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    python:解决方案http://git.oschina.net/galacode/xxk-solution/tree/master  python版本为3.5.2

      1 __author__ = 'jishu12'
      2 import sys
      3 import copy
      4 import threading
      5 #sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000) #例如这里设置为一百万
      6 #panel=[[0]*10]*10
      7 #将游戏面板抽象化为矩阵
      8 gamePanel = [
      9    [ 5,1,5,1,1,5,1,5,3,1 ]
     10  , [ 5,1,2,1,3,5,2,5,4,1 ]
     11  , [ 5,2,5,1,3,2,2,4,1,1 ]
     12  , [ 5,2,3,1,5,2,2,4,4,1 ]
     13  , [ 4,2,3,1,5,2,2,4,4,1 ]
     14  , [ 5,2,3,1,5,2,5,5,1,4 ]
     15  , [ 1,2,1,1,5,1,5,2,4,4 ]
     16  , [ 5,1,1,5,5,1,5,4,1,4 ]
     17  , [ 5,1,3,1,4,3,3,4,5,4 ]
     18  , [ 4,1,1,1,5,4,3,3,5,4]
     19 ]
     21 def initPanel():
     22     view=[[[] for i in range(10)] for i in range(10)]
     23     for j in  range(0,10):
     24         for i in range(0,10):
     25             #print('gamePanel('+str(i)+str(j)+')'+'='+str(gamePanel[i][j]))
     26             view[i][j]=gamePanel[9-j][i]
     27            # print('view     ('+str(i)+str(j)+')'+'='+str(view[i][j]))
     28     return view
     30 #扩展点击的方块,采用递归方法
     31 def expand(dictGroup,gameView, x, y):
     32     if(x>=0 and x<=9 and y>=0 and y<=9):
     33         start=gameView[x][y]
     34         if(start!=0):
     35             if(y+1<=9):
     36                 up=gameView[x][y+1]
     37             else:
     38                 up=-1
     39             if(y-1>=0):
     40                 down=gameView[x][y-1]
     41             else:down=-1
     42             if(x-1>=0):
     43                 left=gameView[x-1][y]
     44             else:
     45                 left=-1
     46             if(x+1<=9):
     47                 right=gameView[x+1][y]
     48             else:
     49                 right=-1
     50             if(left!=-1
     51                 and dictGroup.get(str(x-1)+str(y))==None
     52                 and start==left):
     53                 #print('left'+str(x-1)+str(y)+str(left))
     54                 dictGroup[str(x-1)+str(y)]=left
     55                 expand(dictGroup,gameView,x-1,y)
     56             if(up!=-1
     57                 and dictGroup.get(str(x)+str(y+1))==None
     58                 and start==up):
     59                 #print('up'+str(x)+str(y+1))
     60                 dictGroup[str(x)+str(y+1)]=up
     61                 expand(dictGroup,gameView,x,y+1)
     62             if(right!=-1
     63                 and dictGroup.get(str(x+1)+str(y))==None
     64                 and start==right ):
     65                 #print('right'+str(x+1)+str(y))
     66                 dictGroup[str(x+1)+str(y)]=right
     67                 expand(dictGroup,gameView,x+1,y)
     68             if(down!=-1
     69                 and dictGroup.get(str(x)+str(y-1))==None
     70                 and start==down):
     71                 #print('down'+str(x)+str(y-1))
     72                 dictGroup[str(x)+str(y-1)]=down
     73                 expand(dictGroup,gameView,x,y-1)
     74             return dictGroup
     76 #将选中方块值置0
     77 def destoryView(tempGroup,view):
     78     if(tempGroup!=None):
     79         for key in tempGroup.keys():
     80             x=key[0:1]
     81             y=key[1:2]
     82             #print('key:'+key+'x'+x+' y'+y)
     83             view[int(x)][int(y)]=0
     85 #绘制选择完方块的游戏界面
     86 def drawView(view):
     87     for j in range(0,10):
     88         row =''
     89         for i in range(0,10):
     90             row+= str(view[i][9-j])+' '
     91         print(row)
     93 def needCleanColumn(view ,x):
     94     for y in range(0,10):
     95         if(view[x][y]==0):
     96             for j in range(y,10):
     97                 if(view[x][j]!=0):
     98                     return True
     99     return False
    100 #刷新行
    101 def refreshColumn(view,x):
    102     while(needCleanColumn(view,x)):
    103         for y in range(0, 10):
    104             if(0==view[x][y]):
    105                 for j in range(y,10):
    106                     #print(str(j))
    107                     if(j==9):
    108                         view[x][j]=0
    109                     else:
    110                         temp=view[x][j+1]
    111                         view[x][j] = temp
    113 def needCleanRow(view,x):
    114     if(view[x][0]==0):
    115         for i in range(x+1,10):
    116             if(view[i][0]!=0):
    117                 #print('x-'+str(view[m][0])+' i-'+str(view[i][0])+' step-'+str(i-m))
    118                 return i-x
    119     return 0
    120 #刷新列
    121 def refreshRow(view,x):
    122     step=needCleanRow(view,x)
    123     while(step>0):
    124         for i in range(x,10):
    125             if(i>=10-step):
    126                 for j in range(0,10):
    127                     view[i][j]=0
