spark ->df->contextsql 用sql做
--可能难度在自增列上 表名: label_table select row_number() over() as lid,label,count(1) from ( select explode(labels) as label from ( select array(age,region,sex,job) as labels from ( select age,sex, case when age>18 and age<35 then '青年' when age<18 then '少年' when age >35 and age<55 then '中年' when age>55 then '老年' end as age from userinfo )t0 )t1 ) t2 group by label; 表名: user_label_table select split(label,'+')[1] as uid,split(label,'+')[2] as label from ( select explode(labels) as label from ( select array(age,region,sex,job) as labels from ( select concat(id,'+',age) as age, concat(id,'+',sex) as sex, concat(job,'+',job) as job, case when age>18 and age<35 then concat(uid,'+青年') when age<18 then concat(uid,'少年') when age >35 and age<55 then concat(uid,'中年') when age>55 then '老年' end as age from userinfo )t0 )t1 uid_lid_table --转成 uid + lids select t0.uid,array(collect_set(lid)) as lids from ( select t0.uid ,t1.lid from user_label_table t0 join label_table t1 on t0.label=t1.label ) group by t0.uid; --订单数据表 orders_table 输出如下: select t0.oid,t1.lids[1],t1.lids[2],t1.lid[3],t1.lid[4],t2.ptype from orders_table t0 join uid_lid_table t1 on t0.uid=t1.uid join product_table t2 on t0.pid=t2.pid