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  • 初涉Locust










    应用 Locust 快速上手写压测




      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H HOST, --host=HOST  Host to load test in the following format:
      --web-host=WEB_HOST   Host to bind the web interface to. Defaults to '' (all
      -P PORT, --port=PORT, --web-port=PORT
                            Port on which to run web host
      -f LOCUSTFILE, --locustfile=LOCUSTFILE
                            Python module file to import, e.g. '../other.py'.
                            Default: locustfile
      --csv=CSVFILEBASE, --csv-base-name=CSVFILEBASE
                            Store current request stats to files in CSV format.
      --master              Set locust to run in distributed mode with this
                            process as master
      --slave               Set locust to run in distributed mode with this
                            process as slave
                            Host or IP address of locust master for distributed
                            load testing. Only used when running with --slave.
                            Defaults to
                            The port to connect to that is used by the locust
                            master for distributed load testing. Only used when
                            running with --slave. Defaults to 5557. Note that
                            slaves will also connect to the master node on this
                            port + 1.
                            Interfaces (hostname, ip) that locust master should
                            bind to. Only used when running with --master.
                            Defaults to * (all available interfaces).
                            Port that locust master should bind to. Only used when
                            running with --master. Defaults to 5557. Note that
                            Locust will also use this port + 1, so by default the
                            master node will bind to 5557 and 5558.
                            How many slaves master should expect to connect before
                            starting the test (only when --no-web used).
      --no-web              Disable the web interface, and instead start running
                            the test immediately. Requires -c and -r to be
      -c NUM_CLIENTS, --clients=NUM_CLIENTS
                            Number of concurrent Locust users. Only used together
                            with --no-web
      -r HATCH_RATE, --hatch-rate=HATCH_RATE
                            The rate per second in which clients are spawned. Only
                            used together with --no-web
      -t RUN_TIME, --run-time=RUN_TIME
                            Stop after the specified amount of time, e.g. (300s,
                            20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.). Only used together with --no-
      -L LOGLEVEL, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL
                            Choose between DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL.
                            Default is INFO.
      --logfile=LOGFILE     Path to log file. If not set, log will go to
      --print-stats         Print stats in the console
      --only-summary        Only print the summary stats
      --no-reset-stats      [DEPRECATED] Do not reset statistics once hatching has
                            been completed. This is now the default behavior. See
                            --reset-stats to disable
      --reset-stats         Reset statistics once hatching has been completed.
                            Should be set on both master and slaves when running
                            in distributed mode
      -l, --list            Show list of possible locust classes and exit
      --show-task-ratio     print table of the locust classes' task execution
                            print json data of the locust classes' task execution
      -V, --version         show program's version number and exit



    from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task
    import json
    import queue
    class WebsiteTasks(TaskSet):
        # 初始化函数,在正式执行前被调用一次
        def on_start(self):
            # 接口请求头
            self.headers = {
            'Accept-Encoding': 'identity',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
         巴拉巴拉等…… } # task 装饰器,index函数 函数调用概率为about函数的2倍 # task 默认不定义权重,则函数调用概率 1:1 @task def testexamle(self): # 使用队列取参数,保证测试数据唯一性 try: data = self.locust.params_queue.get() except queue.Empty: print('when queue is empty, test ended.') exit(0) # 参数化实现 url = '/api/**/**?os='+data['os']+'&gamecode='+data['gamecode']+'&version='+data['version']+'&channelId='+data['channelId'] # print('URL:'+url) res = self.client.request(method = 'GET',url = url,headers = self.headers) # 保证并发测试数据唯一性,循环取数据,当前代码如果注释,则不再循环取数据,数据取值结束,则代码运行结束 self.locust.params_queue.put_nowait(data) assert res['Code'] == 0,'Code error, the acutal is '+res['Code']+'; the res is '+res # print('RESPONSE:'+str(res.json())) class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust): # 被测系统的host,当在终端中启动locust时没有指定--host参数时才会用到; host = "https://rmsyssvc.comfun.com" task_set = WebsiteTasks # max_wait/min_wait: 每个用户执行两个任务间隔时间的上下限(毫秒) # 具体数值在上下限中随机取值,若不指定则默认间隔时间固定为1秒; # min_wait = 1000 # max_wait = 5000 # 生成测试数据 params_queue = queue.Queue() data_init = { 'os': '1', 'gamecode': 'comf', 'version': '1.0.20180912', 'channelId': '1000000003', } params_queue.put_nowait(data_init) for i in range(3): data = { 'os':'1%d' % i, 'gamecode': 'comf%d' % i, 'version': '1.0.20180912%d' % i, 'channelId': '1000000003%d' % i, } params_queue.put_nowait(data)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wonderful0714/p/9705133.html
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