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  • jsp第三次作业



     1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
     2 <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
     3 <%@ page import="java.util.regex.Pattern"%>
     4 <%@ page import="java.util.regex.Matcher"%>
     5 <%!public double getPriceSum(String input) {
     6         Pattern pattern;
     7         Matcher matcher;
     8         String regex = "-?[0-9][0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*";
     9         pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
    10         matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
    11         double sum = 0;
    12         while (matcher.find()) {
    13             String str = matcher.group();
    14             sum += Double.parseDouble(str);
    15         }
    16         return sum;
    17     }%>
    19 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    20 <html>
    21 <head>
    23 </head>
    25 <body bgcolor="cyan">
    26     <p style="font-family:黑体;font-size:20">
    27         <br>张三的菜单:
    28         <br>
    29         <%
    30             String str = "麻婆豆腐:20.6元,红烧肉:68.9";
    31         %>
    32         <br><%=str%><br> <br> <b><i>消费总额:<%=getPriceSum(str)%></i><br>
    33         </b> <br>李四的菜单:<br>
    34         <%
    35               str = "剁椒鱼头:62.9元,烤鸭:199元,红焖大虾:289.9元";
    36         %>
    37         <br><%=str%><br> <br> <b><i>消费总额:<%=getPriceSum(str)%></i><br>
    38         </b>
    40     </p>
    41 </body>
    42 </html>


     1 <%@ page import = "java.time.LocalDate" %>
     2 <%@ page import = "java.time.LocalTime" %>
     3 <% 
     4     LocalDate date = LocalDate.now();
     5     LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();
     6 %> 
     7 <h2>
     8 用户在 <%= date.getYear()%>/<%= date.getMonthValue()%>/<%= date.getDayOfMonth() %><br>
     9 <%= time.getHour()%>:<%= time.getMinute()%>:<%= time.getSecond()%>访问了网页。
    10 </h2>
    1 <%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
    2 <%@ page pageEncoding = "utf-8" %> 
    3 <HTML><body>
    4 <h1>显示访问网页的日期、时间<br>(服务器端的日期、时间)</h1>
    5 <%@ include file="time.jsp" %>
    6 </body></HTML>



    1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="utf-8"%>
    2 <%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
    3 <HTML><body  bgcolor=cyan >
    4 <br>英文课文(English Text):
    5 <p style="font-family:宋体;font-size:18;color:black">
    6   <jsp:include page="english/english.txt" />
    7 <br>课文音频(English Audio):
    8   <jsp:include page="audio.jsp" />
    9 </p></body></HTML> 
    1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    2 <%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
    3 <HTML><body  bgcolor = pink >
    4 <embed src = "english/english.mp3"  autostart = false>
    5   课文音频
    6 </body></HTML> 
     1 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话
     2 ----------------------------------------
     3 Last week I went to the theatre. 
     4 I had a very good seat.
     5 The play was very interesting.
     6 I did not enjoy it.
     7 A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
     8 They were talking loudly.
     9 I got very angry.
    10 I could not hear the actors.
    11 I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.
    12 They did not pay any attention.
    13 In the end, I could not bear it.
    14 I turned round again.
    15 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily.
    16 It’s none of your business,' the young man said rudely.
    17 'This is a private conversation!'.

  • 相关阅读:
    前端 JS 原生JS实现一个单页应用的路由 router
    Gitbook 使用笔记
    EF Core 抓取SQL语句
    .NET5.0 MVC Session 的使用
    SQL Server 实用语句
    .NET5.0 MVC 生成发布(问题+技巧)
    服务器 SQL Sserver2012 开启远程连接
    windows 安装 Redis5.0 并运行
    前端 JS 学习笔记(知识点记录)
    CentOS 7 单机安装Redis Cluster(3主3从)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuhaoovo/p/14579299.html
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