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  • C++实现数字媒体三维图像渲染



    • glut.h 头文件
    • glut32.lib 对象文件库
    • glut32.dll 动态连接库





    define MAX_MODEL 20
    define MAX_MODEL_NUM 4000
    define MAX_POINT_IN_FACE 10
    define MAX_LIGHT 4
    define MAX_WIN_SIZE 1000


    • reset :把变换矩阵重置为单位矩阵
    • scale :把变换矩阵进行相应的放大缩小
    • rotate : 把变换矩阵进行相应的旋转
    • translate : 把变换矩阵进行相应的平移
    • object : 根据变换矩阵创建一个对象
    • obverser : 设置摄像机的位置和对焦的焦点
    • viewport : 设置投影区域的变换矩阵
    • display : 显示所有的对象
    • clearData :清空所有的对象数据
    • clearScreen :清空屏幕
    • ambient : 设置ambient的Ka系数
    • background : 设置窗口的背景颜色
    • light : 设置一个点光源
    • end : 结束程序


    void initial()

    void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)

    void rotate(float Xdegree, float Ydegree, float Zdegree)

    void translate(float tx, float ty, float tz)

    void reset()

    void viewport(float vxl, float vxr, float vyb, float vyt)

    void clearData()

    void clearScreen()

    void displayFunc(void)

    void ReadInput(bool& IsExit)

    void Matrix_Multi_Matrix(float a[][CTM_SIZE], float b[][CTM_SIZE], float c[][CTM_SIZE])
    矩阵乘法,c = a * b

    template void update_Matrix(T resource[][MTM_SIZE], T destination[][MTM_SIZE])

    void drawDot(int x, int y)

    void DrawLine(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1)

    void drawLine0(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1)

    void drawLine1(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange)

    void drawLine2(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange)

    void drawLine3(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange)

    void drawLine4(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange)

    void ReadFile(bool& IsExit)

    void redraw()

    template void printMatrix(T matrix, int row, int col, string str)*

    void object(string objectname)

    void observer(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, float Tilt, float zNear, float zFar, float hFOV);

    void Eye_Transform(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, float Tilt)

    void Project_Transform(float zNear, float zFar, float hFOV)

    void Cross_Multi(float destination[], float a[], float b[])

    void UnitizeVector(float vector[])

    void setWinSize(int winWidth, int winHeight)

    void setAmbient(float value)

    void setBackground(float _background_r, float _background_g, float _background_b)

    void setLight(int _ID, float _Ip, float _X, float _Y, float _Z)

    float getColor(int objectIndex, int faceIndex, int pointIndex, char whichColor)

    void getNormalVector(float destination, int objectIndex, int faceIndex)*

    float AbsDot_Multi(float a[], float b[])

    void drawFace(const vector& colorPointVector, int min_y, int max_y)

    float interpolation(float p1, float p2, float q1, float q2, float q)

    void drawColorDot(int x, int y, float c_r, float c_g, float c_b)

    bool is_onLine(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

    void sortColorPointVector(vector& colorPointVector)

    void wordsToTA()






