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  • Android高效计算——RenderScript(二)

    3 RenderScript运行时层与反射层

    3.1 RenderScript运行时层



    • 请求内存分配,即其内存是由Android framework层负责分配的。
    • 一系列针对标量与向量计算的数学函数
    • 提供基本数据到向量/矩阵或者数据到时间的转换函数
    • 预定义的一系列二维、三维、四维向量类型
    • Log功能,rsDebug函数

    3.2 反射层

    反射层由安卓编译工具基于开发者编写的.rs/.rsh文件自动生成的,反射层的作用就是给Android framework层提供对RenderScript运行时层操作的Java接口,包括内存分配、计算任务启动、数据交互等。


    • 非静态函数。.rs中的非kernel函数不能有返回值,因为RenderScript系统被设计成异步执行。当你从安卓层调用RenderScript函数的时候,这个调用被放在队列中,然后当轮到该调用的时候再执行。这样的话可以使RenderScript避免被经常打断以提升性能。如果想在RenderScript代码(.rs)中给安卓层返回值,则可以使用rsSendToClient()
    • 非静态全局变量。而且会对这些变量生成get/set方法(const变量则不会生成set方法),且如果在RenderScript中对这些变量进行了初始化,那么在反射层也会进行相同的初始化。
    • 全局指针。指针会被映射到.rs对应的类中。可以声明一个指针指向struct或者其他任何RenderScript支持的类型的指针。因为不容许在.rs中给指针分配内存,对于每个指针,都会生成一个对应的get方法以及bind_pointer_name,这个函数用于把在安卓VM中分配的内存绑定到RenderScript运行时。
    • 定义的struct。Struct也是定义在.rs文件中,无论是单独定义struct还是和其他RenderScript代码放在一起,都会给每个单独的struct生成一个ScriptField_struct_name.java的类文件,你可以通过它来给一个或者多个该struct实例分配内存。但是注意:只有当你定义的struct在RenderScript代码中被用到了才会生成对应的类文件,若是没有使用的话则不会生成。在struct中不能含有指针或者数列。



    • 构造函数:ScriptField_struct_name(RenderScript rs, int count),这个构造函数用来分配count数量的struct内存
    • 构造函数:ScriptField_struct_name(RenderScript rs, int count, int usages)不仅通过count指定要分配的struct数量,并且通过usages指定这些内存被分配在哪个区域。主要有:
    1. USAGE_SCRIPT:指定在脚本内存区分配内存,这也是默认的内存分配区
    2. USAGE_GRAPHICS_TEXTURE: 在GPU的纹理内存区分配,API对其描述是:"The Allocation will be used as a texture source by one or more graphics programs.",所以如果么有打算需要绘制这些图片就不要在TEXTURE分配了。
    3. USAGE_GRAPHICS_VERTEX:在GPU的顶点内存区分配,API对其描述是:"The Allocation will be used as a graphics mesh. This was deprecated in API level 16.",已经在API16废弃。
    4. USAGE_GRAPHICS_CONSTANTS:在GPU的常量内存区分配。常量内存区被多个应用共同使用。API中对其描述是:“The Allocation will be used as the source of shader constants by one or more programs. This was deprecated in API level 16.”,同样也是在API16中就已经废弃。



    • 一个Item内部类,通过该内部类你可以创建该结构的实例,这对于如果需要在安卓层中使用结构实例就非常有用。可以使用set(Item i, int index, boolean copyNow)方法来把某个Item实例插入到已经分配好的内存的指定位置。
    • 结构中的每个字段都会有一个对应的set/get方法,且这些方法中都有一个index参数来指定要设置/读取内存区的哪个对象。每一个set方法都有一个copyNow参数来说明是否立即同步该内存到RenderScript运行时。通过调用copyAll方法可以同步所有还没有同步的内存。
    • 创建该结构在内存中的描述Element,通过该Element可以分配由一个或者多个该结构对应的Element组成的内存。
    • resize()函数。就像C中的realloc()一样,可以扩展之前分配的内存,并保持之前创建的对象的值。
    • copyAll()用来同步在framework层设置的值到RenderScript运行时层。当调用set方法时,如果给copyNow设置的false,则将会在调用copyNow时同步到RenderScript运行时层。



