- summary A list of every PMTK3 demo
auto-generated by publishDemos on 27-Mar-2012
Book Demos
- (1) Introduction
- (2) Probability
- (3) Generative Models For Discrete Data
- (4) Gaussian Models
- (5) Bayesian Statistics
- (6) Frequentist Statistics
- (7) Linear Regression
- (8) Logistic Regression
- (10) Directed Graphical Models Bayes Nets
- (11) Mixture Models And The EM Algorithm
- (12) Latent Linear Models
- (13) Sparse Linear Models
- (14) Kernels
- (15) Gaussian Processes
- (16) Adaptive Basis Function Models
- (17) Markov And Hidden Markov Models
- (18) State Space Models
- (19) Undirected Graphical Models Markov Random Fields
- (21) Variational Inference
- (23) Monte Carlo Inference
- (24) Markov Chain Monte Carlo MCMC Inference
- (25) Clustering
- (26) Graphical Model Structure Learning
- (27) Latent Variable Models For Discrete Data
- (28) Deep Learning
Other Demos
_a collection of demos not appearing in the book_