    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <queue>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include "glut.h"
    using namespace std;
    #pragma region Data
    #define PRINT 0
    #define PRINT_VERTEX 0
    typedef float wvmtype;
    #define MTM_SIZE 4
    #define PI 3.14159265
    #define MAX_MODEL 20
    #define MAX_MODEL_NUM 4000
    #define MAX_LINE 100
    #define MAX_POINT_IN_FACE 10
    #define MAX_LIGHT 4
    #define MAX_WIN_SIZE 1000
    #define INF_FAR 999.0
    struct ASCModel_struct{
    	int num_vertex;
    	int num_face;
    	float vertex[MAX_MODEL_NUM][MTM_SIZE];
    	float R, G, B;
    	float Kd, Ks, N;
    struct Light_struct{
    	bool enable;
    	float Ip;
    	float X, Y, Z;
    		enable = false;
    struct line_data{
    	int x, y;
    	line_data* next;
    	line_data(int _x = -1, int _y = -1){
    		x = _x;
    		y = _y;
    		next = NULL;
    struct PointWithColor{
    	int y;
    	float x,z;
    	float r, g, b;
    	PointWithColor() :x(-1), y(-1){}
    	friend bool operator<(const PointWithColor& p1, const PointWithColor& p2){
    		return (p1.x > p2.x);
    struct Buffer_struct{
    	float z;
    	float r, g, b;
    	Buffer_struct(float _z, float _r, float _g, float _b){
    		z = _z;
    		r = _r;
    		g = _g;
    		b = _b;
    struct line_structure{
    	int x0, x1, y0, y1;
    enum scanLineState{none, odd, even};
    float ModelingTransformMatrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    	= { { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    		{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
    		{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
    		{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    float Eye_Matirx[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    float Project_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    float EyeX, EyeY, EyeZ;
    float WzNear, WzFar, WhFOV;
    wvmtype WVM[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    line_structure line[MAX_LINE];
    line_data line_start[MAX_LINE];
    line_data* lcp;
    line_data* temp;
    int num_ASCModel = 0;
    int num_line = 0;
    float ambient_Ka = 0.0;
    float ambient_Ia = 1.0;
    float background_r = 0.0;
    float background_g = 0.0;
    float background_b = 0.0;
    float r = 0.0;
    float g = 1.0;
    float b = 1.0;
    const float alpha = 0.0;
    ifstream fin;
    bool IsExit = false;
    string Inputfile;
    int height, width;
    #pragma endregion
    #pragma region FunctionDefinition
    void initial();
    void displayFunc(void);
    void ReadFile(bool& IsExit);
    template<class T> void printMatrix(T* matrix, int row, int col, string str);
    void Matrix_Multi_Matrix(float a[][MTM_SIZE], float b[][MTM_SIZE], float c[][MTM_SIZE]);
    template<class T> void update_Matrix(T resource[][MTM_SIZE], T destination[][MTM_SIZE]);
    void redraw();
    void clearData();
    void clearScreen();
    void object(string objectname, float _R, float _G, float _B, float _Kd, float _Ks, float _N);
    void reset();
    void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
    void rotate(float Xdegree, float Ydegree, float Zdegree);
    void translate(float tx, float ty, float tz);
    void observer(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, 
    			  float Tilt, float zNear, float zFar, float hFOV);
    void Eye_Transform(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, float Tilt);
    void Project_Transform(float zNear, float zFar, float hFOV);
    void viewport(float vxl, float vxr, float vyb, float vyt);
    void display();
    void Cross_Multi(float destination[], float a[], float b[]);
    void UnitizeVector(float vector[]);
    void drawDot(int x, int y);
    void DrawLine(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1);
    void drawLine0(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1);
    void drawLine1(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    void drawLine2(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    void drawLine3(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    void drawLine4(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    void setWinSize(int winWidth, int winHeight);
    void setAmbient(float value);
    void setBackground(float _background_r, float _background_g, float _background_b);
    void setLight(int _ID, float _Ip, float _X, float _Y, float _Z);
    float getColor(int objectIndex, int faceIndex, int pointIndex, char whichColor);
    void getNormalVector(float* destination, int objectIndex, int faceIndex);
    float AbsDot_Multi(float a[], float b[]);
    void drawFace(const vector<PointWithColor>& colorPointVector, int min_y, int max_y);
    float interpolation(float p1, float p2, float q1, float q2, float q);
    void drawColorDot(int x, int y, float c_r, float c_g, float c_b);
    bool is_onLine(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
    void sortColorPointVector(vector<PointWithColor>& colorPointVector);
    void wordsToTA();
    #pragma endregion
    #pragma region FunctionImplement
    // Print a Matrix
    template<class T>
    void printMatrix(T* matrix, int row, int col, string str){
    	cout << endl;
    	cout << "Matrix <<< " << str << " >>> = " << endl;
    	for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
    		cout << "	[";
    		for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
    			cout << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << matrix[i][j] << ", ";
    		cout << " ]" << endl;
    // Two 4 * 4 Matrixs Multiplication
    void Matrix_Multi_Matrix(float a[][MTM_SIZE], float b[][MTM_SIZE], float c[][MTM_SIZE]){
    	float temp[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    	float multi_sum = 0;
    	for(int i = 0; i < MTM_SIZE; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    			multi_sum = 0;
    			for(int k = 0; k < MTM_SIZE; k++){
    				multi_sum += b[k][j] * a[i][k];
    			temp[i][j] = multi_sum;
    	// Fix to avoid input of Matrix_A is input of Matrix C
    	for(int i = 0; i < MTM_SIZE; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    			c[i][j] = temp[i][j];
    // update the current_matrix
    template<class T> 
    void update_Matrix(T resource[][MTM_SIZE], T destination[][MTM_SIZE]){
    	for(int i = 0; i < MTM_SIZE; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    			destination[i][j] = resource[i][j];
    // draw a dot at location with integer coordinates (x,y)
    void drawDot(int x, int y){
    	// set the color of dot
    	glColor3f(r, g, b);
    	// invert height because the opengl origin is at top-left instead of bottom-left
    	//glVertex2i(x, height - y);
    	glVertex2i(x, y);
    // Draw a line in any direction
    void DrawLine(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1) {
    	int max_dis = abs(x1 - x0);
    	max_dis = max_dis > abs(y0 - y1) ? max_dis : abs(y0 - y1);
    	//lcp = temp;
    	if(max_dis != 0) {
    		for(int i = 0; i < max_dis; ++i) {
    			int new_p_x = x0 + i * (x1 - x0) / max_dis;
    			int new_p_y = y0 + i * (y1 - y0) / max_dis;
    			drawDot(new_p_x, new_p_y);
    			//lcp->next = new line_data(new_p_x, new_p_y);
    			//lcp = lcp->next;
    // Judge to call which drawLine function to draw a line
    void drawLine0(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1){
    	int dx = x1 - x0;
    	int dy = y1 - y0;
    	if(dx >= 0 && dy > 0 && abs(dx) < abs(dy)){
    		drawLine1(x0, x1, y0, y1, false);
    	else if(dx > 0 && dy >= 0 && abs(dx) >= abs(dy)){
    		drawLine2(x0, x1, y0, y1, false);
    	else if(dx > 0 && dy <= 0 && abs(dx) > abs(dy)){
    		drawLine3(x0, x1, y0, y1, false);
    	else if(dx >= 0 && dy < 0 && abs(dx) <= abs(dy)){
    		drawLine4(x0, x1, y0, y1, false);
    	else if(dx <= 0 && dy < 0 && abs(dx) < abs(dy)){
    		drawLine1(x0, x1, y0, y1, true);
    	else if(dx < 0 && dy <= 0 && abs(dx) >= abs(dy)){
    		drawLine2(x0, x1, y0, y1, true);
    	else if(dx < 0 && dy >= 0 && abs(dx) > abs(dy)){
    		drawLine3(x0, x1, y0, y1, true);
    		drawLine4(x0, x1, y0, y1, true);
    // Draw line for dx>0 and dy>0
    void drawLine1(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange){
    		int change = x0;	x0 = x1;	x1 = change;
    		change = y0;	y0 = y1;	y1 = change;
    	int x = x1;
    	int y = y1;
    	int a = y1 - y0;
    	int b = -(x1 - x0);
    	int d = -a - 2 * b;
    	int IncE = -2 * b;
    	int IncNE = -2 * a - 2 * b;
    	//line_start[num_line] = line_data(x, y);
    	//lcp = &line_start[num_line];
    	while(y >= y0){
    		lcp->next = new line_data(x, y);
    		lcp = lcp->next;
    		drawDot(x, y);
    		if(d <= 0){
    			d += IncE;
    			d += IncNE;
    // Draw line for dx>0 and dy<0
    void drawLine2(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange){
    		int change = x0;	x0 = x1;	x1 = change;
    		change = y0;	y0 = y1;	y1 = change;
    	int x = x0;
    	int y = y0;
    	int a = y1 - y0;
    	int b = -(x1 - x0);
    	int d = 2 * a + b;
    	int IncE = 2 * a;
    	int IncNE = 2 * a + 2 * b;
    	//line_start[num_line] = line_data(x, y);
    	//lcp = &line_start[num_line];
    	while(x <= x1){
    		lcp->next = new line_data(x, y);
    		lcp = lcp->next;
    		drawDot(x, y);
    		if(d <= 0){
    			d += IncE;
    			d += IncNE;
    // Draw line for dx<0 and dy>0
    void drawLine3(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange){
    		int change = x0;	x0 = x1;	x1 = change;
    		change = y0;	y0 = y1;	y1 = change;
    	int x = x0;
    	int y = y0;
