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  • WinFrom程序如何从数据库循环读取图片并合成


    C# code 


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    namespace BaiShun
    publicclass Helper
    #region Helper
    /// 原图的大小
            publicint calcWidth(int h, Image image)
    int w =0;
    //w/h = nw/x   x*w = h*nw; x = h*nw/w
                w =Convert.ToInt32( image.Width * h / image.Height);
    return w;
    /// 计算两点间长度
            publicint getLength(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    double distance = Math.Pow(Math.Pow((x1 - x2), 2) + Math.Pow((y1 - y2), 2), 0.5);
    return Convert.ToInt32( distance);
    /// 计算角度
    ///<param name="px1">p1 X轴</param>
    ///<param name="py1">p1 y轴</param>
    ///<param name="px2">p2 X轴</param>
    ///<param name="py2">p2 y轴</param>
            publicdouble getAngle(double px1, double py1, double px2, double py2)
    double x = px2 - px1;
    double y = py2 - py1;
    double hyp = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2));
    double cos = x / hyp;
    double rad = Math.Acos(cos);
    double deg =180/ (Math.PI / rad);
    if (y <0) { deg =-deg; }
    elseif ((y ==0) && (x <0)) { deg =180; }

    return deg;
    /// 计算角度
            public Image RotateImg(Image b, int angle)
    = angle %360;
                double radian = angle * Math.PI /180.0;
    double cos = Math.Cos(radian);
    double sin = Math.Sin(radian);
                int w = b.Width;
    int h = b.Height;
    int W = (int)(Math.Max(Math.Abs(w * cos - h * sin), Math.Abs(w * cos + h * sin)));
    int H = (int)(Math.Max(Math.Abs(w * sin - h * cos), Math.Abs(w * sin + h * cos)));
                Bitmap dsImage =new Bitmap(W, H);
                Graphics g
    = Graphics.FromImage(dsImage);
    = InterpolationMode.Default;//Bilinear;
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.Default;// HighQuality;
                Point Offset =new Point((W - w) /2, (H - h) /2);
                Rectangle rect =new Rectangle(Offset.X, Offset.Y, w, h);
                Point center
    =new Point(rect.X + rect.Width /2, rect.Y + rect.Height /2);
                g.TranslateTransform(center.X, center.Y);
    360- angle);
                g.TranslateTransform(-center.X, -center.Y);
                g.DrawImage(b, rect);
    return dsImage;
    /// 厘米转像素 根据drawGraphicsDPI—X轴
            publicint cm_To_px_ByX(int length)
    return Convert.ToInt32(length *72/2.54);
    /// 厘米转像素 根据drawGraphicsDPI—Y轴
            publicint cm_To_px_ByY(int width)
    return Convert.ToInt32(width *72/2.54);
    /// 像素转厘米 根据drawGraphicsDPI—X轴
            publicfloat px_To_cm_ByX(int length)
    return Convert.ToSingle(length *2.54/72);
    /// 像素转厘米 根据drawGraphicsDPI—Y轴
            publicint px_To_cm_ByY(int width)
    return Convert.ToInt32(width *2.54/72);
    #endregion Helper
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Drawing;
    namespace BaiShun
    publicclass SyntheticHelper
    privatestatic Helper helper =new Helper();
    /// 设置图片
            publicstatic Image settingPic(Image originalBackgroundImage, Image originalHeadImage, int p1_X, int p1_Y, int p2_X, int p2_Y)
                //1.    新建backgroundImage。
                Image backgroundImage =new Bitmap(originalBackgroundImage.Width, originalBackgroundImage.Height);
    //2.    drawBackgroundImagePoint定义backgroundImage背景坐标系
                Point[] drawBackgroundImagePoint =new Point[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(originalBackgroundImage.Width, 0), new Point(0, originalBackgroundImage.Height) };
    //      获得图面
                Graphics drawGraphicsBackground = Graphics.FromImage(backgroundImage);
    //3.    将originalBackgroundImage原始背景图绘制上去(backgroundImage)
                drawGraphicsBackground.DrawImage(originalBackgroundImage, drawBackgroundImagePoint);
                int tempY = p2_Y - p1_Y;
    int tempX = p2_X - p1_X;
    double radian = Math.Atan2((double)(tempY), (double)(tempX));
    int angle1 = Convert.ToInt32(radian * (180/ Math.PI));
    = angle1 * (Math.PI /180);
    double t1 = Math.Cos(radian);
    double t2 = Math.Sin(radian);
    double t3 = Math.Cos(-radian);
    double t4 = Math.Sin(-radian);
    //      *1.    根据p1,p2点计算两点间的距离。可以得出缩放图片的高度h
                int h = helper.getLength(p1_X, p1_Y, p2_X, p2_Y);
    //      *2.    根据h计算出w
                int w = helper.calcWidth(h, originalHeadImage);
    //1.    计算缩放长宽,使用originalHeadImage创建zoomImage图片。(图片已被缩放)
                Bitmap zoomImage =new Bitmap(originalHeadImage, w, h);
    //2.    根据坐标p1,p2点计算角度angle(公式A)
                double angle =Math.Abs( helper.getAngle(p1_X, p1_Y, p2_X, p2_Y));
    // double radian = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
    //3.    根据zoomImage计算旋转图形生成rotateImage
                Image rotateImage = helper.RotateImg(zoomImage, Convert.ToInt32(-90+ Math.Abs(angle)));
    //4.    将angle绝对值修正成正坐标。
    //angle = angle);
    //5.    取得backgroundImage背景绘画方法。准备绘图
                Graphics drawGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(backgroundImage);
    //6.    计算修正坐标[Revised_X]和[Revised_Y]。
                int Revised_X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Cos(90- angle) * (w /2));
    int Revised_Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sin(90- angle) * (w /2));
    //7.    声明p3点
                int p3_X =0;
    int p3_Y =0;

    //8.    判断
                if (p1_X == p2_X || p1_Y == p2_Y)
                    p3_X = Convert.ToInt32(p2_X - Math.Abs(Revised_X));
    = Convert.ToInt32(p2_Y + Math.Abs(Revised_Y));
    //  9.绘制图形输出
                    drawGraphics.DrawImage(rotateImage, new Point(p3_X, p3_Y));
    // drawGraphics.TranslateTransform(0, 140);// 平移到5,5坐标

    double temp = Math.Sin(radian);
    double temp2 = Math.Cos(radian);
    = Convert.ToInt32((float)p1_X + (float)w * temp );
    = Convert.ToInt32((float)p1_Y + (float)h * Math.Sin(radian) - w * temp2 /2);
    //  9.绘制图形输出
                    drawGraphics.DrawImage(rotateImage, new Point(p3_X, p3_Y));
    return backgroundImage;

    /// 设置文字
            publicstatic Image settingFont(Image image, String Text, int x, int y)
                Graphics drawGraphicsFont = Graphics.FromImage(image);
                Brush brush
    =new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                drawGraphicsFont.DrawString(Text, new Font("宋体", 15), brush, x, y);
    return image;


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