    #pragma version(1)
    #pragma rs java_package_name(com.example.renderscripttest)
    #pragma rs_fp_relaxed
    uint32_t width;
    uint32_t height;
    rs_allocation inBitmap;
    rs_allocation rgbBitmap;
    rs_allocation yuvBitmap;
    //multipliers to convert a RGB colors to black and white
    const static float3 gMonoMult = {0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f};
    typedef struct Point_2D{
        int x;
        int y;
    static Point *spPoint;
    static Point sPoint;
    Point point;
    Point *pPoint;
    //google sample
    void root(const uchar4 *v_in, uchar4 *v_out) {
      //unpack a color to a float4
      float4 f4 = rsUnpackColor8888(*v_in);
      //take the dot product of the color and the multiplier
      float3 mono = dot(f4.rgb, gMonoMult);
      //repack the float to a color
      *v_out = rsPackColorTo8888(mono);
    void __attribute((kernel)) setPoint(const uint2 in, uint32_t x, uint32_t y){
    rsDebug("lyh", point.x);
        point.x = 9; //struct is used
        point.y = 12;
        rsSendToClient(0, &point, 1);
        rsDebug("willhua", point.x);
    uchar4 __attribute__((kernel)) halveBitmap(uchar4 in){
        uchar4 out = in;
        out.r = in.r / 2;
        out.r = in.r / 2;
        out.r = in.r / 2;
        return out;
    uchar4 __attribute__((kernel)) averageBitmap(uchar4 in, uint32_t x, uint32_t y){
        uchar4 out = in;
        uchar4 left = in;
        uchar4 top = in;
        uchar4 right = in;
        uchar4 bottom = in;
        if(x - 1 > -1){ //access other element
            left = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x - 1, y);
        if(y - 1 > -1){
            top = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x , y - 1);
        if(x + 1 < width){
            right = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x + 1, y);
        if(y + 1 < height){
            bottom = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x, y + 1);
        out.r = (left.r + top.r + right.r + bottom.r) / 4;
        out.g = (left.g + top.g + right.g + bottom.g) / 4;
        out.b = (left.b + top.b + right.b + bottom.b) / 4;
        return out;
    View Code


     * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 The Android Open Source Project
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
     * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY!
     * The source Renderscript file: G:\Files\EclipseWorkSpace\RenderScriptTest\src\com\example\renderscripttest\script.rs
    package com.example.renderscripttest;
    import android.support.v8.renderscript.*;
    import android.content.res.Resources;
     * @hide
    public class ScriptC_script extends ScriptC {
        private static final String __rs_resource_name = "script";
        // Constructor
        public  ScriptC_script(RenderScript rs) {
                     __rs_resource_name, "raw",
        public  ScriptC_script(RenderScript rs, Resources resources, int id) {
            super(rs, resources, id);
            __U32 = Element.U32(rs);
            __ALLOCATION = Element.ALLOCATION(rs);
            __ScriptField_Point_2D = ScriptField_Point_2D.createElement(rs);
            __U8_4 = Element.U8_4(rs);
            __U32_2 = Element.U32_2(rs);
        private Element __ALLOCATION;
        private Element __ScriptField_Point_2D;
        private Element __U32;
        private Element __U32_2;
        private Element __U8_4;
        private FieldPacker __rs_fp_ALLOCATION;
        private FieldPacker __rs_fp_ScriptField_Point_2D;
        private FieldPacker __rs_fp_U32;
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_width = 0;
        private long mExportVar_width;
        public synchronized void set_width(long v) {
            if (__rs_fp_U32!= null) {
            } else {
                __rs_fp_U32 = new FieldPacker(4);
            setVar(mExportVarIdx_width, __rs_fp_U32);
            mExportVar_width = v;
        public long get_width() {
            return mExportVar_width;
        public Script.FieldID getFieldID_width() {
            return createFieldID(mExportVarIdx_width, null);
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_height = 1;
        private long mExportVar_height;
        public synchronized void set_height(long v) {
            if (__rs_fp_U32!= null) {
            } else {
                __rs_fp_U32 = new FieldPacker(4);
            setVar(mExportVarIdx_height, __rs_fp_U32);
            mExportVar_height = v;
        public long get_height() {
            return mExportVar_height;
        public Script.FieldID getFieldID_height() {
            return createFieldID(mExportVarIdx_height, null);
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_inBitmap = 2;
        private Allocation mExportVar_inBitmap;
        public synchronized void set_inBitmap(Allocation v) {
            setVar(mExportVarIdx_inBitmap, v);
            mExportVar_inBitmap = v;
        public Allocation get_inBitmap() {
            return mExportVar_inBitmap;
        public Script.FieldID getFieldID_inBitmap() {
            return createFieldID(mExportVarIdx_inBitmap, null);
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_rgbBitmap = 3;
        private Allocation mExportVar_rgbBitmap;
        public synchronized void set_rgbBitmap(Allocation v) {
            setVar(mExportVarIdx_rgbBitmap, v);
            mExportVar_rgbBitmap = v;
        public Allocation get_rgbBitmap() {
            return mExportVar_rgbBitmap;
        public Script.FieldID getFieldID_rgbBitmap() {
            return createFieldID(mExportVarIdx_rgbBitmap, null);
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_yuvBitmap = 4;
        private Allocation mExportVar_yuvBitmap;
        public synchronized void set_yuvBitmap(Allocation v) {
            setVar(mExportVarIdx_yuvBitmap, v);
            mExportVar_yuvBitmap = v;
        public Allocation get_yuvBitmap() {
            return mExportVar_yuvBitmap;
        public Script.FieldID getFieldID_yuvBitmap() {
            return createFieldID(mExportVarIdx_yuvBitmap, null);
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_point = 5;
        private ScriptField_Point_2D.Item mExportVar_point;
        public synchronized void set_point(ScriptField_Point_2D.Item v) {
            mExportVar_point = v;
            FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(8);
            int []__dimArr = new int[1];
            __dimArr[0] = 1;
            setVar(mExportVarIdx_point, fp, __ScriptField_Point_2D, __dimArr);
        public ScriptField_Point_2D.Item get_point() {
            return mExportVar_point;
        public Script.FieldID getFieldID_point() {
            return createFieldID(mExportVarIdx_point, null);
        private final static int mExportVarIdx_pPoint = 6;
        private ScriptField_Point_2D mExportVar_pPoint;
        public void bind_pPoint(ScriptField_Point_2D v) {
            mExportVar_pPoint = v;
            if (v == null) bindAllocation(null, mExportVarIdx_pPoint);
            else bindAllocation(v.getAllocation(), mExportVarIdx_pPoint);
        public ScriptField_Point_2D get_pPoint() {
            return mExportVar_pPoint;
        private final static int mExportForEachIdx_root = 0;
        public Script.KernelID getKernelID_root() {
            return createKernelID(mExportForEachIdx_root, 3, null, null);
        public void forEach_root(Allocation ain, Allocation aout) {
            forEach_root(ain, aout, null);
        public void forEach_root(Allocation ain, Allocation aout, Script.LaunchOptions sc) {
            // check ain
            if (!ain.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U8_4)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U8_4!");
            // check aout
            if (!aout.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U8_4)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U8_4!");
            Type t0, t1;        // Verify dimensions
            t0 = ain.getType();
            t1 = aout.getType();
            if ((t0.getCount() != t1.getCount()) ||
                (t0.getX() != t1.getX()) ||
                (t0.getY() != t1.getY()) ||
                (t0.getZ() != t1.getZ()) ||
                (t0.hasFaces()   != t1.hasFaces()) ||
                (t0.hasMipmaps() != t1.hasMipmaps())) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Dimension mismatch between parameters ain and aout!");
            forEach(mExportForEachIdx_root, ain, aout, null, sc);
        private final static int mExportForEachIdx_setPoint = 1;
        public Script.KernelID getKernelID_setPoint() {
            return createKernelID(mExportForEachIdx_setPoint, 57, null, null);
        public void forEach_setPoint(Allocation ain) {
            forEach_setPoint(ain, null);
        public void forEach_setPoint(Allocation ain, Script.LaunchOptions sc) {
            // check ain
            if (!ain.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U32_2)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U32_2!");
            forEach(mExportForEachIdx_setPoint, ain, null, null, sc);
        private final static int mExportForEachIdx_halveBitmap = 2;
        public Script.KernelID getKernelID_halveBitmap() {
            return createKernelID(mExportForEachIdx_halveBitmap, 35, null, null);
        public void forEach_halveBitmap(Allocation ain, Allocation aout) {
            forEach_halveBitmap(ain, aout, null);
        public void forEach_halveBitmap(Allocation ain, Allocation aout, Script.LaunchOptions sc) {
            // check ain
            if (!ain.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U8_4)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U8_4!");
            // check aout
            if (!aout.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U8_4)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U8_4!");
            Type t0, t1;        // Verify dimensions
            t0 = ain.getType();
            t1 = aout.getType();
            if ((t0.getCount() != t1.getCount()) ||
                (t0.getX() != t1.getX()) ||
                (t0.getY() != t1.getY()) ||
                (t0.getZ() != t1.getZ()) ||
                (t0.hasFaces()   != t1.hasFaces()) ||
                (t0.hasMipmaps() != t1.hasMipmaps())) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Dimension mismatch between parameters ain and aout!");
            forEach(mExportForEachIdx_halveBitmap, ain, aout, null, sc);
        private final static int mExportForEachIdx_averageBitmap = 3;
        public Script.KernelID getKernelID_averageBitmap() {
            return createKernelID(mExportForEachIdx_averageBitmap, 59, null, null);
        public void forEach_averageBitmap(Allocation ain, Allocation aout) {
            forEach_averageBitmap(ain, aout, null);
        public void forEach_averageBitmap(Allocation ain, Allocation aout, Script.LaunchOptions sc) {
            // check ain
            if (!ain.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U8_4)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U8_4!");
            // check aout
            if (!aout.getType().getElement().isCompatible(__U8_4)) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with U8_4!");
            Type t0, t1;        // Verify dimensions
            t0 = ain.getType();
            t1 = aout.getType();
            if ((t0.getCount() != t1.getCount()) ||
                (t0.getX() != t1.getX()) ||
                (t0.getY() != t1.getY()) ||
                (t0.getZ() != t1.getZ()) ||
                (t0.hasFaces()   != t1.hasFaces()) ||
                (t0.hasMipmaps() != t1.hasMipmaps())) {
                throw new RSRuntimeException("Dimension mismatch between parameters ain and aout!");
            forEach(mExportForEachIdx_averageBitmap, ain, aout, null, sc);
    View Code

    反射层生成的struct,Point_2D, 对应的类:

     * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 The Android Open Source Project
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
     * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY!
     * The source Renderscript file: G:\Files\EclipseWorkSpace\RenderScriptTest\src\com\example\renderscripttest\script.rs
    package com.example.renderscripttest;
    import android.support.v8.renderscript.*;
    import android.content.res.Resources;
     * @hide
    public class ScriptField_Point_2D extends android.support.v8.renderscript.Script.FieldBase {
        static public class Item {
            public static final int sizeof = 8;
            int x;
            int y;
            Item() {
        private Item mItemArray[];
        private FieldPacker mIOBuffer;
        private static java.lang.ref.WeakReference<Element> mElementCache = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference<Element>(null);
        public static Element createElement(RenderScript rs) {
            Element.Builder eb = new Element.Builder(rs);
            eb.add(Element.I32(rs), "x");
            eb.add(Element.I32(rs), "y");
            return eb.create();
        private  ScriptField_Point_2D(RenderScript rs) {
            mItemArray = null;
            mIOBuffer = null;
            mElement = createElement(rs);
        public  ScriptField_Point_2D(RenderScript rs, int count) {
            mItemArray = null;
            mIOBuffer = null;
            mElement = createElement(rs);
            init(rs, count);
        public  ScriptField_Point_2D(RenderScript rs, int count, int usages) {
            mItemArray = null;
            mIOBuffer = null;
            mElement = createElement(rs);
            init(rs, count, usages);
        public static ScriptField_Point_2D create1D(RenderScript rs, int dimX, int usages) {
            ScriptField_Point_2D obj = new ScriptField_Point_2D(rs);
            obj.mAllocation = Allocation.createSized(rs, obj.mElement, dimX, usages);
            return obj;
        public static ScriptField_Point_2D create1D(RenderScript rs, int dimX) {
            return create1D(rs, dimX, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
        public static ScriptField_Point_2D create2D(RenderScript rs, int dimX, int dimY) {
            return create2D(rs, dimX, dimY, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
        public static ScriptField_Point_2D create2D(RenderScript rs, int dimX, int dimY, int usages) {
            ScriptField_Point_2D obj = new ScriptField_Point_2D(rs);
            Type.Builder b = new Type.Builder(rs, obj.mElement);
            Type t = b.create();
            obj.mAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(rs, t, usages);
            return obj;
        public static Type.Builder createTypeBuilder(RenderScript rs) {
            Element e = createElement(rs);
            return new Type.Builder(rs, e);
        public static ScriptField_Point_2D createCustom(RenderScript rs, Type.Builder tb, int usages) {
            ScriptField_Point_2D obj = new ScriptField_Point_2D(rs);
            Type t = tb.create();
            if (t.getElement() != obj.mElement) {
                throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Type.Builder did not match expected element type.");
            obj.mAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(rs, t, usages);
            return obj;
        private void copyToArrayLocal(Item i, FieldPacker fp) {
        private void copyToArray(Item i, int index) {
            if (mIOBuffer == null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(mElement.getBytesSize() * getType().getX()/* count */);
            mIOBuffer.reset(index * mElement.getBytesSize());
            copyToArrayLocal(i, mIOBuffer);
        public synchronized void set(Item i, int index, boolean copyNow) {
            if (mItemArray == null) mItemArray = new Item[getType().getX() /* count */];
            mItemArray[index] = i;
            if (copyNow)  {
                copyToArray(i, index);
                FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(mElement.getBytesSize());
                copyToArrayLocal(i, fp);
                mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, fp);
        public synchronized Item get(int index) {
            if (mItemArray == null) return null;
            return mItemArray[index];
        public synchronized void set_x(int index, int v, boolean copyNow) {
            if (mIOBuffer == null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(mElement.getBytesSize() * getType().getX()/* count */);
            if (mItemArray == null) mItemArray = new Item[getType().getX() /* count */];
            if (mItemArray[index] == null) mItemArray[index] = new Item();
            mItemArray[index].x = v;
            if (copyNow)  {
                mIOBuffer.reset(index * mElement.getBytesSize());
                FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(4);
                mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, 0, fp);
        public synchronized void set_y(int index, int v, boolean copyNow) {
            if (mIOBuffer == null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(mElement.getBytesSize() * getType().getX()/* count */);
            if (mItemArray == null) mItemArray = new Item[getType().getX() /* count */];
            if (mItemArray[index] == null) mItemArray[index] = new Item();
            mItemArray[index].y = v;
            if (copyNow)  {
                mIOBuffer.reset(index * mElement.getBytesSize() + 4);
                FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(4);
                mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, 1, fp);
        public synchronized int get_x(int index) {
            if (mItemArray == null) return 0;
            return mItemArray[index].x;
        public synchronized int get_y(int index) {
            if (mItemArray == null) return 0;
            return mItemArray[index].y;
        public synchronized void copyAll() {
            for (int ct = 0; ct < mItemArray.length; ct++) copyToArray(mItemArray[ct], ct);
            mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(0, mIOBuffer);
    View Code