    	int a = y0 - y1;
    	int b = -(x1 - x0);
    	int d = 2 * a + b;
    	int IncE = 2 * a;
    	int IncNE = 2 * a + 2 * b;
    	//line_start[num_line] = line_data(x, y);
    	//lcp = &line_start[num_line];
    	while(x <= x1){
    		lcp->next = new line_data(x, y);
    		lcp = lcp->next;
    		drawDot(x, y);
    		if(d <= 0){
    			d += IncE;
    			d += IncNE;
    // Draw line for dx<0 and dy<0
    void drawLine4(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange){
    		int change = x0;	x0 = x1;	x1 = change;
    		change = y0;	y0 = y1;	y1 = change;
    	int x = x0;
    	int y = y0;
    	int a = y1 - y0;
    	int b = -(x1 - x0);
    	int d = a - 2 * b;
    	int IncE = -2 * b;
    	int IncNE = 2 * a - 2 * b;
    	//line_start[num_line] = line_data(x, y);
    	//lcp = &line_start[num_line];
    	while(y >= y1){
    		lcp->next = new line_data(x, y);
    		lcp = lcp->next;
    		drawDot(x, y);
    		if(d <= 0){
    			d += IncE;
    			d += IncNE;
    // Reset the ModelingTransformMatrix to default
    void reset(){
    	for(int i = 0; i < MTM_SIZE; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    			if(i == j)
    				ModelingTransformMatrix[i][j] = 1.0;
    				ModelingTransformMatrix[i][j] = 0;
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(ModelingTransformMatrix, 4, 4, "ModelingTransformMatrix");
    // Multiply ModelingTransformMatrix by scaling matrix
    void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz){
    	float scaling_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    		= { { sx, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, sy, 0, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, sz, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    	float new_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    	Matrix_Multi_Matrix(scaling_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix, new_matrix);
    	update_Matrix(new_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix);
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(ModelingTransformMatrix, 4, 4, "ModelingTransformMatrix");
    // Multiply ModelingTransformMatrix by rotate matrix
    void rotate(float Xdegree, float Ydegree, float Zdegree){
    	float new_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    	if(Xdegree != 0){
    		float rad = Xdegree * PI / 180.0;
    		float rotation_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    			= { { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    				{ 0, cos(rad), -sin(rad), 0 }, 
    				{ 0, sin(rad), cos(rad), 0 }, 
    				{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    		Matrix_Multi_Matrix(rotation_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix, new_matrix);
    		update_Matrix(new_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix);
    #if PRINT
    		printMatrix(ModelingTransformMatrix, 4, 4, "ModelingTransformMatrix");
    	if(Ydegree != 0){
    		float rad = Ydegree * PI / 180.0;
    		float rotation_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE]
    			= { { cos(rad), 0, sin(rad), 0 },
    				{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
    				{ -sin(rad), 0, cos(rad), 0 },
    				{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    		Matrix_Multi_Matrix(rotation_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix, new_matrix);
    		update_Matrix(new_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix);
    #if PRINT
    		printMatrix(ModelingTransformMatrix, 4, 4, "ModelingTransformMatrix");
    	if(Zdegree != 0){
    		float rad = Zdegree * PI / 180.0;
    		float rotation_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE]
    			= { { cos(rad), -sin(rad), 0, 0 },
    				{ sin(rad), cos(rad), 0, 0 },
    				{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
    				{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    		Matrix_Multi_Matrix(rotation_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix, new_matrix);
    		update_Matrix(new_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix);
    #if PRINT
    		printMatrix(ModelingTransformMatrix, 4, 4, "ModelingTransformMatrix");
    // Multiply ModelingTransformMatrix by translate matrix
    void translate(float tx, float ty, float tz){
    	float translate_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    		= { { 1, 0, 0, tx }, 
    			{ 0, 1, 0, ty }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 1, tz }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    	float new_matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE];
    	Matrix_Multi_Matrix(translate_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix, new_matrix);
    	update_Matrix(new_matrix, ModelingTransformMatrix);
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(ModelingTransformMatrix, 4, 4, "ModelingTransformMatrix");
    // Read a ASCModel from file
    void object(string objectname, float _R, float _G, float _B, float _Kd, float _Ks, float _N){
    	ifstream fin(objectname);
    		cout << "	open the " << objectname << " successfully" << endl;
    		cout << "	Can't open the " << objectname << endl;
    	// get number of vertex and face first
    	fin >> ASCModel[num_ASCModel].num_vertex;
    	fin >> ASCModel[num_ASCModel].num_face;
    	// read vertex one by one
    	for(int i = 0; i<ASCModel[num_ASCModel].num_vertex; i++) {
    		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
    			fin >> ASCModel[num_ASCModel].vertex[i][j];
    		ASCModel[num_ASCModel].vertex[i][3] = 1;//fix to multiplication
    	// read face one by one
    	for(int i = 0; i<ASCModel[num_ASCModel].num_face; i++) {
    		fin >> ASCModel[num_ASCModel].face[i][0];
    		for(int j = 1; j <= ASCModel[num_ASCModel].face[i][0]; j++){
    			fin >> ASCModel[num_ASCModel].face[i][j];
    	// Convert Object-Space to World-Space
    	float multi_sum = 0;
    	float WorldSpace[MTM_SIZE];
    	for(int i = 0; i < ASCModel[num_ASCModel].num_vertex; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    			multi_sum = 0;
    			for(int k = 0; k < MTM_SIZE; k++){
    				multi_sum += ASCModel[num_ASCModel].vertex[i][k]
    					* ModelingTransformMatrix[j][k];
    			WorldSpace[j] = multi_sum;
    		// Update(cover) the Object-Space
    		for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    			ASCModel[num_ASCModel].vertex[i][j] = WorldSpace[j];
    	ASCModel[num_ASCModel].R = _R;
    	ASCModel[num_ASCModel].G = _G;
    	ASCModel[num_ASCModel].B = _B;
    	ASCModel[num_ASCModel].Kd = _Kd;
    	ASCModel[num_ASCModel].Ks = _Ks;
    	ASCModel[num_ASCModel].N = _N;
    // Set the observer
    void observer(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ,
    	float Tilt, float zNear, float zFar, float hFOV){
    	Eye_Transform(PX, PY, PZ, CX, CY, CZ, Tilt);
    	Project_Transform(zNear, zFar, hFOV);
    	EyeX = PX;
    	EyeY = PY;
    	EyeZ = PZ;
    	WzNear = zNear;
    	WzFar = zFar;
    	WhFOV = hFOV;
    // Set up Eye_Transform_Matrix
    void Eye_Transform(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, float Tilt){
    	float Eye_Translation_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE]
    		= { { 1, 0, 0, -PX },
    			{ 0, 1, 0, -PY },
    			{ 0, 0, 1, -PZ },
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(Eye_Translation_Matrix, 4, 4, "Eye_Translation_Matrix");
    	float Eye_Mirror_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE]
    		= { { -1, 0, 0, 0 },
    			{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
    			{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(Eye_Mirror_Matrix, 4, 4, "Eye_Mirror_Matrix");
    	float TiltDegree = Tilt * PI / 180.0;
    	float Eye_Tilt_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE]
    		= { { cos(TiltDegree), sin(TiltDegree), 0, 0 },
    			{ -sin(TiltDegree), cos(TiltDegree), 0, 0 },
    			{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(Eye_Tilt_Matrix, 4, 4, "Eye_Tilt_Matrix");
    	float view_vector[3] = { CX - PX, CY - PY, CZ - PZ };
    	float top_vector[3] = { 0, 1, 0 };
    	float vector3[3];
    	memcpy(vector3, view_vector, sizeof(view_vector));
    	float vector1[3];
    	Cross_Multi(vector1, top_vector, view_vector);
    	float vector2[3];
    	Cross_Multi(vector2, vector3, vector1);
    	float GRM[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    		= { { vector1[0], vector1[1], vector1[2], 0 }, 
    			{ vector2[0], vector2[1], vector2[2], 0 }, 
    			{ vector3[0], vector3[1], vector3[2], 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(GRM, 4, 4, "GRM");
    	float new_Eye_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    		= { { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    	Matrix_Multi_Matrix(Eye_Translation_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix);
    	Matrix_Multi_Matrix(GRM, new_Eye_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix);
    	Matrix_Multi_Matrix(Eye_Mirror_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix);
    	Matrix_Multi_Matrix(Eye_Tilt_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix, new_Eye_Matrix);
    	update_Matrix(new_Eye_Matrix, Eye_Matirx);
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(Eye_Matirx, 4, 4, "Eye_Matrix");
    // Set up Project_Transform_Matrix
    void Project_Transform(float zNear, float zFar, float hFOV){
    	float PM4_3 = tan(hFOV * PI / 180.0);
    	float PM3_3 = (zFar / (zFar - zNear)) * PM4_3;
    	float PM3_4 = ((zNear * zFar) / (zNear - zFar)) * PM4_3;
    	float new_Project_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE] 
