The goal of the Geronimo project is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best Open Source alternatives to create runtimes that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Our most popular distribution is a fully certified Java EE 5 application server runtime.
Some of our guiding principles are:
- Easy to use.
- Build servers that are distributed under the Apache Software License.
- Provide runtimes that meet the needs of developers, administrators and system integrators.
- Integrate with the best open source tooling available like Eclipse.
- Provide frequent releases of our software so users can experience the newest features and have access to the latest bug fixes.
- Build a community that incorporates multiple disciplines required to create complex runtime and toolable infrastructure.
Apache Geronimo 是 Apache 软件基金会的开放源码J2EE服务器,它集成了众多先进技术和设计理念。 这些技术和理念大多源自独立的项目,配置和部署模型也各不相同。 Geronimo能将这些项目和方法的配置及部署完全整合到一个统一、易用的模型中。
作为符合J2EE标准的服务器,Geronimo提供了丰富的功能集和无责任 Apache 许可,具备“立即部署”式J2EE 1.4容器的各种优点,其中包括: * 符合J2EE1.4标准的服务器 * 预集成的开放源码项目 * 统一的集成模型 * 可伸缩性、可管理性和配置管理功能