- The Scan operation for HBase.
Scan API
- All operations are identical to Get with the exception of instantiation.
- Rather than specifying a single row, an optional startRow and stopRow may be defined.
- If rows are not specified, the Scanner will ierator over all rows.
- You can constrain the scan to specific column families by calling addFamily for each family to retrieve on your Scan instance. Also u can call addCollumn for each column to retrieve.
- To only retrieve columns within a specific range of version timestamps, call setTimeRange.
- To only retrieve columns with a specific timestamp, call setTimestamp.
- To limit the number of versions of each column to be returned, call setMaxVersions.
- To limit the maximum number of values returned for each call to next(), call setBatch.
- To add a filter, call setFilter.
- U can use setLimit(int) to tell RS how many rows u want.