DECLARE @PointID nvarchar(100),@RowID1 nvarchar(100) --声明一个游标( 可以把游标想象成每一条记录 )用来遍历查询到的结果 DECLARE C_paraId CURSOR FOR SELECT a.PointID FROM Report_Data a LEFT JOIN Report_Row b ON a.RowID = b.RowID LEFT JOIN Report_Day c ON b.ReportID = c.ReportID LEFT JOIN Report_Point d ON a.PointID = d.PointID LEFT JOIN Report_Monitor e ON d.MonitorID = e.MonitorID WHERE (1=1) AND (2=2) and e.MonitorType=6 and c.MonitorId='5139cb6b-e34a-4d92-a2f8-1924f1ff7760' and a.PointID=418 order by e.MonitorOrder,d.PointOrder,b.RowHour --打开游标 OPEN C_paraId --获取游标指向的数据 FETCH NEXT FROM C_paraId INTO @PointID --使用游标遍历集合( @@FETCH_STATUS是默认全局变量,不用声明, =0表示匹配到了记录 ) WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN update [DB_PEMS].[dbo].[Report_Data] set PointID='454'where PointID=@PointID --游标指向下一条数据 FETCH NEXT FROM C_paraId INTO @PointID END --关闭游标 CLOSE C_paraId --释放游标 DEALLOCATE C_paraId