在生成了Megacore 之后,我们会选择将其添加到自己的工程中,即 project中
但是,在添加之前需要对Megacore 用QII11.0 进行综合仿真,仿真结束成功后,开始向project中添加
本例子,采用“FFT MegaCore Function User Guide”中(P2-20处)提供的步骤进行添加
1. Variable Streaming Architecture
2. Choose Add/Remove Files in Project (Project menu).
3. You should see a list of files in the project. If there are no files listed
browse to the \lib, then select and add all files with the prefix
auk_dspip_r22sdf and auk_dspip_bit_reverse. Browse to the
<project> directory and select all files with prefix auk_dspip.
注意添加文件额前缀要排球,首先在添加文件价的窗口中选择 all files
4. Chose Start Compilation (Processing menu).
当所设计的FFt是2、Fixed Transform Architecture时
using the Quartus II software to synthesize your design;
步骤:2. Choose Add/Remove Files in Project (Project menu).
3. If the fft_pack_fft_72.vhd file is not listed, browse to the \lib
directory and choose the VHDL package, fft_pack_fft_72.vhd.
4. Click Open to add the fft_pack_fft_72.vhd file to your Quartus II
×××××@@@@ Ensure the fft_pack_fft_72.vhd file is at the top of the list in the
File Name list window. If the fft_pack_fft_72.vhd file is not at
the top of the File Name list, choose fft_pack_fft_72.vhd and
click Up.
5. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu)