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  • glog学习(二):glog主要接口和类分析


    #define LOG(severity) COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_ ## severity.stream()
    #define SYSLOG(severity) SYSLOG_ ## severity(0).stream()

    // Initialize.
    GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void InitGoogleLogging(const char* argv0);

    // Shutdown
    GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void ShutdownGoogleLogging();

    // 设置回调接口,如果失败调用接口.
    GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void InstallFailureFunction(void (*fail_func)());

    Add or remove a LogSink as a consumer of logging data. Thread-safe. GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void AddLogSink(LogSink *destination); GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void RemoveLogSink(LogSink *destination); //设置日志扩展名称,thread-safe。 GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void SetLogFilenameExtension( const char* filename_extension); // // 设置某种等级的日志标准输出,thread-safe. // GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void SetStderrLogging(LogSeverity min_severity); // // 设置所有的日志标准输出. Thread-safe. // GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void LogToStderr(); // // Make it so that all log messages of at least a particular severity are // logged via email to a list of addresses (in addition to logging to the // usual log file(s)). The list of addresses is just a string containing // the email addresses to send to (separated by spaces, say). Thread-safe. // GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void SetEmailLogging(LogSeverity min_severity, const char* addresses); // A simple function that sends email. dest is a commma-separated // list of addressess. Thread-safe. GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL bool SendEmail(const char *dest, const char *subject, const char *body); GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL const std::vector<std::string>& GetLoggingDirectories(); // For tests only: Clear the internal [cached] list of logging directories to // force a refresh the next time GetLoggingDirectories is called. // Thread-hostile. void TestOnly_ClearLoggingDirectoriesList(); // Returns a set of existing temporary directories, which will be a // subset of the directories returned by GetLogginDirectories(). // Thread-safe. GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void GetExistingTempDirectories( std::vector<std::string>* list); // Print any fatal message again -- useful to call from signal handler // so that the last thing in the output is the fatal message. // Thread-hostile, but a race is unlikely. GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void ReprintFatalMessage(); // Truncate a log file that may be the append-only output of multiple // processes and hence can't simply be renamed/reopened (typically a // stdout/stderr). If the file "path" is > "limit" bytes, copy the // last "keep" bytes to offset 0 and truncate the rest. Since we could // be racing with other writers, this approach has the potential to // lose very small amounts of data. For security, only follow symlinks // if the path is /proc/self/fd/* GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void TruncateLogFile(const char *path, int64 limit, int64 keep); // Truncate stdout and stderr if they are over the value specified by // --max_log_size; keep the final 1MB. This function has the same // race condition as TruncateLogFile. GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void TruncateStdoutStderr(); // Return the string representation of the provided LogSeverity level. // Thread-safe. GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL const char* GetLogSeverityName(LogSeverity severity);









    LogMessage:This class more or less represents a particular log message.  You create an instance of LogMessage and then stream stuff to it. When you finish streaming to it, ~LogMessage is called and the full message gets streamed to the appropriate destination.从日志中我们可以看出,日志信息的输出主要看这个类,创建LogMessage的实例,获得数据流,结束后,调用析构函数~LogMessage(),然后stream流向目的文件。




    class LogStream : public std::ostream  //



    void Flush();

    void SendToLog(); 

    void SendToSyslogAndLog();   

    static void __declspec(noreturn) Fail();

    std::ostream& stream();


    void SendToSinkAndLog(); 

    void SendToSink();

    void WriteToStringAndLog();

    void SaveOrSendToLog();

    void Init(……);

    LogMessageData* allocated_;

    LogMessageData* data_;

    friend class LogDestination;

    LogMessage(const LogMessage&);

    void operator=(const LogMessage&);

    日志内容的具体输出接口为LOG(***);其实是LogMessage封装后的接口,##起到连接的作用。 LOG(INFO) << str;其实替换过去就是COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO.stream()<<str;最终调用的还是LogMessage的构造函数。

