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  • Sharepoint学习笔记—习题系列--70-576习题解析 -(Q59-Q62)

    Question 59
    You are designing a collection of Web Parts that will be packaged into a SharePoint 2010 application that you plan to market worldwide. In order to be accessible in many different languages, the following elements must comply with localization requirements:
    .The feature title and description
    .The UI property labels
    You need to design the Web Parts according to the localization requirements in a way that takes the fewest developer hours to implement and maintain. Which approach should you recommend?
    A. Include feature receivers that ensure the supported language packs are installed before continuing with the installation.
    B. Include code to programmatically create a new term set with localized labels, and reference these throughout your solution.
    C. Include resource files with localized labels, and reference these throughout your solution.
    D. Compile a different version of your solution for each language you intend to support.

      你准备开发一组Web Part并统一打包到一个Sharepoint2010应用程序中投放到国际市场,为支持本地化,需要下面的相关元素满足多语言支持要求:
    1. 功能的名称与描述
    2. 界面标签的显示
     本题最关键是:关于Web Part的本地化支持,正如Question 58介绍的,Web Part本地化支持必涉及对多语言资源文件的使用,而本题的所有选项中,仅有选项C应用到了Resource File。
    因此本题答案应该选 C


    Question 60
    You are planning an upgrade for an existing SharePoint 2010 intranet site to support a Spanish language version of all existing sites. You need to meet the following requirements:
    .All text on the sites must appear in both Spanish and English.
    .Every page on the current English sites must also appear in Spanish.
    .All future pages must be created in both languages in a consistent manner.
    .The upgrade must involve the least amount of human effort and the least expenditure of hardware and software resources. Which approach should you recommend?
    A. Install a parallel SharePoint farm using Spanish as the default language. Recreate all sites and incorporate the Spanish language version of the site definition by specifying the Spanish language identifier.
    B. Install a language pack for Spanish on the existing SharePoint farm. Recreate all sites and incorporate the Spanish language version of the site definition by specifying the Spanish language identifier.
    C. Install a language pack for Spanish on the existing SharePoint farm. Create SharePoint workflows that apply the Spanish language identifier for the sites by specifying Spanish variations.
    D. Install a language pack for Spanish on the existing SharePoint farm. Apply the Spanish language identifier to the existing site templates.

     要求2. 当前所有页面也均要显示西班牙语
     要求3. 今后新创建的页面也必须符合上述要求1.2
     要求4. 升级尽量减少工作量和软硬件资源投入
      选项A. 另外创建一个Sharepoint场,显然不符合要求4
      选项B.C.D均涉及语言包的应用。我们知道,网站所有者和网站集管理员可使用语言包,以多种语言创建 SharePoint 网站和网站集,而无需单独安装 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010。您可以在 Web 服务器上安装包含特定语言网站模板的语言包。当管理员基于特定语言网站模板创建网站或网站集时,将用网站模板的语言显示网站或网站集上出现的文本。根据微软的描述:你无法通过应用不同的特定语言网站模板将现有网站、网站集或网页从一种语言更改为另一种语言。为网站或网站集使用特定语言网站模板之后,网站或网站集将始终采用原始网站模板的语言显示内容。也就是说,语言包必须在你创建网站时应用,一旦创建完成,你无法后期更改。所以,选项C.D也应该被排除。
       因此本题答案应该选 B


    Question 61
    You are designing an application in a SharePoint 2010 server farm for an international firm. The sites must be localized for the languages in different countries.
    The application must include support for the following functionality:
    .Feature-specific resource files
    .Language-specific Web Part package assemblies and resources
    .Language-specific Web template files
    .Language-specific _layout files
    You need to design a solution that meets all these requirements. Which approach should you recommend?
    A. Create a language pack for the specific language required and add it to the solution store before adding the corporate solution. Deploy the language pack and then deploy the solution.
    B. Create a language pack for the specific language required and add it to the solution store before adding the corporate solution. Deploy the solution and then deploy the language pack.
    C. Create a language pack for the specific language required and add it to the solution store after adding the corporate solution. Deploy the language pack and then deploy the solution.
    D. Create a language pack for the specific language required and add it to the solution store after adding the corporate solution. Deploy the solution and then deploy the language pack.

    .针对不同语言开发的Web Part 包的程序集和相关资源
    .针对不同语言开发的_layout 目录下的相关文件
       分析本题的各选项,发现它们均是创建了所需的自定义语言包并添加到Solution Store中,唯一的差异就是部署的操作程序不一样。 根据微软的描述:自定义语言包是一种解决方案包(.wsp 文件),它仅包含用于向现有服务器场解决方案中添加其他语言支持的资源。它与原始解决方案共享同一解决方案 ID(一种 GUID)。可在添加和部署原始解决方案后将该语言包添加和部署到服务器场。在分发解决方案包前,如果本地化资源(如字符串)可用,则并不需要自定义语言包。这些资源可包括在解决方案的原始包中。自定义语言包的主要目的是支持开发人员在已分发原始解决方案包后添加其他语言的本地化版本,而无需升级原始解决方案包。
     原始服务器场解决方案可以不包含或包含多种语言的本地化资源。语言包会添加其他语言的资源。
     一个语言包只能绑定到一种语言。
     一个语言包只能与一个原始解决方案相关联。
     除非语言包本地化的原始解决方案也在解决方案存储区中,否则不能将该语言包添加到解决方案存储区中。
     除非部署了与语言包关联的原始解决方案,否则不能部署该语言包。
     除非先收回与解决方案相关联的所有语言包,否则不能收回该解决方案。
    因此本题答案应该选 D