    4 内存


    4.1 内存分配API


     int *array = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);



    4.2 静态内存

    4.2.1 静态内存的分配

    这里的静态内存指的是在RenderScript中声明的非静态的全局变量(静态的或者局部的变量就无法在Android framework层访问,也就不讨论),他们在编译时就分配了内存,在RenderScript代码中可以直接使用它们而不需要在Android Framework层给他们分配内存。在Android Framework层也可以通过反射层生成的函数来访问他们。如果这些变量在RenderScript中被初始化,那么他们也将在Android Framework层中被进行同样的初始化。

    注意:如果在RenderScript中使用到了RenderScript中预定义了的一些含有指针的结构体,比如rs_program_fragment和rs_allocation,那么就需要先在Android Framework层构造一个该结构对应类的实例,然后调用set方法把内存绑定到RenderScript运行时,而不能直接在RenderScript层操作。但是这个对于用户自定义的包含指针的结果无效,因为根本就无法自定义包含指针的结构。

    4.2.2 静态内存的读写



    typedef struct Point {
        int x;
        int y;
    } Point_t;
    Point_t point;


    point.x = 1;
    point.y = 1;

    在Android framework层中可以这样修改该变量的值,且修改的值会通知到RenderScript层:

    ScriptC_rsfile mScript;
    Item i = new ScriptField_Point.Item();
    i.x = 1;
    i.y = 1;


    rsDebug("Printing out a Point", point.x, point.y);

    在Android framework中读取变量的值。再一次强调:读取到的永远是Android framework层最后一次调用set方法给该变量赋的值,而如果在Android framework层没有用set方法给变量赋过值的话,那么读取的将是null,下面代码也会报空指针错误

    Log.i("TAGNAME", "Printing out a Point: " + mScript.get_point().x + " " + mScript.get_point().y);
    System.out.println(point.get_x() + " " + point.get_y());