     1 #define LOG(severity) COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_ ## severity.stream()
     2 #define SYSLOG(severity) SYSLOG_ ## severity(0).stream()
     4 #if GOOGLE_STRIP_LOG == 0
     5 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO google::LogMessage( 
     6       __FILE__, __LINE__)
     7 #define LOG_TO_STRING_INFO(message) google::LogMessage( 
     8       __FILE__, __LINE__, google::GLOG_INFO, message)
     9 #else
    10 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO google::NullStream()
    11 #define LOG_TO_STRING_INFO(message) google::NullStream()
    12 #endif


     1 LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line)
     2     : allocated_(NULL) {
     3   Init(file, line, GLOG_INFO, &LogMessage::SendToLog);
     4 }
     6 void LogMessage::Init(const char* file,int line,LogSeverity severity,void (LogMessage::*send_method)()) {/*do something*/ }


    1 LogMessage::~LogMessage() {
    2   Flush();//写数据
    3 }
    4 // Flush buffered message, called by the destructor, or any other function
    5 // that needs to synchronize the log.
    6 void LogMessage::Flush() {/*flush*/}






      friend class LogMessage;

      friend void ReprintFatalMessage();

      friend base::Logger* base::GetLogger(LogSeverity);

      friend void base::SetLogger(LogSeverity, base::Logger*);

      static void SetLogDestination(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename);

      static void SetLogSymlink(LogSeverity severity, const char* symlink_basename);

      static void AddLogSink(LogSink *destination);

      static void RemoveLogSink(LogSink *destination);

      static void SetLogFilenameExtension(const char* filename_extension);

      static void SetStderrLogging(LogSeverity min_severity);

      static void SetEmailLogging(LogSeverity min_severity, const char* addresses);

      static void LogToStderr();

      static void FlushLogFiles(int min_severity);

      static void FlushLogFilesUnsafe(int min_severity);

      static const int kNetworkBytes = 1400;

      static const string& hostname();

      static const bool& terminal_supports_color();

      static void DeleteLogDestinations();


      LogDestination(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename);

      ~LogDestination() { }

      static vector<LogSink*>* sinks_;

      static Mutex sink_mutex_;

      LogDestination(const LogDestination&);

      LogDestination& operator=(const LogDestination&);



    1 inline void LogDestination::SetLogFilenameExtension(const char* ext) {
    2   // Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
    3   // all this stuff.
    4   MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
    5   for ( int severity = 0; severity < NUM_SEVERITIES; ++severity ) {
    6     log_destination(severity)->fileobject_.SetExtension(ext);
    7   }
    8 }
     1 /*
     2 string filename_extension_;     // option users can specify (eg to add port#)
     3 */
     4 void LogFileObject::SetExtension(const char* ext) {
     5   MutexLock l(&lock_);
     6   if (filename_extension_ != ext) {
     7     // Get rid of old log file since we are changing names
     8     if (file_ != NULL) {
     9       fclose(file_);
    10       file_ = NULL;
    11       rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;
    12     }
    13     filename_extension_ = ext;
    14   }
    15 }




    LogFileObject : public base::Logger

      LogFileObject(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename);

      virtual void Write(bool force_flush, // Should we force a flush here?
                         time_t timestamp,  // Timestamp for this entry
                         const char* message,
                         int message_len);

      // Configuration options
      void SetBasename(const char* basename);
      void SetExtension(const char* ext);
      void SetSymlinkBasename(const char* symlink_basename);

      // Normal flushing routine
      virtual void Flush();

      virtual uint32 LogSize() {
        MutexLock l(&lock_);
        return file_length_;

      void FlushUnlocked();

      Mutex lock_;
      bool base_filename_selected_;
      string base_filename_;
      string symlink_basename_;
      string filename_extension_;   // option users can specify (eg to add port#)
      FILE* file_;
      LogSeverity severity_;
      uint32 bytes_since_flush_;
      uint32 dropped_mem_length_;
      uint32 file_length_;
      unsigned int rollover_attempt_;
      int64 next_flush_time_;

