import os
# def delete_path2(path):
# # if os.path.isfile(path):
# # os.remove(path)
# # elif os.path.isdir(path):
# # # 遍历文件夹内容
# # for filename in os.listdir(path):
# # sub_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
# # delete_path2(sub_path)
# # # 删除文件夹
# # os.rmdir(path)
# # else:
# # print("路径不存在!")
# #使用配置文件完成记录用户名与密码,登录前判断是否存在相应的配置信息 不存在则正常输入用户名密码,
# #
# # delete_path2(r"")
# import configparser
# name=input('请输入用户名')
# passw=input('请输入密码')
# cfg=configparser.ConfigParser()
# cfg.read('xinxi.cfg')
# if not cfg.sections():
# cfg.add_section('dengluxinxi')
# cfg.set('dengluxinxi','username',name)
# cfg.set('dengluxinxi', 'password', passw)
# with open ('xinxi.cfg','wt',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# cfg.write(f)
# else:
# with open ('xinxi.cfg',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# cfg.read(f)
# nam=cfg.get('dengluxinxi','username')
# mim=cfg.get('dengluxinxi','password')
# if name==nam and mim==passw:
# print('登陆成功')
实现一个上传文件功能,upload 参数为一个路径,首先判断路径是否存在,在判断是否是一个文件,
# import os
# import configparser
# def xunzai(lujing):
# cfg=configparser.ConfigParser()
# cfg.read('download.cfg',encoding='utf-8')
# if not cfg.sections():
# cfg.add_section('download_path')
# cfg.set('download_path','download_path',lujing)
# # cfg.set('dengluxinxi', 'password', passw)
# with open ('download.cfg','wt',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# cfg.write(f)
# else:
# if os.path.exists(lujing):
# print('正确')
# else:
# print('错误')
# xunzai(r'')
# import os
# import shutil
# # list1=[]
# def panduan(lujing):
# if os.path.exists(lujing):
# if os.path.isfile(lujing):
# print('lujing')
# # shutil.copy('lujing','')
# elif os.path.isdir(lujing):
# # r=list.extend(list1,os.path.split('lujing'))
# shutil.make_archive('test.zip','zip',lujing)
# panduan(r'')