bool findAllLoop(int argc, char* argv[]); //查找所有路径的算法是成功的;但最短路径不能保证找到最小环 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { findAllLoop(argc, argv); return 0; } bool findAllLoop(int argc, char* argv[]){ //if (argc != 5) { printf(" This algorithm require 3 parameters" " 1:the size of eage" " 2:the filename contain eage-data" " 3:the size of vertax" " 4:the filename contain vertax-data "); //exit(0); } //eage_size = atoi(argv[1]); //strcat(filename_eage, argv[2]); //vertax_size = atoi(argv[3]); //strcat(filename_vertax, argv[4]); wishchin::eage_size = 22;//边的个数 //strcat(filename_eage, argv[2]); std::string filename_eages("D:/DataSet/RsData/loopFind/houseAdj.txt"); wishchin::vertax_size = 17;//顶点个数 //strcat(filename_vertax, argv[4]); std::string filename_vertaxs("D:/DataSet/RsData/loopFind/houseVotex.txt"); //printf("eage_size : %d, vertax_size : %d, filename-eage : %s, filename-vertax : %s ", wishchin::eage_size, wishchin::vertax_size, filename_eages, wishchin::filename_vertax); wishchin::readEageDataFromFile(filename_eages); wishchin::readVertaxDataFromFile(filename_vertaxs); wishchin::createAdjacentMatrix(); wishchin::DFSTraverse(); //test_stack(); return true; } namespace wishchin{ void readEageDataFromFile( std::string filename_eages) { FILE* f_read; if (NULL == (f_read = fopen(filename_eages.c_str(), "r"))) { printf("open file(%s) error! ", filename_eages.c_str()); exit(0); } //create dynamic array for storing original data form file @filename eage_set = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * (eage_size + 1)); if (!eage_set) { printf("malloc error: eage_set** "); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { eage_set[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (2 + 1)); if (!eage_set[i]) { printf("eage_set[%d] malloc error", i); exit(0); } } //read original data from file //直接读入边的集合 for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { if (2 != fscanf(f_read, "%d %d", &eage_set[i][1], &eage_set[i][2])) { printf("fscanf error: %d ", i); exit(0); } printf("%d %d ", eage_set[i][1], eage_set[i][2]); } //test printf(" show the origin data from file "); for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { printf("%d %d ", eage_set[i][1], eage_set[i][2]); } printf(" "); //test END } void readEageDataFromFile() { FILE* f_read; if (NULL == (f_read = fopen(filename_eage, "r"))) { printf("open file(%s) error! ", filename_eage); exit(0); } //create dynamic array for storing original data form file @filename eage_set = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * (eage_size + 1)); if (!eage_set) { printf("malloc error: eage_set** "); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { eage_set[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (2 + 1)); if (!eage_set[i]) { printf("eage_set[%d] malloc error", i); exit(0); } } //read original data from file //直接读入边的集合 for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { if (2 != fscanf(f_read, "%d %d", &eage_set[i][1], &eage_set[i][2])) { printf("fscanf error: %d ", i); exit(0); } } //test printf(" show the origin data from file "); for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { printf("%d %d ", eage_set[i][1], eage_set[i][2]); } printf(" "); //test END } void readVertaxDataFromFile() { //create the dynamic array for saving vertax-set information vertax_set = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (vertax_size + 1)); if (!vertax_set) { printf("vertax_set malloc error"); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { vertax_set[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (20 + 1)); if (!vertax_set[i]) { printf("vertax_set[%d] malloc error"); exit(0); } } //open file FILE* f_read; if (NULL == (f_read = fopen(filename_vertax, "r"))) { printf("open file(%s) error", filename_vertax); exit(0); } //read vertax-set information for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { if (1 != fscanf(f_read, "%s ", vertax_set[i])) { printf("fscanf vertax_set[%d] error", i); exit(0); } } //test for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { printf("%s ", vertax_set[i]); } printf(" "); //test END } void readVertaxDataFromFile( std::string filename_vertaxs ) { //create the dynamic array for saving vertax-set information vertax_set = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (vertax_size + 1)); if (!vertax_set) { printf("vertax_set malloc error"); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { vertax_set[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (20 + 1)); if (!vertax_set[i]) { printf("vertax_set[%d] malloc error"); exit(0); } } //open file FILE* f_read; if (NULL == (f_read = fopen(filename_vertaxs.c_str(), "r"))) { printf("open