /> end;}</span></span><span style="line-height: 25px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " /> FreeMem(PropItem);<br style="line-height: 25px; " /><img alt="" src="http://images.csdn.net/syntaxhighlighting/OutliningIndicators/None.gif" align="top" style="line-height: 25px; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; max- 100%; " />end;</span></span>
T2038 香甜的黄油 codevs
一枚Android "短信小偷" 病毒的分析
PHP + Lighttpd for Android
PHP and Lighttpd for Android
Porting PHP to Android——没有具体移植过程
port php to android—Fix "undefined reference to zm_startup_password"
Lighttpd 配置fastcgi
JSP技术已死 ? (Java Server Page technology will die) ?
Linux ,*.zip、*.tar、*.tar.gz、*.tar.bz2、*.tar.xz、*.jar、*.7z 压缩与解压
龙芯电脑—编译 resiprocate-1.10.0.tar.gz
(OK) CentOS7—用本地光盘(ISO文件)制作yum源
高级特性(1)- 流与文件
P1339 热浪Heat Wave 洛谷
P1576 最小花费 洛谷
T1405 奶牛的旅行 codevs
T1245 最小的N个和 codevs
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