    		= { { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, PM3_3, PM3_4 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, PM4_3, 0 } };
    	update_Matrix(new_Project_Matrix, Project_Matrix);
    // Multiplication Cross for 3-dimensionality
    void Cross_Multi(float destination[], float a[], float b[]){
    	destination[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
    	destination[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
    	destination[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
    // Unitize a 3-dimensionality Vector
    void UnitizeVector(float vector[]){
    	float diver = sqrt(vector[0] * vector[0] +
    					   vector[1] * vector[1] +
    					   vector[2] * vector[2]);
    	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
    		vector[i] /= diver;
    // Set the view border
    void viewport(float vxl, float vxr, float vyb, float vyt){
    	float Vlength = vxr - vxl;
    	float Vheight = vyt - vyb;
    	Project_Matrix[1][1] = Vlength / Vheight;// Set Ar
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(Project_Matrix, 4, 4, "Project_Matrix");
    	float wxl, wxr, wyb, wyt;
    	wxl = wyb = -1.0;
    	wxr = wyt = 1.0;
    	wvmtype scaling_x = (wvmtype)((vxr - vxl) / (wxr - wxl));
    	wvmtype scaling_y = (wvmtype)((vyt - vyb) / (wyt - wyb));
    	wvmtype shift_x = (wvmtype)(vxl - scaling_x * wxl);
    	wvmtype shift_y = (wvmtype)(vyb - scaling_y * wyb);
    	wvmtype new_WVM_Matrix[MTM_SIZE][MTM_SIZE]
    		= { { scaling_x, 0, shift_x, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, scaling_y, shift_y, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
    			{ 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
    	update_Matrix(new_WVM_Matrix, WVM);
    #if PRINT
    	printMatrix(WVM, 4, 4, "WVM Matrix");
    // Show all the object in final
    void display(){
    	viewport(0, width, 0, height);
    	vector<PointWithColor> colorPointVector;
    	PointWithColor newColorPoint;
    	float multi_sum = 0;
    	float Matrix[MTM_SIZE];
    	ASCModel_struct Cur_ASCModel;
    	for(int index = 0; index < num_ASCModel; index++){
    		Cur_ASCModel = ASCModel[index];
    		/*line_start[num_line] = line_data(-1, -1);
    		lcp = &line_start[num_line];*/
    #if PRINT
    		cout << "World-Space:" << endl;
    		cout << Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][0] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][1] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][2] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][3] << " " << endl;
    		// Convert World-Space to Eye-Space
    		for(int i = 0; i < ASCModel[index].num_vertex; i++){
    			for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    				multi_sum = 0;
    				for(int k = 0; k < MTM_SIZE; k++){
    					multi_sum += Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][k]
    						* Eye_Matirx[j][k];
    				Matrix[j] = multi_sum;
    			// Update(cover) the Object-Space
    			for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    				Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][j] = Matrix[j];
    #if PRINT
    		cout << "Eye-Space:" << endl;
    		cout << Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][0] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][1] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][2] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][3] << " " << endl;
    		// Convert Eye-Space to Project-Space
    		for(int i = 0; i < ASCModel[index].num_vertex; i++){
    			for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    				multi_sum = 0;
    				for(int k = 0; k < MTM_SIZE; k++){
    					multi_sum += Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][k]
    						* Project_Matrix[j][k];
    				Matrix[j] = multi_sum;
    			// Update(cover) the Object-Space
    			for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    				Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][j] = Matrix[j] / Matrix[3];
    			//Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][2] = 1;//Fix to three-dimensional homogeneous
    #if PRINT
    		cout << "Project-Space:" << endl;
    		cout << Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][0] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][1] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][2] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][3] << " " << endl;
    		// Convert Project-Space to Screen-Space
    		for(int i = 0; i < ASCModel[index].num_vertex; i++){
    			for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    				multi_sum = 0;
    				for(int k = 0; k < MTM_SIZE; k++){
    					multi_sum += Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][k]
    						* WVM[j][k];
    				Matrix[j] = multi_sum;
    			// Update(cover) the Object-Space
    			for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    				Cur_ASCModel.vertex[i][j] = Matrix[j];
    #if PRINT
    		cout << "Screen-Space:" << endl;
    		cout << Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][0] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][1] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][2] << " "
    			<< Cur_ASCModel.vertex[PRINT_VERTEX][3] << " " << endl;
    		// Display
    		for(int i = 0; i < Cur_ASCModel.num_face; i++){
    			int min_y = INT_MAX;
    			int max_y = INT_MIN;
    			for(int j = 1; j <= Cur_ASCModel.face[i][0]; j++){
    				newColorPoint.x = Cur_ASCModel.vertex[Cur_ASCModel.face[i][j] - 1][0];
    				newColorPoint.y = Cur_ASCModel.vertex[Cur_ASCModel.face[i][j] - 1][1];
    				if(newColorPoint.y < min_y)
    					min_y = newColorPoint.y;
    				if(newColorPoint.y > max_y)
    					max_y = newColorPoint.y;
    				newColorPoint.z = Cur_ASCModel.vertex[Cur_ASCModel.face[i][j] - 1][2];
    				newColorPoint.r = getColor(index, i, Cur_ASCModel.face[i][j] - 1, 'r');
    				newColorPoint.g = getColor(index, i, Cur_ASCModel.face[i][j] - 1, 'g');
    				newColorPoint.b = getColor(index, i, Cur_ASCModel.face[i][j] - 1, 'b');
    			drawFace(colorPointVector, min_y, max_y);
    	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
    			drawColorDot(j, i, Buffer[i][j].r, Buffer[i][j].g, Buffer[i][j].b);
    // Draw a Face with the point in vector
    void drawFace(const vector<PointWithColor>& colorPointVector, int min_y, int max_y){
    	// 自己的运算方法,首先存储边框,然后插值运算所有
    	vector< priority_queue<PointWithColor> > vecPriQue;
    	for(int i = min_y; i <= max_y; i++){
    		priority_queue<PointWithColor> empty;
    	for(int i = 0; i < colorPointVector.size(); i++){
    		int i_next = (i + 1 == colorPointVector.size()) ? 0 : i + 1;
    		//int a = abs(colorPointVector[i].x - colorPointVector[i_next].x);
    		int b = abs(colorPointVector[i].y - colorPointVector[i_next].y);
    		//int max_dis = a > b ? a : b;
    		int max_dis = b;
    		//cout << a << "  " << b << "  " << max_dis << endl;
    		if(max_dis != 0){
    			PointWithColor newColorPoint;
    			for(int j = 0; j < max_dis; j++){
    				newColorPoint.x = colorPointVector[i].x + j
    					* (colorPointVector[i_next].x - colorPointVector[i].x) / max_dis;
    				newColorPoint.y = colorPointVector[i].y + j
    					* (colorPointVector[i_next].y - colorPointVector[i].y) / max_dis;
    				//cout << newColorPoint.x << "   " << newColorPoint.y << endl;
    				newColorPoint.z = interpolation(colorPointVector[i].z, colorPointVector[i_next].z,
    					colorPointVector[i].y, colorPointVector[i_next].y, newColorPoint.y);
    				//cout << newColorPoint.z << endl;
    				newColorPoint.r = interpolation(colorPointVector[i].r, colorPointVector[i_next].r, 
    					colorPointVector[i].y, colorPointVector[i_next].y, newColorPoint.y);
    				newColorPoint.g = interpolation(colorPointVector[i].g, colorPointVector[i_next].g,
    					colorPointVector[i].y, colorPointVector[i_next].y, newColorPoint.y);
    				newColorPoint.b = interpolation(colorPointVector[i].b, colorPointVector[i_next].b,
    					colorPointVector[i].y, colorPointVector[i_next].y, newColorPoint.y);
    				vecPriQue[newColorPoint.y - min_y].push(newColorPoint);
    				//drawColorDot(newColorPoint.x, newColorPoint.y, newColorPoint.r, newColorPoint.g, newColorPoint.b);
    			vecPriQue[colorPointVector[i].y - min_y].push(colorPointVector[i]);
    			vecPriQue[colorPointVector[i_next].y - min_y].push(colorPointVector[i_next]);
    	for(int i = 0; i < vecPriQue.size(); i++){
    			PointWithColor left = vecPriQue[i].top();
    			while(vecPriQue[i].size() > 1)
    			PointWithColor right = vecPriQue[i].top();
    			if(right.x - left.x == 0){
    				if(left.z < Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].z){
    					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].z = left.z;
    					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].r = left.r;
    					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].g = left.g;
    					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].b = left.b;
    			int step_x = left.x - 1;
    			float step_z = (right.z - left.z) / (right.x - left.x);		float depth_z = left.z - step_z;
    			float step_r = (right.r - left.r) / (right.x - left.x);		float cur_r = left.r - step_r;
    			float step_g = (right.g - left.g) / (right.x - left.x);		float cur_g = left.g - step_g;
    			float step_b = (right.b - left.b) / (right.x - left.x);		float cur_b = left.b - step_b;
    			int steps = right.x - left.x;
    			for(int j = 0; j <= steps; j++){
