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  • USETC 1821 AC 自动机

    题意   就是给你  N 个病毒,求有多少字串不包含病毒串; abc  病毒   aabcd  算包含病毒

    方法   传递最小值

    using namespace std;  
    char str[1123456],cha[112345];  
    long long head,tail,total;  
    struct date  
        date *fail,*next[26];  
        long long len;  
    date *creat_node()  
        for( int i = 0; i < 26; i++ )  
        tree[total].next[i] = NULL;  
        tree[total].fail    = NULL;  
        tree[total].len     = (1<<30);   
        return &tree[total++];  
    void inint()  
        head = tail = total = 0;  
        root = creat_node();  
        root->fail = root;  
    void insert( char *word,int len )  
        date *temp = root;  
        while( *word )  
            int num = *word - 'a';  
            if( temp->next[num] == NULL )  
                temp->next[num] = creat_node();  
            temp = temp->next[num];  
        temp->len  =  len;  
    void build_AC( )  
        que[tail++] = root;  
        while( tail > head )  
            date *temp = que[head++];  
            for( int i = 0; i < 26; i++ )  
            if( temp->next[i] != NULL )  
                if( temp == root )  
                     temp->next[i]->fail = root;  
                else temp->next[i]->fail = temp->fail->next[i];  
                    temp->next[i]->len  = min( temp->fail->next[i]->len,temp->next[i]->len );  
                que[tail++] = temp->next[i];  
                if( temp == root )  temp->next[i] = root;  
                else                temp->next[i] = temp->fail->next[i];  
    long long work( )  
        date *temp = root;  
        long long len = -1,pos = -1,ans = 0;  
        while( str[++len] )  
            int num = str[len] - 'a';  
            temp = temp->next[num];  
            if( temp->len - 1 < len - pos )  
                ans = ans + temp->len - 1;  
                pos = len - temp->len + 1;  
            else ans = ans + len - pos;  
        return ans;  
    int main( )  
        int T,i,N,cas = 1;  
        while( T-- )  
            scanf("%s%d",&str,&N);inint( );  
            for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )  
                insert( cha,strlen(cha) );  
            printf("Case #%d: %lld\n",cas++,work());  
        return 0;  


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wulangzhou/p/3044579.html
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