    128             else:
    129                 for j in range(0,10):
    130                     view[i][j]=view[i+step][j]
    131         step=needCleanRow(view,x)
    132     #print('step:'+str(step)+'x:'+str(x))
    135 def refreshView(view):
    136     for x in range(0,10):
    137         refreshColumn(view,x)    
    138     for x in range(0,10):
    139         refreshRow(view,x)
    140     return view
    142 def getGroupName(group):
    143     key=''
    144     for y in range(0,10):
    145         for x in range(0,10):
    146             if(group!=None and group.get(str(x)+str(y))!=None):
    147                 key=key+str(x)+str(y)
    148     return  key
    150 #将游戏界面划分为可点击的组
    151 def getGroupList(view):
    152     panelGroup={}
    153     for y in range(0,10):
    154         for x in range(0,10):
    155             tempGroup={}
    156             tempGroup=expand(tempGroup,view,x,y)
    157             #print('('+str(x)+','+str(y)+')'+'=>tempGroup'+str(tempGroup))
    158             key=getGroupName(tempGroup)
    159             if(panelGroup.get(key)==None and key!=''):
    160                 panelGroup[key]=tempGroup
    161             if(tempGroup!=None):tempGroup.clear()
    162     return  panelGroup
    164 class node:
    165     key=''
    166     score=0
    167     view=None
    168     childs=[]
    169     groups=None
    170     log=[]
    172 processcount=0
    173 record=[]
    174 count=1
    175 def initTree(parent):
    176     global processcount
    177     groups=copy.deepcopy(parent.groups)
    178     #temp=copy.deepcopy(parent.view)
    179     if(groups.__len__()==0):
    180         global count
    181         count=count+1
    182         print('************************************************* score:%d'%parent.score+' count:'+str(count))
    183         if(parent.score>1050):
    184             print('************************************************* score:%d'%parent.score+' count:'+str(count)+' processcount:%d'%processcount)
    185             #print(str(parent.key)+'
    186             record.append(parent.score)
    187             fo=open('d:\foo.txt', 'a')
    188             fo.write(str(parent.score)+'
    189             fo.write(str(parent.key)+'
    190             fo.close()
    191         #drawView(parent.view)
    192         return
    193     else:
    194         #print('len:%d '%groups.__len__()+'groups:'+str(groups))
    195         for item in groups.keys():
    196             #print('item:'+str(item))
    197             x = int(str(item)[0:1])
    198             y = int(str(item)[1:2])
    199             #print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>('+str(x)+','+str(y)+')')
    200             view=copy.deepcopy(parent.view)
    201             #view=initGroup(view,x,y)
    202             tempGroup={}
    203             tempGroup=expand(tempGroup,view,x,y)
    204             destoryView(tempGroup,view)
    205             view=refreshView(view)
    206             #drawView(view)
    207             child=node()
    208             child.key=parent.key+'
    209             child.view=view
    210             child.score=parent.score+len(tempGroup)*len(tempGroup)
    211             child.groups=(getGroupList(view))
    212             child.log.append(view)
    213             parent.childs.append(child)
    214             if(processcount<10):
    215                 processcount=processcount+1
    216                 t1 = threading.Thread(target=initTree,args=(child,))
    217                 t1.setDaemon(True)
    218                 t1.start()
    219             else:
    220                 initTree(child)
    221 threads = []
    222 def startGame():
    223     temp=initPanel()
    224     groups=getGroupList(temp)
    225     #print('----------'+str(groups))
    226     #for item in groups.keys():
    227     view=copy.deepcopy(temp)
    228     #x = int(str(item)[0:1])
    229     #y = int(str(item)[1:2])
    230     #print('start at ('+str(x)+','+str(y)+')')
    231     tempGroup={}
    232     tempGroup=expand(tempGroup,view,8,0)
    233     print('tempGroup'+str(tempGroup))
    234     destoryView(tempGroup,view)
    235     view=refreshView(view)
    236     drawView(view)
    237     #view=initGroup(view,1,0)
    238     root = node()
    239     root.key=str(8)+str(0)
    240     root.view = view
    241     root.score=len(tempGroup)*len(tempGroup)
    242     root.groups=getGroupList(view)
    243     t1 = threading.Thread(target=initTree,args=(root,))
    244     threads.append(t1)
    245     t1.setDaemon(True)
    246     t1.start()
    247     t1.join()
    248     #for t in threads:
    249     #    t.setDaemon(True)
    250     #    t.start()
    251     #    t.join()
    252     #initTree(root)
    254 startGame()


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