    				depth_z += step_z;
    				cur_r += step_r;	cur_g += step_g;	cur_b += step_b;
    				if(depth_z < Buffer[left.y][step_x].z){
    					//cout << depth_z << endl;
    					Buffer[left.y][step_x].z = depth_z;
    					Buffer[left.y][step_x].r = cur_r;
    					Buffer[left.y][step_x].g = cur_g;
    					Buffer[left.y][step_x].b = cur_b;
    					//drawColorDot(step_x, left.y, cur_r, cur_g, cur_b);
    					//drawColorDot(step_x, left.y, colorPointVector[0].r, colorPointVector[0].g, colorPointVector[0].b);
    //void drawFace(const vector<PointWithColor>& colorPointVector, int min_y, int max_y){
    //	//老师发方法,必须判断top left right,且中间扫描过程可能改变
    //	for(int y = max_y; y >= min_y; y--){
    //		PointWithColor left, right;
    //		// Get point left
    //		left.y = y;
    //		left.x = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].x, colorPointVector[1].x, 
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[1].y, y);
    //		left.z = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].z, colorPointVector[1].z,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[1].y, y);
    //		left.r = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].r, colorPointVector[1].r,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[1].y, y);
    //		left.g = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].g, colorPointVector[1].g,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[1].y, y);
    //		left.b = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].b, colorPointVector[1].b,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[1].y, y);
    //		// Get point right
    //		right.y = y;
    //		right.x = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].x, colorPointVector[2].x,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[2].y, y);
    //		right.z = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].z, colorPointVector[2].z,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[2].y, y);
    //		right.r = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].r, colorPointVector[2].r,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[2].y, y);
    //		right.g = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].g, colorPointVector[2].g,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[2].y, y);
    //		right.b = interpolation(colorPointVector[0].b, colorPointVector[2].b,
    //			colorPointVector[0].y, colorPointVector[2].y, y);
    //		// one point in a line
    //		if(left.x == right.x && left.y == right.y){
    //			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < colorPointVector.size(); i++){
    //				if(left.x == colorPointVector[i].x && left.y == colorPointVector[i].y){
    //					if(colorPointVector[i].z < Buffer[left.y][left.x].z){
    //						Buffer[left.y][left.x].z = colorPointVector[i].z;
    //						Buffer[left.y][left.x].r = colorPointVector[i].r;
    //						Buffer[left.y][left.x].g = colorPointVector[i].g;
    //						Buffer[left.y][left.x].b = colorPointVector[i].b;
    //					}
    //					break;
    //				}
    //			}
    //			continue;
    //		}
    //		// two point in a line
    //		int step_x = left.x - 1;
    //		int step_z = (right.z - left.z) / (right.x - left.x);		int depth_z = left.z - step_z;
    //		float step_r = (right.r - left.r) / (right.x - left.x);		float cur_r = left.r - step_r;
    //		float step_g = (right.g - left.g) / (right.x - left.x);		float cur_g = left.g - step_g;
    //		float step_b = (right.b - left.b) / (right.x - left.x);		float cur_b = left.b - step_b;
    //		int steps = right.x - left.x;
    //		for(int j = 0; j <= steps; j++){
    //			step_x++;
    //			depth_z += step_z;
    //			cur_r += step_r;	cur_g += step_g;	cur_b += step_b;
    //			if(depth_z < Buffer[left.y][step_x].z){
    //				Buffer[left.y][step_x].z = depth_z;
    //				Buffer[left.y][step_x].r = cur_r;
    //				Buffer[left.y][step_x].g = cur_g;
    //				Buffer[left.y][step_x].b = cur_b;
    //				drawColorDot(step_x, left.y, cur_r, cur_g, cur_b);
    //				//drawColorDot(step_x, left.y, colorPointVector[0].r, colorPointVector[0].g, colorPointVector[0].b);
    //			}
    //		}
    //	}
    //	glFlush();
    //void drawFace(const vector<PointWithColor>& colorPointVector, int min_y, int max_y){
    //	// 自己的运算方法,首先存储边框,然后取中点
    //	vector< priority_queue<PointWithColor> > vecPriQue;
    //	for(int i = min_y; i <= max_y; i++){
    //		priority_queue<PointWithColor> empty;
    //		vecPriQue.push_back(empty);
    //	}
    //	float sum_r = 0, sum_g = 0, sum_b = 0;
    //	for(int i = 0; i < colorPointVector.size(); i++){
    //		sum_r += colorPointVector[i].r;
    //		sum_g += colorPointVector[i].g;
    //		sum_b += colorPointVector[i].b;
    //		int i_next = (i + 1 == colorPointVector.size()) ? 0 : i + 1;
    //		int b = abs(colorPointVector[i].y - colorPointVector[i_next].y);
    //		int max_dis = b;
    //		if(max_dis != 0){
    //			PointWithColor newColorPoint;
    //			for(int j = 0; j < max_dis; j++){
    //				newColorPoint.x = colorPointVector[i].x + j
    //					* (colorPointVector[i_next].x - colorPointVector[i].x) / max_dis;
    //				newColorPoint.y = colorPointVector[i].y + j
    //					* (colorPointVector[i_next].y - colorPointVector[i].y) / max_dis;
    //				newColorPoint.z = interpolation(colorPointVector[i].z, colorPointVector[i_next].z,
    //					colorPointVector[i].y, colorPointVector[i_next].y, newColorPoint.y);
    //				vecPriQue[newColorPoint.y - min_y].push(newColorPoint);
    //				//drawColorDot(newColorPoint.x, newColorPoint.y, newColorPoint.r, newColorPoint.g, newColorPoint.b);
    //			}
    //		}
    //	}
    //	sum_r /= colorPointVector.size();
    //	sum_g /= colorPointVector.size();
    //	sum_b /= colorPointVector.size();
    //	for(int i = 0; i < vecPriQue.size(); i++){
    //		if(!vecPriQue[i].empty()){
    //			PointWithColor left = vecPriQue[i].top();
    //			while(vecPriQue[i].size() > 1)
    //				vecPriQue[i].pop();
    //			PointWithColor right = vecPriQue[i].top();
    //			vecPriQue[i].pop();
    //			if(right.x - left.x == 0){
    //				if(left.z < Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].z){
    //					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].z = left.z;
    //					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].r = sum_r;
    //					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].g = sum_g;
    //					Buffer[left.y][(int)left.x].b = sum_b;
    //				}
    //				continue;
    //			}
    //			int step_x = left.x - 1;
    //			float step_z = (right.z - left.z) / (right.x - left.x);		float depth_z = left.z - step_z;
    //			int steps = right.x - left.x;
    //			for(int j = 0; j <= steps; j++){
    //				step_x++;
    //				depth_z += step_z;
    //				if(depth_z < Buffer[left.y][step_x].z){
    //					//cout << depth_z << endl;
    //					Buffer[left.y][step_x].z = depth_z;
    //					Buffer[left.y][step_x].r = sum_r;
    //					Buffer[left.y][step_x].g = sum_g;
    //					Buffer[left.y][step_x].b = sum_b;
    //					drawColorDot(step_x, left.y, sum_r, sum_g, sum_b);
    //					glFlush();
    //				}
    //			}
    //		}
    //	}
    // Return the value of interpolation
    float interpolation(float p1, float p2, float q1, float q2, float q){
    	return ((q - q1) / (q2 - q1) * (p2 - p1) + p1);
    // glut way to draw a dot with color
    void drawColorDot(int x, int y, float c_r, float c_g, float c_b){
    	// set the color of dot
    	glColor3f(c_r, c_g, c_b);
    	// invert height because the opengl origin is at top-left instead of bottom-left
    	//glVertex2i(x, height - y);
    	glVertex2i(x, y);
    // Redrwa the object
    void redraw(){
    	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
    			drawColorDot(j, i, Buffer[i][j].r, Buffer[i][j].g, Buffer[i][j].b);
    // Clear all the objects in store
    void clearData(){
    	for(int i = 0; i < num_line; i++){
    		if(line_start[i].next != NULL){
    			lcp = line_start[i].next;
    			while(lcp != NULL){
    				temp = lcp;
    				lcp = lcp->next;
    	num_line = 0;
    // Clear the screen
    void clearScreen(){
    	glClearColor(background_r, background_g, background_b, alpha);
    // Read the command from file
    void ReadFile(bool& IsExit){
    	/*ifstream fin(Inputfile);
    		cout << "open the file successfully" << endl;
    		cout << "Can't not open the file" << endl;
    		IsExit = true;
    	int _ID;
    	float sx, sy, sz;
    	float Xdegree, Ydegree, Zdegree;
    	float tx, ty, tz;
    	float vxl, vxr, vyt, vyb;
    	float PX, PY, PZ, CX, CY, CZ, Tilt, zNear, zFar, hFOV;
    	float AmKa, b_r, b_g, b_b;
    	float _R, _G, _B, _Kd, _Ks, _N;
    	float _Ip, _X, _Y, _Z;
    	string command, comment, objectname;
    		fin >> width >> height;
    		setWinSize(width, height);
    		fin >> command;
    		cout <<"COMMAND -- " << command << " : " << endl;
    		if(command == "scale"){
    			fin >> sx >> sy >> sz;
    			scale(sx, sy, sz);
    		else if(command == "rotate"){
    			fin >> Xdegree >> Ydegree >>Zdegree;
    			rotate(Xdegree, Ydegree, Zdegree);
    		else if(command == "translate"){
    			fin >> tx >> ty >> tz;
    			translate(tx, ty, tz);
    		else if(command == "reset"){
    		else if(command == "object"){
    			fin >> objectname;
    			fin >> _R >> _G >> _B;
    			fin >> _Kd >> _Ks >> _N;
    			object(objectname, _R, _G, _B, _Kd, _Ks, _N);
    		else if(command == "observer"){
    			fin >> PX >> PY >> PZ;
    			fin >> CX >> CY >> CZ;
    			fin >> Tilt;
    			fin >> zNear >> zFar >> hFOV;
    			observer(PX, PY, PZ, CX, CY, CZ, Tilt, zNear, zFar, hFOV);
