初始化已连接客户端列表(如果是通过wdctrl重启wifidog,将会读取之前wifidog的已连接客户端列表 代码片段1.2 代码片段1.3)
如无特殊情况,分离进程,建立守护进程 (代码片段1.1)
int main(int argc, char **argv) { s_config *config = config_get_config(); //就是返回全局变量config结构体的地址 config_init(); //初始化全局变量config结构体为默认值 parse_commandline(argc, argv); //根据传入参数执行操作(如果参数有-x则会设置restart_orig_pid为已运行的wifidog的pid) /* Initialize the config */ config_read(config->configfile); //根据配置文件设置全局变量config结构体 config_validate(); //判断GatewayInterface和AuthServer是否为空,空则无效退出程序。 /* Initializes the linked list of connected clients */ client_list_init(); //将已连接客户端链表置空。 /* Init the signals to catch chld/quit/etc */ init_signals(); //初始化一些信号 if (restart_orig_pid) { //用于restart,如果有已运行的wifidog,先会kill它 /* * We were restarted and our parent is waiting for us to talk to it over the socket */ get_clients_from_parent(); //从已运行的wifidog中获取客户端列表,详见 代码片段1.2 /* * At this point the parent will start destroying itself and the firewall. Let it finish it's job before we continue */ while (kill(restart_orig_pid, 0) != -1) { //kill已运行的wifidog debug(LOG_INFO, "Waiting for parent PID %d to die before continuing loading", restart_orig_pid); sleep(1); } debug(LOG_INFO, "Parent PID %d seems to be dead. Continuing loading."); } if (config->daemon) { //创建为守护进程,config->daemon默认值为-1 debug(LOG_INFO, "Forking into background"); switch(safe_fork()) { case 0: /* child */ setsid(); //创建新会话,脱离此终端,实现守护进程 append_x_restartargv(); main_loop(); //进入主循环(核心代码在此)。 break; default: /* parent */ exit(0); break; } } else { append_x_restartargv(); main_loop(); } return(0); /* never reached */ }
此段代表描述了新启动的wifidog如何从已启动的wifidog程序中获取已连接的客户端列表。发送端见 代码片段1.3
void get_clients_from_parent(void) { int sock; struct sockaddr_un sa_un; s_config * config = NULL; char linebuffer[MAX_BUF]; int len = 0; char *running1 = NULL; char *running2 = NULL; char *token1 = NULL; char *token2 = NULL; char onechar; char *command = NULL; char *key = NULL; char *value = NULL; t_client * client = NULL; t_client * lastclient = NULL; config = config_get_config(); debug(LOG_INFO, "Connecting to parent to download clients"); /* 连接socket */ sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); memset(&sa_un, 0, sizeof(sa_un)); sa_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(sa_un.sun_path, config->internal_sock, (sizeof(sa_un.sun_path) - 1)); //config->internal_sock的值为"/tmp/wifidog.sock" /* 连接已启动的wifidog */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_un, strlen(sa_un.sun_path) + sizeof(sa_un.sun_family))) { debug(LOG_ERR, "Failed to connect to parent (%s) - client list not downloaded", strerror(errno)); return; } debug(LOG_INFO, "Connected to parent. Downloading clients"); LOCK_CLIENT_LIST(); command = NULL; memset(linebuffer, 0, sizeof(linebuffer)); len = 0; client = NULL; /* 接收数据,逐个字符接收 */ /* 数据包格式为 CLIENT|ip=%s|mac=%s|token=%s|fw_connection_state=%u|fd=%d|counters_incoming=%llu|counters_outgoing=%llu|counters_last_updated=%lu */ while (read(sock, &onechar, 1) == 1) { if (onechar == ' ') { /* 如果接收到末尾(' '),则转为' ' */ onechar = '