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  • 基于RYU restful api实现的VLAN网络虚拟化

    基于RYU restful api实现的VLAN网络虚拟化


    本次实验是基于OVS的VLAN虚拟化简易实践方案的进一步的实验,采用RYU restful api进行配置。本质上和上次实验没什么差,究其原因还是因为上次不能较好使用RYU的restful api,现在学会了就实践一把吧。

    RESTFUL API 下发流表


    • postman
    • ryu/app/gui_topolog/gui_topology.py
    • ovs
    • mininet


    之前的实验步骤不在赘述,主要是用RYU的restful api下发push_vlan



    Actions Description Example
    OUTPUT Output packet from "port" {"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 3}
    COPY_TTL_OUT Copy TTL outwards {"type": "COPY_TTL_OUT"}
    COPY_TTL_IN Copy TTL inwards {"type": "COPY_TTL_IN"}
    SET_MPLS_TTL Set MPLS TTL using "mpls_ttl" {"type": "SET_MPLS_TTL", "mpls_ttl": 64}
    DEC_MPLS_TTL Decrement MPLS TTL {"type": "DEC_MPLS_TTL"}
    PUSH_VLAN Push a new VLAN tag with "ethertype" {"type": "PUSH_VLAN", "ethertype": 33024}
    POP_VLAN Pop the outer VLAN tag {"type": "POP_VLAN"}
    PUSH_MPLS Push a new MPLS tag with "ethertype" {"type": "PUSH_MPLS", "ethertype": 34887}
    POP_MPLS Pop the outer MPLS tag with "ethertype" {"type": "POP_MPLS", "ethertype": 2054}
    SET_QUEUE Set queue id using "queue_id" when outputting to a port {"type": "SET_QUEUE", "queue_id": 7}
    GROUP Apply group identified by "group_id" {"type": "GROUP", "group_id": 5}
    SET_NW_TTL Set IP TTL using "nw_ttl" {"type": "SET_NW_TTL", "nw_ttl": 64}
    DEC_NW_TTL Decrement IP TTL {"type": "DEC_NW_TTL"}
    SET_FIELD Set a "field" using "value"(The set of keywords available for "field" is the same as match field) See Example of set-field action
    PUSH_PBB Push a new PBB service tag with "ethertype"(Openflow1.3+) {"type": "PUSH_PBB", "ethertype": 35047}
    POP_PBB Pop the outer PBB service tag(Openflow1.3+) {"type": "POP_PBB"}
    COPY_FIELD Copy value between header and register(Openflow1.5+) {"type": "COPY_FIELD", "n_bits": 32, "src_offset": 1, "dst_offset": 2, "src_oxm_id": "eth_src", "dst_oxm_id": "eth_dst"}
    METER Apply meter identified by "meter_id"(Openflow1.5+) {"type": "METER", "meter_id": 3}
    EXPERIMENTER Extensible action for the experimenter(Set "base64" or "ascii" to "data_type" field) {"type": "EXPERIMENTER", "experimenter": 101, "data": "AAECAwQFBgc=", "data_type": "base64"}
    GOTO_TABLE (Instruction) Setup the next table identified by "table_id" {"type": "GOTO_TABLE", "table_id": 8}
    WRITE_METADATA (Instruction) Setup the metadata field using "metadata" and "metadata_mask" {"type": "WRITE_METADATA", "metadata": 0x3, "metadata_mask": 0x3}
    METER (Instruction) Apply meter identified by "meter_id"(deprecated in Openflow1.5) {"type": "METER", "meter_id": 3}
    WRITE_ACTIONS (Instruction) Write the action(s) onto the datapath action set {"type": "WRITE_ACTIONS", actions":[{"type":"POP_VLAN",},{ "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2}]}
    CLEAR_ACTIONS (Instruction) Clears all actions from the datapath action set

    Example of set-field action

    $ curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "dl_type": "0x8000"
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4102            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 2
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add



    sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s1


    OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
     cookie=0x0, duration=2350.981s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4096->vlan_vid,output:2


    可以基于此写自动化脚本,不过还是有通过restful api层面,感觉还不是太好。下面搞一个不通过restful api层面的下发过程。



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