1 #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> 2 3 #include<fstream> 4 #include<iostream> 5 #include<vector> 6 #include<Eigen/Geometry> 7 #include<Eigen/Core> 8 9 using namespace std; 10 using namespace cv; 11 12 13 14 int main() 15 { 16 ifstream fin("KeyFrameTrajectory.txt"); 17 if (!fin) 18 { 19 cerr << "error in openning the file !" << endl; 20 return 0; 21 } 22 23 // visualization 24 cv::viz::Viz3d vis("Visual Odometry"); 25 cv::viz::WCoordinateSystem world_coor(1.0), camera_coor(0.5); 26 vis.setBackgroundColor(cv::viz::Color::black()); 27 28 // draw the trace 29 int i = 0; 30 Point3d point_begin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 31 Point3d point_end; 32 33 //cv::viz::WLine wline(cv::Point3f(0, 0, 0), (100, 100, 100), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255)); 34 cv::Point3d cam_pos(0, -1.0, -1.0), cam_focal_point(0, 0, 0), cam_y_dir(0, 1, 0); 35 cv::Affine3d cam_pose = cv::viz::makeCameraPose(cam_pos, cam_focal_point, cam_y_dir); 36 vis.setViewerPose(cam_pose); 37 38 world_coor.setRenderingProperty(cv::viz::LINE_WIDTH, 2.0); 39 camera_coor.setRenderingProperty(cv::viz::LINE_WIDTH, 1.0); 40 vis.showWidget("World", world_coor); 41 vis.showWidget("Camera", camera_coor); 42 43 vector<int> count_color; 44 vector<Eigen::Isometry3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Isometry3d>> poses; 45 vector<vector<double>> vecs; 46 for (int i = 0;; i++) 47 { 48 if (fin.eof()) 49 { 50 cout << "read over " << endl; 51 break; 52 } 53 54 vector<double> vec(8,0); //获取每行数据 55 for (auto & d : vec) 56 { 57 fin >> d;//双向影响 58 } 59 vecs.push_back(vec); 60 } 61 if (false) 62 { 63 for (int j = 0; j < vecs.size(); j++) 64 { 65 for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)// 获取位姿 66 { 67 cout << vecs[j][i] << " "; 68 } 69 cout << endl; 70 } 71 } 72 73 74 for (int j = 0; j < vecs.size(); j++) 75 { 76 Eigen::Quaterniond q(vecs[j][7], vecs[j][4], vecs[j][5], vecs[j][6]); 77 Eigen::Isometry3d T(q); 78 T.pretranslate(Eigen::Vector3d(vecs[j][1], vecs[j][2], vecs[j][3])); 79 poses.push_back(T); 80 cv::Affine3d M( 81 cv::Affine3d::Mat3( 82 T(0, 0), T(0, 1), T(0, 2), 83 T(1, 0), T(1, 1), T(1, 2), 84 T(2, 0), T(2, 1), T(2, 2) 85 ), 86 cv::Affine3d::Vec3( 87 T.translation()(0, 0), 88 T.translation()(1, 0), 89 T.translation()(2, 0) 90 ) 91 ); 92 //cout << "x = " << T.translation()(0, 0) << " z = " << T.translation()(1, 0) << endl; 93 94 //******************************************************************************************* 95 // 画出轨迹 96 //******************************************************************************************* 97 vector<cv::viz::WLine> lines; 98 point_end = Point3d( // 更新终点 99 T.translation()(0, 0), 100 T.translation()(1, 0), 101 T.translation()(2, 0) 102 ); 103 104 viz::WLine line(point_begin, point_end, cv::viz::Color::green()); 105 lines.push_back(line); //收集 第一个 line 到 当前line 106 // 每个循环 画出 第一个 line 到 当前line 107 for (vector<cv::viz::WLine>::iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); iter++) 108 { 109 string id = to_string(i); 110 vis.showWidget(id, *iter); 111 i++; 112 } 113 point_begin = point_end; // 更新 起始点 114 115 vis.setWidgetPose("Camera", M); 116 vis.spinOnce(1, false); 117 } 118 vis.saveScreenshot("KeyFrameTrajectory.png"); 119 return 1; 120 }