    		else if(command == "viewport"){
    			fin >> vxl >> vxr >> vyb >> vyt;
    			viewport(vxl, vxr, vyb, vyt);
    		else if(command == "display"){
    			cout << "	Objects display successfully" << endl;
    		else if(command == "clearData"){
    			cout << "Data is cleared" << endl;
    		else if(command == "clearScreen"){
    			cout << "Screen is cleared" << endl;
    		else if(command == "ambient"){
    			fin >> AmKa;
    		else if(command == "background"){
    			fin >> b_r >> b_g >> b_b;
    			setBackground(b_r, b_g, b_b);
    		else if(command == "light"){
    			fin >> _ID;
    			fin >> _Ip >> _X >> _Y >> _Z;
    			setLight(_ID - 1, _Ip, _X, _Y, _Z);
    		else if(command == "end"){
    			IsExit = true;
    		else if(command == "#"){
    			getline(fin, comment);
    			cout << "	" << comment << endl;
    		cout << endl;
    // Display function
    void displayFunc(void){
    	// clear the entire window to the background color
    		glClearColor(background_r, background_g, background_b, alpha);
    // Change the windows size function
    void setWinSize(int winWidth, int winHeight){
    	glutInitWindowSize(winWidth, winHeight);      // set window size
    	glutInitWindowPosition(500, 100);            // set window position on screen
    	glutCreateWindow("Lab4 Window");       // set window title
    	// set background color
    	glClearColor(background_r, background_g, background_b, alpha);     // set the background to white
    	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the buffer
    	// misc setup
    	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);  // setup coordinate system
    	gluOrtho2D(0, winWidth, 0, winHeight);
    // Set the Ka of Ambient
    void setAmbient(float value){
    	ambient_Ka = value;
    // Set the Background Color
    void setBackground(float _background_r, float _background_g, float _background_b){
    	background_r = _background_r;
    	background_g = _background_g;
    	background_b = _background_b;
    // Create a new Light Object
    void setLight(int _ID, float _Ip, float _X, float _Y, float _Z){
    	Light[_ID].enable = true;
    	Light[_ID].Ip = _Ip;
    	Light[_ID].X = _X;
    	Light[_ID].Y = _Y;
    	Light[_ID].Z = _Z;
    	//  Convert to WorldSpace
    	/*float multi_sum = 0;
    	float WorldSpace[MTM_SIZE];
    	float LWPosition[MTM_SIZE] = { _X, _Y, _Z, 1 };
    	for(int j = 0; j < MTM_SIZE; j++){
    		multi_sum = 0;
    		for(int k = 0; k < MTM_SIZE; k++){
    			multi_sum += LWPosition[k] * ModelingTransformMatrix[j][k];
    		WorldSpace[j] = multi_sum;
    	Light[_ID].X = WorldSpace[0];
    	Light[_ID].Y = WorldSpace[1];
    	Light[_ID].Z = WorldSpace[2];*/
    // Return the total value of color of a point
    //float getColor(int objectIndex, int faceIndex, int pointIndex, char whichColor){
    //	// getColor的完全实现版本
    //	float sumColor, ambient, diffuse, specular;
    //	//float fatt = 1.0;//Maybe Wrong
    //	if(whichColor == 'r' || whichColor == 'R'){
    //		//ambient = ambient_Ka * background_r * ASCModel[objectIndex].R;
    //		ambient = ambient_Ka * ASCModel[objectIndex].R;
    //		diffuse = 0;
    //		specular = 0;
    //		float normalVector[3];
    //		getNormalVector(normalVector, objectIndex, faceIndex);
    //		UnitizeVector(normalVector);
    //		for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){
    //			if(Light[i].enable){
    //				float lightVector[3];
    //				lightVector[0] = Light[i].X - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    //				lightVector[1] = Light[i].Y - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    //				lightVector[2] = Light[i].Z - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    //				UnitizeVector(lightVector);
    //				float NdotL = AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				float reflectVector[3];
    //				reflectVector[0] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[0] - lightVector[0];
    //				reflectVector[1] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[1] - lightVector[1];
    //				reflectVector[2] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[2] - lightVector[2];
    //				UnitizeVector(reflectVector);
    //				float viewVector[3];
    //				viewVector[0] = EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    //				viewVector[1] = EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    //				viewVector[2] = EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    //				UnitizeVector(viewVector);
    //				/*float distance = sqrt(lightVector[0] * lightVector[0]
    //				+ lightVector[1] * lightVector[1]
    //				+ lightVector[2] * lightVector[2]);*/
    //				//float fatt = 1.0 / (0.1 + 0.1 * distance + 0.1 * distance * distance); // Maybe Wrong
    //				//diffuse += fatt * ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * Light[i].Ip * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				diffuse += ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				//float halfWayVector[3];
    //				//// halfWayVector = lightVector + viewVector
    //				//halfWayVector[0] = lightVector[0] + (EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0]);
    //				//halfWayVector[1] = lightVector[1] + (EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1]);
    //				//halfWayVector[2] = lightVector[2] + (EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2]);
    //				//UnitizeVector(halfWayVector);
    //				//float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(halfWayVector, normalVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    //				float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(reflectVector, viewVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    //				//specular += fatt * ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * Light[i].Ip * specular_last;
    //				specular += ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * specular_last;
    //			}
    //		}
    //		diffuse *= ASCModel[objectIndex].R;
    //	}
    //	else if(whichColor == 'g' || whichColor == 'G'){
    //		//ambient = ambient_Ka * background_r * ASCModel[objectIndex].G;
    //		ambient = ambient_Ka * ASCModel[objectIndex].G;
    //		diffuse = 0;
    //		specular = 0;
    //		float normalVector[3];
    //		getNormalVector(normalVector, objectIndex, faceIndex);
    //		UnitizeVector(normalVector);
    //		for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){
    //			if(Light[i].enable){
    //				float lightVector[3];
    //				lightVector[0] = Light[i].X - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    //				lightVector[1] = Light[i].Y - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    //				lightVector[2] = Light[i].Z - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    //				UnitizeVector(lightVector);
    //				float NdotL = AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				float reflectVector[3];
    //				reflectVector[0] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[0] - lightVector[0];
    //				reflectVector[1] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[1] - lightVector[1];
    //				reflectVector[2] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[2] - lightVector[2];
    //				UnitizeVector(reflectVector);
    //				float viewVector[3];
    //				viewVector[0] = EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    //				viewVector[1] = EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    //				viewVector[2] = EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    //				UnitizeVector(viewVector);
    //				/*float distance = sqrt(lightVector[0] * lightVector[0]
    //				+ lightVector[1] * lightVector[1]
    //				+ lightVector[2] * lightVector[2]);*/
    //				//float fatt = 1.0 / (0.1 + 0.1 * distance + 0.1 * distance * distance); // Maybe Wrong
    //				//diffuse += fatt * ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * Light[i].Ip * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				diffuse += ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				//float halfWayVector[3];
    //				//// halfWayVector = lightVector + viewVector
    //				//halfWayVector[0] = lightVector[0] + (EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0]);
    //				//halfWayVector[1] = lightVector[1] + (EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1]);
    //				//halfWayVector[2] = lightVector[2] + (EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2]);
    //				//UnitizeVector(halfWayVector);
    //				//float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(halfWayVector, normalVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    //				float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(reflectVector, viewVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    //				//specular += fatt * ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * Light[i].Ip * specular_last;
    //				specular += ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * specular_last;
    //			}
    //		}
    //		diffuse *= ASCModel[objectIndex].G;
    //	}
    //	else if(whichColor == 'b' || whichColor == 'B'){
    //		//ambient = ambient_Ka * background_r * ASCModel[objectIndex].B;
    //		ambient = ambient_Ka * ASCModel[objectIndex].B;
    //		diffuse = 0;
    //		specular = 0;
    //		float normalVector[3];
    //		getNormalVector(normalVector, objectIndex, faceIndex);
    //		UnitizeVector(normalVector);
    //		for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){
    //			if(Light[i].enable){