file(%s) error", filename_vertaxs.c_str()); exit(0); } //read vertax-set information for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { if (1 != fscanf(f_read, "%s ", vertax_set[i])) { printf("fscanf vertax_set[%d] error", i); exit(0); } } //test for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { printf("%s ", vertax_set[i]); } printf(" "); //test END } void createAdjacentMatrix() { //create the dynamic array for saving adjcaent matrix adjacentMatrix = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * (vertax_size + 1)); if (!adjacentMatrix) { printf("adjacentMatrix** malloc error"); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { adjacentMatrix[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vertax_size + 1)); if (!adjacentMatrix[i]) { printf("adjacentMatrix[%d] malloc error"); exit(0); } } //initial the value of adjacentMatrix int j; for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= vertax_size; j++) { adjacentMatrix[i][j] = 0; } } //set the value for adjacentMatrix for (i = 1; i <= eage_size; i++) { adjacentMatrix[eage_set[i][1]][eage_set[i][2]] = 1; adjacentMatrix[eage_set[i][2]][eage_set[i][1]] = 1; } //test printf(" show the information about adjacent matrix: "); for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= vertax_size; j++) { printf("%d ", adjacentMatrix[i][j]); } printf(" "); } //test END } } namespace wishchin{ int loop_count; int heap; int innerStep = 0; int temp; int isRecall; SequenceStack loop_stack; int pop_value; void DFS(int startVertax) { setVisitedFlag(startVertax, 1); int nextVertax; push_stack(&loop_stack, startVertax); nextVertax = firstAdjacentVertax(startVertax); innerStep++; for (;;) { if (nextVertax != -1) { if (visitedFlag[nextVertax] == 1 && nextVertax == heap && innerStep == 2) { nextVertax = nextAdjacentVertax(startVertax, nextVertax); continue; } else if (visitedFlag[nextVertax] == 1 && nextVertax == heap && innerStep != 2) { print_stack(loop_stack); nextVertax = nextAdjacentVertax(startVertax, nextVertax); continue; } else if (visitedFlag[nextVertax] == 0) { DFS(nextVertax); } if (isRecall == 1) { innerStep--; temp = nextVertax; nextVertax = nextAdjacentVertax(startVertax, nextVertax); pop_stack(&loop_stack, &pop_value); setVisitedFlag(temp, 0); isRecall = 0; continue; } nextVertax = nextAdjacentVertax(startVertax, nextVertax); } else if (nextVertax == -1) { isRecall = 1; break; } } } void DFSTraverse() { initialVisitedFlagArray(); initializeSequenceStack(&loop_stack); int i; for (heap = 1; heap <= vertax_size; heap++) { for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { visitedFlag[i] = 0; } /* printf("print the visitedFlag array: "); for( i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++ ) { printf("%d ", visitedFlag[i]); } printf(" "); */ if (visitedFlag[heap] == 0) { printf(" -------------------the loop start and end with %d---------------- ", heap); clear_stack(&loop_stack); innerStep = 0; //printf("isRecall : %d, findLoop : %d, hasOthers : %d ", isRecall, findLoop, hasOthers); isRecall = 0; DFS(heap); } } } void initialVisitedFlagArray() { visitedFlag = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vertax_size + 1)); if (!visitedFlag) { printf("visitedFlag* malloc error"); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) visitedFlag[i] = 0; } void printVisitedVertax(int vertaxID) { printf("visited: %d ", vertaxID); } void setVisitedFlag(int vertaxID, int value) { visitedFlag[vertaxID] = value; } int firstAdjacentVertax(int vertaxID) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { if (adjacentMatrix[vertaxID][i] == 1) return i; } return -1; } int nextAdjacentVertax(int vertaxID, int nextVertaxID) { int i; for (i = nextVertaxID + 1; i <= vertax_size; i++) { if (adjacentMatrix[vertaxID][i] == 1) return i; } return -1; } void initializeSequenceStack(SequenceStack* stack) { stack->base = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vertax_size + 1)); if (!stack->base) { printf("Sequence stack malloc error! "); exit(0); } stack->top = stack->base; stack->stackSize = vertax_size; } void pop_stack(SequenceStack* stack, int* value) { if (empty_stack(*stack) == 1) { printf("stack is empty , can not to pop! "); exit(0); } *value = *(--(stack->top)); } void push_stack(SequenceStack* stack, int value) { *(stack->top) = value; (stack->top)++; } int empty_stack(SequenceStack stack) { return stack.top == stack.base ? 1 : 0; } void print_stack(SequenceStack stack) { int temp = *(stack.base); while (stack.top != stack.base) { printf("%d->", *((stack.base)++)); } printf("%d ", temp); } void clear_stack(SequenceStack* stack) { stack->top = stack->base; } }
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