    4.3 动态内存

    4.3.1 动态内存的分配

    对于动态内存,比如指针,就必须在Android Framework层中给它分配内存。需要两个过程:分配内存与绑定内存。这样做的好处在于:安卓VM能够完全掌握RenderScript内存的分配与回收。

    无论在Android Framework层还是RenderScript中,都可以通过该指针来访问分配的内存。


    private RenderScript myRenderScript;
    private ScriptC_example mScript;
    private Resources resources;
    public void init(RenderScript rs, Resources res) { myRenderScript = rs; resources = res; //使用反射层生成的类分配内存 ScriptField_Point touchPoints = new ScriptField_Point(myRenderScript, 2); //自己使用API分配内存 intPointer = Allocation.createSized(myRenderScript, Element.I32(myRenderScript), 2); mScript = new ScriptC_example(myRenderScript, resources, R.raw.example); //绑定内存 mScript.bind_touchPoints(touchPoints); mScript.bind_intPointer(intPointer); ... }

    4.3.2 动态内存的读写

    对于动态内存,在Android framework层可以通过反射层的set/get方法来读/写内存,在RenderScript中也可以像往常一样读/写,且任意一方的写操作都会通知到另外一方


    typedef struct Point {
        int x;
        int y;
    } Point_t;
    Point_t *point;

    只要你已经在Android framework层给分配了内存,那么就可以像往常一样使用它,且任何的修改都会通知到Android framework层。

    point[index].x = 1;
    point[index].y = 1;

    在Android framework 层通过反射层提供的方法读写:

    ScriptField_Point p = new ScriptField_Point(mRS, 1);
        Item i = new ScriptField_Point.Item();
        i.y = 100;
        p.set(i, 0, true);
        points.get_x(0);            //read x and y from index 0


    5 基本应用场景

    5.1 RenderScript层回调Android framework

    前面我们提到过,RenderScript中的invokable不能有返回值,以及对于静态内存,RenderScript层对其修改不会通知到Android framework层。对于这两种情况,配套使用RSMessageHandler和rsSendToClient是很好的解决方案。对于二者的关系,从命名就可以看出一二,RSMessageHandler相当于常用的handleMessage函数,而rsSendToClient则相当于Handler.sendMessage,只是RSMessageHandler运行在Android framework层,而rsSendToClient运行在RenderScript层。

    RenderScript.RSMessageHandler它implements Runnable,在使用过程中只需要重写run函数即可。其有三个重要的字段:

    1. mData:int[],对应rsSendToClient中的data,表示从RenderScript发送过来的数据的地址
    2. mID:消息标志,对应rsSendToClient中的cmdID,类似使用Handler发送Message时的what
    3. mLength:对应rsSendToClient时的len,mData中数据的个数


    1. 在RenderScript(.rs文件)中调用回调函数rsSendToClicent,reSendToClient函数有四个: rsSendToClient (int cmdID) rsSendToClient (int cmdID, const void *data, uint len)  rsSendToClientBlocking (int cmdID)  rsSendToClientBlocking (int cmdID, const void *data, uint len),其中cmdID即相当于message中的what参数。
    2. 在安卓层中,设定RenderScript中消息的Handler。即继承RenderScript.RSMessageHandler写一个类RSHandler,重写其中的run函数。在RenderScript.RSMessageHandler中有一个mID参数,即若与reSendToClient中的cmdID相等则表示是该reSendToClient发送过来的消息。
            mRenderScript.setMessageHandler(new RSMessageHandler(){
                public void run(){
                    switch (mID) {
                    case type:
                        //do something


     5.2 RenderScript kernel中访问更多的元素



    rs_allocation inBitmap;
    uchar4 __attribute__((kernel)) averageBitmap(uchar4 in, uint32_t x, uint32_t y){
        uchar4 out = in;
        uchar4 left = in;
        uchar4 top = in;
        uchar4 right = in;
        uchar4 bottom = in;
        if(x - 1 > -1){ //access other element
            left = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x - 1, y);
        if(y - 1 > -1){
            top = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x , y - 1);
        if(x + 1 < width){
            right = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x + 1, y);
        if(y + 1 < height){
            bottom = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inBitmap, x, y + 1);
        out.r = (left.r + top.r + right.r + bottom.r) / 4;
        out.g = (left.g + top.g + right.g + bottom.g) / 4;
        out.b = (left.b + top.b + right.b + bottom.b) / 4;
        return out;
  • 相关阅读:
    3D Touch的简单使用
    iOS app 上架的流程与注意点
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/willhua/p/5782293.html
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