    //				float lightVector[3];
    //				lightVector[0] = Light[i].X - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    //				lightVector[1] = Light[i].Y - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    //				lightVector[2] = Light[i].Z - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    //				UnitizeVector(lightVector);
    //				float NdotL = AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				float reflectVector[3];
    //				reflectVector[0] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[0] - lightVector[0];
    //				reflectVector[1] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[1] - lightVector[1];
    //				reflectVector[2] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[2] - lightVector[2];
    //				UnitizeVector(reflectVector);
    //				float viewVector[3];
    //				viewVector[0] = EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    //				viewVector[1] = EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    //				viewVector[2] = EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    //				UnitizeVector(viewVector);
    //				/*float distance = sqrt(lightVector[0] * lightVector[0]
    //				+ lightVector[1] * lightVector[1]
    //				+ lightVector[2] * lightVector[2]);*/
    //				//float fatt = 1.0 / (0.1 + 0.1 * distance + 0.1 * distance * distance); // Maybe Wrong
    //				//diffuse += fatt * ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * Light[i].Ip * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				diffuse += ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    //				//float halfWayVector[3];
    //				//// halfWayVector = lightVector + viewVector
    //				//halfWayVector[0] = lightVector[0] + (EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0]);
    //				//halfWayVector[1] = lightVector[1] + (EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1]);
    //				//halfWayVector[2] = lightVector[2] + (EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2]);
    //				//UnitizeVector(halfWayVector);
    //				//float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(halfWayVector, normalVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    //				float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(reflectVector, viewVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    //				//specular += fatt * ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * Light[i].Ip * specular_last;
    //				specular += ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * specular_last;
    //			}
    //		}
    //		diffuse *= ASCModel[objectIndex].B;
    //	}
    //	sumColor = ambient + diffuse + specular;
    //	/*if(sumColor > 1)
    //		return 1.0;
    //	else if(sumColor < 0)
    //		return 0;
    //	else
    //		return sumColor;*/
    //	return sumColor;
    float getColor(int objectIndex, int faceIndex, int pointIndex, char whichColor){
    	// 精简版(其实就是参数不全)
    	//cout << objectIndex << " " << faceIndex << " " << pointIndex << endl;
    	float sumColor, ambient, diffuse, specular;
    	ambient = ambient_Ka;
    	diffuse = 0;
    	specular = 0;
    	float normalVector[3];
    	getNormalVector(normalVector, objectIndex, faceIndex);
    	for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT; i++){
    			float lightVector[3];
    			lightVector[0] = Light[i].X - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    			lightVector[1] = Light[i].Y - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    			lightVector[2] = Light[i].Z - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    			float NdotL = AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    			float reflectVector[3];
    			reflectVector[0] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[0] - lightVector[0];
    			reflectVector[1] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[1] - lightVector[1];
    			reflectVector[2] = 2 * NdotL * normalVector[2] - lightVector[2];
    			float viewVector[3];
    			viewVector[0] = EyeX - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][0];
    			viewVector[1] = EyeY - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][1];
    			viewVector[2] = EyeZ - ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[pointIndex][2];
    			diffuse += ASCModel[objectIndex].Kd * AbsDot_Multi(normalVector, lightVector);
    			float specular_last = pow(AbsDot_Multi(reflectVector, viewVector), ASCModel[objectIndex].N);
    			specular += ASCModel[objectIndex].Ks * specular_last;
    	if(whichColor == 'r')
    		sumColor = (ambient + diffuse) * ASCModel[objectIndex].R + specular;
    	else if(whichColor == 'g')
    		sumColor = (ambient + diffuse) * ASCModel[objectIndex].G + specular;
    		sumColor = (ambient + diffuse) * ASCModel[objectIndex].B + specular;
    	return sumColor;
    // Get the normal vector of a face of an object
    void getNormalVector(float* destination, int objectIndex, int faceIndex){
    	float point1[3];
    	float point2[3];
    	float point3[3];
    	float vector1[3];
    	float vector2[3];
    	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
    		point1[i] = ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[ASCModel[objectIndex].face[faceIndex][1] - 1][i];
    		point2[i] = ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[ASCModel[objectIndex].face[faceIndex][2] - 1][i];
    		point3[i] = ASCModel[objectIndex].vertex[ASCModel[objectIndex].face[faceIndex][3] - 1][i];
    		vector1[i] = point2[i] - point1[i];
    		vector2[i] = point3[i] - point1[i];
    	Cross_Multi(destination, vector1, vector2);
    // Return the abs value of Multiplication Dot for 3-dimensionality
    float AbsDot_Multi(float a[], float b[]){
    	float sum = 0;
    	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
    		sum += a[i] * b[i];
    	//return sum;
    	return (sum>0) ? sum : -sum; // Maybe Wrong
    	//return (sum>0) ? sum : 0; // Maybe Wrong
    // Judge a dot is on the line or not
    bool is_onLine(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
    	int lineWidth = 10;
    	int ans = (x - x1)*(y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1)*(y - y1);
    	if(ans < lineWidth && ans > -lineWidth)
    		return true;
    		return false;
    // Sort Result : 0 for top, 1 for left, 2 for right
    void sortColorPointVector(vector<PointWithColor>& colorPointVector){
    	if(colorPointVector[1].y > colorPointVector[0].y){
    		swap(colorPointVector[0], colorPointVector[1]);
    	if(colorPointVector[1].y == colorPointVector[0].y && colorPointVector[1].x < colorPointVector[0].x){
    		swap(colorPointVector[0], colorPointVector[1]);
    	if(colorPointVector[2].y > colorPointVector[0].y){
    		swap(colorPointVector[0], colorPointVector[2]);
    	if(colorPointVector[2].y == colorPointVector[0].y && colorPointVector[2].x < colorPointVector[0].x){
    		swap(colorPointVector[0], colorPointVector[2]);
    	if(colorPointVector[2].x < colorPointVector[1].x){
    		swap(colorPointVector[1], colorPointVector[2]);
    	// Fix
    	if(colorPointVector[1].y == colorPointVector[0].y){
    	if(colorPointVector[2].y == colorPointVector[0].y){
    // Print some formation and Set the parameter
    void initial(){
    	Buffer_struct infBuffer(INF_FAR, background_r, background_g, background_b);
    	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++){
    		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
    			Buffer[i][j] = infBuffer;
    // Something wants TA knows
    void wordsToTA(){
    	cout << "输出比较慢,因为输出了中间过程Flat Shading" << endl;
    	cout << "对比前后变化可以看出用了Gouraud Shading的方法" << endl;
    	//cout << "用了Gouraud Shading的方法" << endl;
    	cout << endl;
    #pragma endregion
    // Main
    void main(int argc, char** argv) {
    	int winSizeX, winSizeY;
    	//Set the programme parameter
    	Inputfile = (argc >= 2) ? (string(argv[1])) : "Hw4D.in";
    	//Inputfile = (argc >= 2) ? (string(argv[1])) : "Hw4E.in";
    	//Inputfile = (argc >= 2) ? (string(argv[1])) : "Hw4F.in";
    	//Inputfile = (argc >= 2) ? (string(argv[1])) : "mytest.in";
    	/*width = winSizeX = (argc >= 3) ? (atoi(argv[2])) : 800;
    	height = winSizeY = (argc >= 4) ? (atoi(argv[3])) : 600;*/
    		cout << "open the file successfully" << endl;
    		cout << "Can't not open the file" << endl;
    		IsExit = true;
    		fin >> winSizeX >> winSizeY;
    		width = winSizeX;
    		height = winSizeY;
    	// initialize OpenGL utility toolkit (glut)
    	glutInit(&argc, argv);
    	// single disply and RGB color mapping
    	glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); // set display mode
    	glutInitWindowSize(winSizeX, winSizeY);      // set window size
    	glutInitWindowPosition(500, 100);                // set window position on screen
    	glutCreateWindow("Lab4 Window");       // set window title
    	// set up the mouse and keyboard callback functions
    	//glutKeyboardFunc(myKeyboard); // register the keyboard action function
    	// displayFunc is called whenever there is a need to redisplay the window,
    	// e.g., when the window is exposed from under another window or when the window is de-iconified
    	glutDisplayFunc(displayFunc); // register the redraw function
    	// set background color
    	glClearColor(background_r, background_g, background_b, alpha);     // set the background to white
    	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the buffer
    	// misc setup
    	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);  // setup coordinate system
    	gluOrtho2D(0, winSizeX, 0, winSizeY);



