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  • GT3.9.5于2月25日发布

    按照Globus官方网站上来说,3.9.5已经是Beta-Quality Development Release版本了,而且以后在此基础上发行的GT4不会添加新的功能,不会更有公共接口的更改了。所以应该是相对稳定的一个版本。
    Beginning with GT 3.9.5, the Globus Toolkit has the capability to send usage statistics back to the Globus Alliance.

    Why are we doing this?

    The Globus Alliance receives support from government funding agencies. In a time of funding scarcity, these agencies must be able to demonstrate that the scientific community is benefitting from their investment. To this end, we want to provide generic usage data about such things as the following:

    • how many people uses GridFTP how many jobs run using GRAM
    • how many GT4 web services containers are running.
    To this end, we have added support to the Globus Toolkit that will allow installations to send us generic usage statistics. By participating in this project, you help our funders to justify continuing their support for the software on which you rely.

    The overview

    • Components affected (for GT 3.9.5) are:
      • GridFTP
      • Java WS Core
      • C WS Core
      • WS GRAM
      • Reliable File Transfer (RFT) service
    • The data sent is as generic as possible (see What is Sent? below).
    • Every component affected has a section titled "Usage Statistics" in its Users and Admin guides that lists precisely what is sent and the configuration control that is available (which you can use to disable the ability to send the data).
    • To make this a win-win proposition, we have made the receiver for the data available from CVS (follow the directions here). This means that a (virtual) organization could set up their own listener and collect organization wide usage statistics.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wonderow/p/109629.html
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