     1 void LogFileObject::Write(bool force_flush,
     2                           time_t timestamp,
     3                           const char* message,
     4                           int message_len) {
     5   MutexLock l(&lock_);
     7   //条件判断,不符合直接return
     8   if (base_filename_selected_ && base_filename_.empty()) {
     9     return;
    10   }
    13     if (base_filename_selected_) 
    14     {
    15         /*如果没有创建日志文件,return*/
    16       if (!CreateLogfile(time_pid_string)) {
    17         perror("Could not create log file");
    18         fprintf(stderr, "COULD NOT CREATE LOGFILE '%s'!
    19                 time_pid_string.c_str());
    20         return;
    21       }
    22     } 
    23     else
    24     {
    25     ostringstream file_header_stream;
    26     file_header_stream.fill('0');
    28     file_header_stream << "Log file created at: "
    29                        << 1900+tm_time.tm_year << '/'
    30                        << setw(2) << 1+tm_time.tm_mon << '/'
    31                        << setw(2) << tm_time.tm_mday
    32                        << ' '
    33                        << setw(2) << tm_time.tm_hour << ':'
    34                        << setw(2) << tm_time.tm_min << ':'
    35                        << setw(2) << tm_time.tm_sec << '
    36                        << "Running on machine: "
    37                        << LogDestination::hostname() << '
    38                        << "Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu "
    39                        << "threadid file:line] msg" << '
    40     const string& file_header_string = file_header_stream.str();
    42     const int header_len = file_header_string.size();
    43     fwrite(file_header_string.data(), 1, header_len, file_);
    44     file_length_ += header_len;
    45     bytes_since_flush_ += header_len;
    46   }
    47     /*写满了怎么办?*/
    48   // Write to LOG file
    49   if ( !stop_writing ) {
    50     // fwrite() doesn't return an error when the disk is full, for
    51     // messages that are less than 4096 bytes. When the disk is full,
    52     // it returns the message length for messages that are less than
    53     // 4096 bytes. fwrite() returns 4096 for message lengths that are
    54     // greater than 4096, thereby indicating an error.
    55     errno = 0;
    56     fwrite(message, 1, message_len, file_);
    57     if ( FLAGS_stop_logging_if_full_disk &&
    58          errno == ENOSPC ) {  // disk full, stop writing to disk
    59       stop_writing = true;  // until the disk is
    60       return;
    61     } else {
    62       file_length_ += message_len;
    63       bytes_since_flush_ += message_len;
    64     }
    65   } 
    66   else {
    67     if ( CycleClock_Now() >= next_flush_time_ )
    68       stop_writing = false;  // check to see if disk has free space.
    69     return;  // no need to flush
    70   }
    71 /*do otherthings*/
    72 }
    Log file created at: 2019/01/28 15:27:56
    Running on machine: HostName
    Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
    I0128 15:27:56.937649 16208 glogtest.cpp:20] hello log!
    I0128 15:27:56.958592 16208 glogtest.cpp:21] info testhello log!
    W0128 15:27:56.958592 16208 glogtest.cpp:22] warning test
    E0128 15:27:56.958592 16208 glogtest.cpp:23] error test


     1 bool LogFileObject::CreateLogfile(const string& time_pid_string) {
     2   string string_filename = base_filename_+filename_extension_+
     3                            time_pid_string;
     4   const char* filename = string_filename.c_str();
     5   int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, FLAGS_logfile_mode);
     6   if (fd == -1) return false;
     7 #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL
     8   // Mark the file close-on-exec. We don't really care if this fails
     9   fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
    10 #endif
    12   file_ = fdopen(fd, "a");  // Make a FILE*.
    13   if (file_ == NULL) {  // Man, we're screwed!
    14     close(fd);
    15     unlink(filename);  // Erase the half-baked evidence: an unusable log file
    16     return false;
    17   }
    19   // We try to create a symlink called <program_name>.<severity>,
    20   // which is easier to use.  (Every time we create a new logfile,
    21   // we destroy the old symlink and create a new one, so it always
    22   // points to the latest logfile.)  If it fails, we're sad but it's
    23   // no error.
    24   /*do something*/
    26    return true;  // Everything worked
    27 }



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/whutao/p/10331103.html
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