Spring MVC通过反射机制对目标处理方法的签名进行解析,将请求消息中的信息以一定的方式转换并绑定到处理方法的入参中。数据绑定的核心部件是DataBinder,运行机制如下:
1.Spring MVC主框架将ServletRequest对象及处理方法的入参对象实例传递给DataBinder。
2.DataBinder调用装配在Spring MVC上下文中的ConversionService组件进行数据类型转换、数据格式化工作。将ServletRequest中的请求信息填充到入参对象中
4. Spring MVC抽取BindingResult中的入参对象和校验错误对象,将它们赋给处理方法的相应入参
public interface ConversionService {
* Return {@code true} if objects of {@code sourceType} can be converted to the {@code targetType}.
* <p>If this method returns {@code true}, it means {@link #convert(Object, Class)} is capable
* of converting an instance of {@code sourceType} to {@code targetType}.
* <p>Special note on collections, arrays, and maps types:
* For conversion between collection, array, and map types, this method will return {@code true}
* even though a convert invocation may still generate a {@link ConversionException} if the
* underlying elements are not convertible. Callers are expected to handle this exceptional case
* when working with collections and maps.
* @param sourceType the source type to convert from (may be {@code null} if source is {@code null})
* @param targetType the target type to convert to (required)
* @return {@code true} if a conversion can be performed, {@code false} if not
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code targetType} is {@code null}
boolean canConvert(Class<?> sourceType, Class<?> targetType);
* Return {@code true} if objects of {@code sourceType} can be converted to the {@code targetType}.
* The TypeDescriptors provide additional context about the source and target locations
* where conversion would occur, often object fields or property locations.
* <p>If this method returns {@code true}, it means {@link #convert(Object, TypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptor)}
* is capable of converting an instance of {@code sourceType} to {@code targetType}.
* <p>Special note on collections, arrays, and maps types:
* For conversion between collection, array, and map types, this method will return {@code true}
* even though a convert invocation may still generate a {@link ConversionException} if the
* underlying elements are not convertible. Callers are expected to handle this exceptional case
* when working with collections and maps.
* @param sourceType context about the source type to convert from
* (may be {@code null} if source is {@code null})
* @param targetType context about the target type to convert to (required)
* @return {@code true} if a conversion can be performed between the source and target types,
* {@code false} if not
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code targetType} is {@code null}
boolean canConvert(TypeDescriptor sourceType, TypeDescriptor targetType);
* Convert the given {@code source} to the specified {@code targetType}.
* @param source the source object to convert (may be null)
* @param targetType the target type to convert to (required)
* @return the converted object, an instance of targetType
* @throws ConversionException if a conversion exception occurred
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is null
<T> T convert(Object source, Class<T> targetType);
* Convert the given {@code source} to the specified {@code targetType}.
* The TypeDescriptors provide additional context about the source and target locations
* where conversion will occur, often object fields or property locations.
* @param source the source object to convert (may be null)
* @param sourceType context about the source type to convert from
* (may be {@code null} if source is {@code null})
* @param targetType context about the target type to convert to (required)
* @return the converted object, an instance of {@link TypeDescriptor#getObjectType() targetType}
* @throws ConversionException if a conversion exception occurred
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is {@code null},
* or {@code sourceType} is {@code null} but source is not {@code null}
Object convert(Object source, TypeDescriptor sourceType, TypeDescriptor targetType);
可以利用 ConversionServiceFactoryBean 在 Spring 的 IOC容器中定义一个 ConversionService. Spring 将自动识别出 IOC 容器中的 ConversionService,并在 Bean 属性配置及 Spring MVC处理方法入参绑定等场合使用它进行数据的转换。该FactoryBean创建ConversionService內建了很多转换器,可以完成大多数Java类型的转换工作,,除了包括将String对象转换成各种基础类型对象外,还包括String,Number,Array,Collection,Map及Object之间的转换器。可通过 ConversionServiceFactoryBean 的 converters 属性注册自定义的类型转换器。
Spring 定义了 3 种类型的转换器接口,实现任意一个转换器接口都可以作为自定义转换器注册到 ConversionServiceFactroyBean 中:
★ Converter<S,T>:将 S 类型对象转为 T 类型对象
★ ConverterFactory:将相同系列多个 “同质” Converter 封装在一 起。如果希望将一种类型的对象转换为另一种类型及其子类的对象(例如将 String 转换为 Number 及 Number子类(Integer、Long、Double 等)对象)可使用该转换器工厂类
★ GenericConverter:会根据源类对象及目标类对象所在的宿主类中的上下文信息进行类型转换
ConversionServiceFactoryBean 的converters属性可以接受这些接口的实现类,并把这些转换器的转换逻辑统一封装到一个 ConversionService实例对象中,Spring在Bean属性配置以及Spring MVC请求消息绑定时将利用这个ConversionService实例完成类型转换工作。
public class StringToUserConverter implements Converter<String,User> {
public User convert(String source) {
User user = new User();
if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(source)) {
String[] items = source.split(":");
return user;
<!-- 配置自定义类型转换器 -->
<bean id="conversionService" class="org.springframework.context.support.ConversionServiceFactoryBean">
<property name="converters">
<bean class="com.winner.converter.StringToUserConverter"></bean>
最后将 自定义的类型转换器注册到SpringMVC 中
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService"></mvc:annotation-driven>
<mvc:annotation-driven>简化了Spring MVC的相关配置。
Controller 如下
public String testConversion(@RequestParam("user")User user){
return "success";
SpringMVC 已经提供了 时间和数字格式的转换,但需要开启<mvc:annotation-driven>注解,该注解内部默认创建的ConversionService实例就是一个FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean。示例如下
public class User {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Date birthday;
private String address;
//get set 构造器等省略......
JSR 303是Java为Bean数据合法性校验提供的标准框架,它已经包含在JavaEE 6.0中 ,JSR 303通过在Bean属性上标注类似于@NotNull、@Max等标准的注解指定校验规则,并通过标准的验证接口对Bean进行验证,SpringMVC可通过Hibernate Validator(JSR303的参考实现)进行JSR303校验
boolean supports(Class<?> clazz):该校验器能够对clazz类型的对象进行校验
void validate(Object target,Errors erros):对目标类target进行校验,并将校验错误记录在errors中
<bean id="validator" class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean"/>
注意:Spring本身没有提供JSR-303的实现,所以必须将JSR-303的实现者(如Hibernate Validator)的jar文件放到类路径下,Spring将自动加载并装配好JSR 303的实现者。
public class User {
//加入 JSR303 验证注解
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Date birthday;
private String address;
//省略 setter getter......
//此处注意 :@Valid 注解表示其后面的java bean注入需要JSR303验证,如果其验证错误
public String testConversion(@Valid User user,BindingResult result){
for (FieldError error : result.getFieldErrors()) {
return SUCCESS;
在已经标注了JSR-303注解的入参对象前添加@Valid注解,Spring MVC框架在将请求数据绑定到该入参对象之后,就会调用校验框架根据注解声明的校验规则实施校验。