    Question 62
    You are consulting with a customer who plans to scale out their SharePoint 2010 Internet farm. You recommend that they install the standard SharePoint 2010 software needed to support the Web server role, including language support software, on their servers.The new requirements for the farm include the following:
    .Two new front-end Web servers will be added to the current system to increase the performance and availability of the Internet sites.
    .The new Web servers must properly render all sites in the five languages currently supported in the farm.
    .The installation must support the addition of more languages in the future and conform to all future service pack updates.
    .The installation plan must use standard SharePoint 2010 tools and procedures.
    You need to design a plan for the customer to set up the Web servers to support all of the languages and meet the requirements. What should you recommend that the customer do next?
    A. Install a language pack for each of the languages needed to display all site pages correctly. Include each of the language-specific site templates used to create the current sites.
    B. Install the same multilingual installation packages on the Web servers that were used to install the supported languages.
    C. Create the site collections needed to support the sites in all supported languages, including each of the language-specific site templates. Install a language pack for each of the supported languages.
    D. Install the default language for the current farm on the two new Web servers. Then migrate all sites in the farm to these servers, including all language-specific site templates. Update the new Web servers with all necessary language packs.

      你受某客户咨询,他想扩展一个Sharepoint2010场。你建议他们在场内安装的标准的SharePoint 2010软件包括语言支持软件,均需要支持Web服务器角色, 此外还包括以下要求:
     要求1. 添加两台WFE服务器以提高WEB访问处理能力
     要求2. 新添加的WFE服务器必须正确的呈现支持5种语言的所有站点
     要求3. 今后还有可能扩展支持更多的其它语种以及符合相关服务包的升级。
     要求4. 安装计划必须使用标准的Sharepoint2010工具和方法.
    首先要为语言包准备 Web 服务器,在 Web 服务器上安装语言包之前,必须执行以下操作:
    1.在 Web 服务器上安装必需的语言文件[语言文件由操作系统使用,它们对用多种语言显示和输入文本提供支持。]。
    2.在每台 Web 服务器上安装 SharePoint Foundation 2010。
    3.在每台 Web 服务器上安装 SharePoint 产品和技术配置向导。
       默认情况下,Windows Server 2008 操作系统已安装大多数语言文件。但对于东亚语言和使用复杂文种或需要从右到左方向的语言,必须安装附加语言文件。在 Web 服务器上安装了必需的语言文件之后,必须安装 SharePoint Foundation 2010 并运行 SharePoint 产品和技术配置向导。该向导将创建和配置配置数据库,并执行在安装语言包之前必须完成的其他配置任务。
      然后,就需要在 Web 服务器上安装语言包
    在 Web 服务器上安装必需的语言文件之后,可以安装语言包。可以单个下载语言包(对每种受支持的语言下载一个语言包)。如果具有服务器场环境,并且要安装语言包以支持多种语言,则必须在每台 Web 服务器上安装语言包。语言包将用其本身的语言安装。
    在安装语言包时,请使用默认设置重新运行 SharePoint 产品和技术配置向导。如果在安装语言包之后没有运行 SharePoint 产品和技术配置向导,将无法正确安装语言包。
    在安装语言包时,特定语言网站模板将安装在 %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%Microsoft SharedWeb server extensions14 emplate数字 目录中,其中数字 是所安装语言的语言 ID。例如,美国英语语言包将安装到 %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%Microsoft SharedWeb Server Extensions14 emplate1033 目录中。在安装语言包之后,网站所有者和网站集管理员可基于特定语言网站模板来创建网站和网站集,方式是在创建新的 SharePoint 网站或网站集时指定一种语言。
    选项A 先安装语言包,再应用网站模板。应该符合上面的描述。
        选项B. 在同一台WFE服务器上运行多语言版本的安装包,这显然是不可行的,因为你在搭建WFE服务器时,默认的只能使用一种语言版本的安装包。而且微软文档也说得很清楚: 网站所有者和网站集管理员可使用语言包,以多种语言创建 SharePoint 网站和网站集,而无需单独安装 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010。
        选项D. 是采用迁移配合升级的方式来基于不同的语种应用对应的网站模板,这显然也是错误的,因为上面的描述明确说到,我们只能基于特定语言网站模板来创建网站和网站集,也就是必须要重新”创建”。所以本选项也必须排除。
    因此本题答案应该选 A

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wsdj-ITtech/p/3169207.html
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