    • teapot.asc
    • skull.asc
    • grid4x4.asc
    • cube.asc
    # Hw4D.in
    # ##################
    600 600
    ambient 0.4
    object teapot.asc 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.4  0.6  30
    observer 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 .1 1000 15
    background 0.2 0.5 0.7
    light 1 1.0 -2.0 5.0 10.0
    light 2 .7 0.0 10.0 0.0
    light 3 .6 10.0 10.0 10.0
    # ##################
    # Hw4E.in
    # ##################
    600 600
    ambient 0.4
    background 0.2 0.3 0.4
    observer 0.0 0.0 2 0 0 0 0 .1 1000 40
    light 1 0.8 0.0 5.0 5.0
    # SKULL
    object skull.asc 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.7  0.3  5
    scale 0.2 0.2 0.2
    translate 0.26 0.08 .28
    object cube.asc 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.1 1
    scale 0.2 0.2 0.2
    translate -0.26 0.08 .28
    object cube.asc 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.1 1
    # PUPILS
    scale 0.05 0.05 0.05
    translate 0.26 0.08 .46
    object cube.asc 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.7  0.3  5
    scale 0.05 0.05 0.05
    translate -0.26 0.08 .46
    object cube.asc 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.7  0.3  5
    # ##################
    # Hw4F.in
    # ##################
    600 600
    ambient 0.4
    scale 5.0 0.25 0.25
    object cube.asc 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    scale 0.25 5.0 0.25
    object cube.asc 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    scale 0.25 0.25 5.0 
    object cube.asc 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    rotate 180.0 0.0 0.0
    translate -1.0 0.0 -1.0
    object Grid4x4.asc 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    translate 2.0 0.0 0.0
    object Grid4x4.asc 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    translate 0.0 0.0 2.0
    object Grid4x4.asc 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    translate -2.0 0.0 0.0
    object Grid4x4.asc 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8  0.2  1
    observer 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .1 1000 10
    light 1 0.8 0.0 10.0 0.0
    # ##################



    3DCG_hw4_quick.exe Hw4D.in
    3DCG_hw4_quick.exe Hw4E.in
    3DCG_hw4_quick.exe Hw4F.in


    称之为 这完美的茶壶

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wsine/p/4648995.html
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