表达式树是.NET 3.5之后引入的,它是一个强大灵活的工具(比如用在LINQ中构造动态查询)。
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace System.Linq.Expressions { // Summary: // Represents a strongly typed lambda expression as a data structure in the // form of an expression tree. This class cannot be inherited. // // Type parameters: // TDelegate: // The type of the delegate that the System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<tdelegate> // represents. public sealed class Expression<tdelegate> : LambdaExpression { // Summary: // Compiles the lambda expression described by the expression tree into executable // code. // // Returns: // A delegate of type TDelegate that represents the lambda expression described // by the System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<tdelegate>. public TDelegate Compile(); } }
Expression<Func<type,returnType>> = (param) => lamdaexpresion;
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> expr = (x, y) => x+y;
这就是一个表达式树了。使用Expression Tree Visualizer工具(直接调试模式下看也可以,只不过没这个直观)在调试模式下查看这个表达式树(就是一个对象),如下:
1、Body 主体部分 2、Parameters 参数部分 3、NodeType 节点类型 4、Lambda表达式类型
对于前面举的例子,主体部分即x+y,参数部分即(x,y)。Lambda表达式类型是Func<Int32, Int32, Int32>。注意主体部分可以是表达式,但是不能包含语句,如下这样:
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> expr = (x, y) => { return x+y; };
会报编译错误“Lambada expression with state body cannot be converted to expression tree”:即带有语句的Lambda表达式不能转换成表达式树。