var oldflag = "0" , newflag = "0" , rnewflag = "0" ; $().ready(function() { $("input[name='oldPwd']").focus(function(){ settip(3,'o'); }).blur(function(){ cherkname(); }); $("input[name='passWord']").focus(function(){ settip(3,'p'); }).blur(function(){ cherkphone(); }); $("input[name='confirm_password']").focus(function(){ settip(3,'q'); }).blur(function(){ cherkbank(); }); //验证当前密码 var cherkname = function(name){ var name = $("input[name='oldPwd']").val(); var tmp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_*&#$%@~!]{6,15}$/; var flag=tmp.test(name); if(flag){ settip(1,'o'); oldflag = "1"; }else{ settip(2,'o'); oldflag = "0"; } } //验证新设密码 var cherkphone = function(){ var name = $("input[name='passWord']").val(); var tmp = /[A-Za-z].*[0-9]|[0-9].*[A-Za-z]/; var flag=tmp.test(name); var stlength = name.length; //长度是否小于6 var s = stlength > 5; if(flag && s){ settip(1,'p'); newflag = "1"; }else{ settip(2,'p'); newflag = "0"; } } //验证确认密码 var cherkbank = function(){ var name = $("input[name='confirm_password']").val(); var tmp = /[A-Za-z].*[0-9]|[0-9].*[A-Za-z]/; var stlength = name.length; var flag=tmp.test(name); var cname = $("input[name='passWord']").val(); var stlength = name.length; //长度是否小于6 var s = stlength >5; if((name == cname)&&flag && s){ settip(1,'q'); rnewflag = "1"; }else{ settip(2,'q'); rnewflag = "0"; } } //提示 var settip = function(status,name){ $("#"+name+"tip").hide(); $("#"+name+"error").hide(); $("#"+name+"right").hide(); if(status == 1){ $("#"+name+"right").show(); }else if(status == 2){ $("#"+name+"error").show(); }else if(status == 3){ $("#"+name+"tip").show(); } } $("#banksubmit").click(function(){ cherkname(); cherkphone(); cherkbank(); if(oldflag == "1"&& rnewflag == "1" && newflag =="1"){ $("#infoForm").submit(); }else return false; }); });
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Ensure accessibility in print and other media types... */ @media projection, screen { /* Use class for showing/hiding tab content, so that visibility can be better controlled in different media types... */ .ui-tabs-hide { display: none; } } /* Hide useless elements in print layouts... */ @media print { .ui-tabs-nav { display: none; } } #container-1{ border:#ccc 1px double;position:absolute;left:345px; top:180px;width:350px;} #container-logo {height:60px;left: 349px;position: absolute;top: 95px; width: 353px;} #fragment-1 img{ margin:0; padding:0px; border:0px; float:left;} .ui-tabs-panel{width:333px;overflow:hidden;} .ui-tabs-nav, .ui-tabs-panel { font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .ui-tabs-nav { list-style: none; background:none; } .ui-tabs-nav:after { /* clearing without presentational markup, IE gets extra treatment */ display: block; clear: both; content: " "; } .ui-tabs-nav li { float: left; /*min- 84px; be nice to Opera */ } .ui-tabs-nav a, .ui-tabs-nav a span { display: block; 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