,源码见github:原理见:Introduction to rate limiting with Redis [Part 2]
local limits = cjson.decode(ARGV[1]) local now = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local weight = tonumber(ARGV[3] or '1') local longest_duration = limits[1][1] or 0 local saved_keys = {} -- handle cleanup and limit checks for i, limit in ipairs(limits) do local duration = limit[1] longest_duration = math.max(longest_duration, duration) -- duration/precision = blocks个数 local precision = limit[3] or duration precision = math.min(precision, duration) local blocks = math.ceil(duration / precision) local saved = {} table.insert(saved_keys, saved) saved.block_id = math.floor(now / precision) -- trim_before为当前时间的上一个duration的block所在位置 saved.trim_before = saved.block_id - blocks + 1 saved.count_key = duration .. ':' .. precision .. ':' saved.ts_key = saved.count_key .. 'o' for j, key in ipairs(KEYS) do local old_ts = redis.call('HGET', key, saved.ts_key) old_ts = old_ts and tonumber(old_ts) or saved.trim_before if old_ts > now then -- 当固定窗口时可能会出现ts > now -- don't write in the past return 1 end -- discover what needs to be cleaned up local decr = 0 local dele = {} local trim = math.min(saved.trim_before, old_ts + blocks) for old_block = old_ts, trim - 1 do local bkey = saved.count_key .. old_block local bcount = redis.call('HGET', key, bkey) if bcount then decr = decr + tonumber(bcount) table.insert(dele, bkey) end end -- handle cleanup -- 释放之前的资源 local cur if #dele > 0 then redis.call('HDEL', key, unpack(dele)) cur = redis.call('HINCRBY', key, saved.count_key, -decr) else cur = redis.call('HGET', key, saved.count_key) end -- check our limits if tonumber(cur or '0') + weight > limit[2] then return 1 end end end -- there is enough resources, update the counts for i, limit in ipairs(limits) do local saved = saved_keys[i] for j, key in ipairs(KEYS) do -- update the current timestamp, count, and bucket count redis.call('HSET', key, saved.ts_key, saved.trim_before) redis.call('HINCRBY', key, saved.count_key, weight) redis.call('HINCRBY', key, saved.count_key .. saved.block_id, weight) end end -- We calculated the longest-duration limit so we can EXPIRE -- the whole HASH for quick and easy idle-time cleanup :) if longest_duration > 0 then for _, key in ipairs(KEYS) do redis.call('EXPIRE', key, longest_duration) end end return 0