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    URL Encoding Background
    URL Encoding is the process of converting string into valid URL format.  Valid URL format means that the URL contains only what is termed "alpha | digit | safe | extra | escape" characters.  You can read more about the what and the whys of these terms on the World Wide Web Consortium site: http://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/url-spec.html andhttp://www.w3.org/International/francois.yergeau.html.  

    URL encoding is normally performed to convert data passed via html forms, because such data may contain special character, such as "/", ".", "#", and so on, which could either: a) have special meanings; or b) is not a valid character for an URL; or c) could be altered during transfer.   For instance, the "#" character needs to be encoded because it has a special meaning of that of an html anchor.   The <space> character also needs to be encoded because is not allowed on a valid URL format.   Also, some characters, such as "~" might not transport properly across the internet. 


    One of the most common encounters with URL Encoding is when dealing with <form>s.  Form methods (GET and POST) perform URL Encoding implicitly.  Websites uses GET and POST methods to pass parameters between html pages.

    As an example, click the form below to see the string being URL encoded. 

    <form method="GET" action="example.html">
      <input type="text" name="var" size="50" value="This is a simple & short test.">
    <input type="submit"> </form>

    This sample <form> sends the data in the text field using the GET method, which means that the data will be appended as query string. 

    If you click the button and look at the resulting URL in the browser address bar, you should see something like this (the query string portion, which is automatically URL encoded by the browser, is shown in blue):


    Here, you can see that:

    • The <space> character has been URL encoded as "+".
    • The & character has been URL encoded as "%26".

    <space> character and & character are just some of the special characters that need to be encoded.  Below are some others (click the button to see the result of the encoding).


    Here's the query string portion, which (as before) has been encoded by the browser automatically:


    As you can see, when a character is URL-encoded, it's converted as %XY, where X and Y is a number.   You will see later where these numbers come from.

    What Should be URL Encoded?
    As a rule of thumb, any non alphanumeric character should be URL encoded.  This of course applies to characters that are to be interpreted as is (ie: is not intend to have special meanings) .  In such cases, there's no harm in URL-Encoding the character,  even if the character actually does not need  to be URL-Encoded. 

    Some Common Special Characters
    Here's a table of some of often used characters and their URL encodings. 


    URL Encoded

    ; %3B
    ? %3F
    / %2F
    : %3A
    # %23
    & %26
    = %3D
    + %2B
    $ %24
    , %2C
    <space> %20 or +
    % %25
    < %3C
    > %3E
    ~ %7E
    % %25

    Note that because the <space> character is very commonly used, a special code ( the "+" sign) has been reserved as its URL encoding.  Thus the string "A B" can be URL encoded as either "A%20B" or "A+B".

    Where Does the Numbers Come From?
    The number following the % sign is the hexadecimal ASCII code of the character being encoded.  You can find an ASCII table here

    Language Support
    Most web programming languages already provide built in method to perform URL Encoding and URL Decoding.  Here are the common ones, click the method name to find more info.

    Languagege URL Encoding URL Decoding
    VBScript escape(string) unescape(string)
    .NET HttpUtility.UrlEncode HttpUtility.UrlDecode
    Java java.net.URLEncode.encode(String)
    or see this link.
    See this link.
    JavaScript escape(String) Note: does not encode '/' and '+' character unescape(String)
    PHP urlencode(string) urldecode(string)
    ASP Server.URLEncode(string) ?
    Perl uri_escape 
    Use CGI.pm module.  Link.
    Flash (MX or later) escape(expresiion) unescape(expression)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wucg/p/2436004.html
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