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    1. Using System Bus Access



    1) System Bus Access


    除了抽象命令,Program Buffer之外,调试模块可以包含一个系统总线访问模块,以在不依赖核心的情况下,访问系统总线(使用物理地址):






    2) sbcs/sbaddress/sbdata


    a. sbcs



    b. sbaddress0..3






    c. sbdata0..3








    3) 实例:Read a word from memory


    A. 写sbcs寄存器:

    a. sbaccess=2:访问大小为32bit;

    b. sbreadonaddr=1:every write to sbaddress0 automatically triggers a system bus read at the new address.


    B. 写sbaddress0寄存器:写入要访问的内存物理地址;由于A中把sbreadonaddr置位,所以这一步写sbaddress0寄存器会触发对刚写入的这个内存地址的读操作,读取的内容存放在sbdata0寄存器中;


    C. 读sbdata0寄存器,获取目标内存地址处的内容;


    4) 实例:Read block of memory


    A. 写sbcs寄存器:

    a. sbaccess=2:访问大小为32bit;

    b. sbreadonaddr=1:every write to sbaddress0 automatically triggers a system bus read at the new address.

    c. sbreadondata=1:every read from sbdata0 automatically triggers a system bus read at the (possibly auto-incremented) address.

    d. sbautoincrement=1:sbaddress is incremented by the access size (in bytes) selected in sbaccess after every system bus access.


    B. 写sbaddress0寄存器:写入要读取的内存的物理地址;这个写入动作会触发针对目标地址的读取操作,读取的内容存放在sbdata0寄存器;读取之后sbaddress0中的内存地址自动增加4个字节;


    C. 读sbdata0寄存器:读取目标地址处的内容;这个读取动作会触发针对sbaddress0中地址的读取动作,读取的内容存放在sbdata0寄存器中,读取之后sbaddress0中的内存地址自动增加4个字节;


    D. 连续读取sbdata0寄存器,以获取目标内存地址的内容;


    E. 写sbcs寄存器:sbcs=0,亦即sbreadondata=0,下一次读取sbdata0时,不会再出发针对sbaddress0中地址的读取动作;


    F. 读sbdata0寄存器:获取最后一个需要的内存数据;


    2. Using Program Buffer



    1) abstractauto



    a. 修改Program Buffer;

    b. 读取sbdata寄存器;


    2) 实例:Read a word from memory


    A. 准备Program Buffer:

    a. 写progbuf0为指令:lw s0 0(s0),即读取s0中地址的内容,存入s0中;

    b. 写progbuf1为指令:ebreak,即停止执行,返回调试环境;


    B. 写data0寄存器:存入要读取的目标内存地址;


    C. 写command寄存器:写入要执行的抽象命令:

    a. regno=0x1008:即访问的对象寄存器为s0;

    b. write=1:访问操作为写操作,即把sbdata0寄存器中的数据写入到寄存器s0中;

    c. postexec=1:Execute the program in the Program Buffer exactly once after performing the transfer, if any.


    D. 写command寄存器:写入要执行的抽象命令:

    a. regno=0x1008:即访问的对象寄存器为s0;

    b. (补)transfer=1:Do the operation specied by write;

    c. write=0:即访问操作为读操作;Copy data from the specified register into arg0 portion of data;


    E. 读data0寄存器:读取从s0拷贝过来的数据,即目标内存地址处的内容;


    3) 实例:Read block of memory


    A. 准备Program Buffer:

    a. 写progbuf0为指令:lw s1, 0(s0),即读取s0中地址的内容,存入s1中;

    b. 写progbuf1为指令:addi s0, s0, 4,即地址增加4;

    c. 写progbuf2为指令:ebreak,即停止执行,返回调试环境;


    B. 写data0寄存器:写入目标内存起始地址;

    C. 写command寄存器:写入要执行的抽象命令:

    a. regno=0x1008:即访问的对象寄存器为s0;

    b. write=1:访问操作为写操作,即把sbdata0寄存器中的数据写入到寄存器s0中;

    c. postexec=1:Execute the program in the Program Buffer exactly once after performing the transfer, if any.



    a. 把data0中的目标内存地址,写入到s0寄存器;

    b. 触发Program Buffer执行;


    D. 写command寄存器:写入要执行的抽象命令:

    a. regno=0x1009:即访问的对象寄存器为s1;

    b. (补)transfer=1:Do the operation specied by write;

    c. write=0:即访问操作为读操作;Copy data from the specified register into arg0 portion of data;

    d. postexec=1:Execute the program in the Program Buffer exactly once after performing the transfer, if any.



    a. 把s1的值读入data0寄存器;

    b. 触发Program Buffer执行;


    E. 写abstractauto寄存器:

    a. autoexecdata=1:read or write accesses to the corresponding data word cause the command in command to be executed again.




    F. 读data0寄存器:

    a. 获取目标内存地址处的值;

    b. 触发抽象命令的执行:把s1的值读入data0寄存器;

    c. 触发Program Buffer执行:读取s0中地址的内容并写入s1,s0中的地址加4;


    G. 读data0寄存器:触发连续读取;


    H. 写abstractauto寄存器:

    a. autoexecdata=0:读取data0寄存器,不会触发抽象命令的执行;


    I. 读data0寄存器:获取最后一个数据;


    3. Using Abstract Memory Access



    1) Access Memory






    aam前缀的意义是:Abstract command Access Memory;相较之下,

    aar前缀的意义是:Abstract command Access Register;


    2) 实例:Read a word from memory


    A. 写data1寄存器:存入目标内存地址;

    B. 写command寄存器:存入要执行的抽象命令:

    a. cmdtype=2:表示命令的类型为Access Memory;

    b. aamsize=2:Access the lowest 32 bits of the memory location.

    c. aamvirtual=0:Addresses are physical (to the hart they are performed on).

    d. write=0:Copy data from the memory location specified in arg1 into arg0 portion of data.




    C. 读data0寄存器:获取从内存地址中读到的内容;


    3) 实例:Read block of memory



    a. abstractauto=1:读取data0寄存器后,触发抽象命令执行;

    b. aampostincrement=1:After a memory access has completed, if this bit is 1, increment arg1 (which contains the address used) by the number of bytes encoded in aamsize. 即每次读取内存之后,都把目标内存地址加4,即data1寄存器的值加4;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wjcdx/p/11873897.html
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