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  • SQL常见面试题(学生表_课程表_成绩表_教师表)


    Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表 
    Course(C#,Cname,T#) 课程表 
    SC(S#,C#,score) 成绩表 
    Teacher(T#,Tname) 教师表


    CREATE TABLE student 
         s#    INT, 
         sname nvarchar(32), 
         sage  INT, 
         ssex  nvarchar(8) 
    CREATE TABLE course 
         c#    INT, 
         cname nvarchar(32), 
         t#    INT 
         s#    INT, 
         c#    INT, 
         score INT 
    CREATE TABLE teacher 
         t#    INT, 
         tname nvarchar(16) 


     1 insert into Student select 1,N'刘一',18,N'' union all
     2  select 2,N'钱二',19,N'' union all
     3  select 3,N'张三',17,N'' union all
     4  select 4,N'李四',18,N'' union all
     5  select 5,N'王五',17,N'' union all
     6  select 6,N'赵六',19,N'' 
     8  insert into Teacher select 1,N'叶平' union all
     9  select 2,N'贺高' union all
    10  select 3,N'杨艳' union all
    11  select 4,N'周磊'
    13  insert into Course select 1,N'语文',1 union all
    14  select 2,N'数学',2 union all
    15  select 3,N'英语',3 union all
    16  select 4,N'物理',4
    18  insert into SC 
    19  select 1,1,56 union all 
    20  select 1,2,78 union all 
    21  select 1,3,67 union all 
    22  select 1,4,58 union all 
    23  select 2,1,79 union all 
    24  select 2,2,81 union all 
    25  select 2,3,92 union all 
    26  select 2,4,68 union all 
    27  select 3,1,91 union all 
    28  select 3,2,47 union all 
    29  select 3,3,88 union all 
    30  select 3,4,56 union all 
    31  select 4,2,88 union all 
    32  select 4,3,90 union all 
    33  select 4,4,93 union all 
    34  select 5,1,46 union all 
    35  select 5,3,78 union all 
    36  select 5,4,53 union all 
    37  select 6,1,35 union all 
    38  select 6,2,68 union all 
    39  select 6,4,71


      select a.S# from (select s#,score from SC where C#='001') a,(select s#,score 
      from SC where C#='002') b 
      where a.score>b.score and a.s#=b.s#; 
        select S#,avg(score) 
        from sc 
        group by S# having avg(score) >60; 
      select Student.S#,Student.Sname,count(SC.C#),sum(score) 
      from Student left Outer join SC on Student.S#=SC.S# 
      group by Student.S#,Sname 
      select count(distinct(Tname)) 
      from Teacher 
      where Tname like '李%'; 
        select Student.S#,Student.Sname 
        from Student  
        where S# not in (select distinct( SC.S#) from SC,Course,Teacher where  SC.C#=Course.C# and Teacher.T#=Course.T# and Teacher.Tname='叶平'); 
      select Student.S#,Student.Sname from Student,SC where Student.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#='001'and exists( Select * from SC as SC_2 where SC_2.S#=SC.S# and SC_2.C#='002'); 
      select S#,Sname 
      from Student 
      where S# in (select S# from SC ,Course ,Teacher where SC.C#=Course.C# and Teacher.T#=Course.T# and Teacher.Tname='叶平' group by S# having count(SC.C#)=(select count(C#) from Course,Teacher  where Teacher.T#=Course.T# and Tname='叶平')); 
      Select S#,Sname from (select Student.S#,Student.Sname,score ,(select score from SC SC_2 where SC_2.S#=Student.S# and SC_2.C#='002') score2 
      from Student,SC where Student.S#=SC.S# and C#='001') S_2 where score2 <score; 
      select S#,Sname 
      from Student 
      where S# not in (select S.S# from Student AS S,SC where S.S#=SC.S# and score>60); 
        select Student.S#,Student.Sname 
        from Student,SC 
        where Student.S#=SC.S# group by  Student.S#,Student.Sname having count(C#) <(select count(C#) from Course); 
        select distinct S#,Sname from Student,SC where Student.S#=SC.S# and SC.C# in (select C# from SC where S#='1001'); 
        select distinct SC.S#,Sname 
        from Student,SC 
        where Student.S#=SC.S# and C# in (select C# from SC where S#='001'); 
        update SC set score=(select avg(SC_2.score) 
        from SC SC_2 
        where SC_2.C#=SC.C# ) from Course,Teacher where Course.C#=SC.C# and Course.T#=Teacher.T# and Teacher.Tname='叶平'); 
        select S# from SC where C# in (select C# from SC where S#='1002') 
        group by S# having count(*)=(select count(*) from SC where S#='1002'); 
        Delect SC 
        from course ,Teacher  
        where Course.C#=SC.C# and Course.T#= Teacher.T# and Tname='叶平'; 
        Insert SC select S#,'002',(Select avg(score) 
        from SC where C#='002') from Student where S# not in (Select S# from SC where C#='002'); 
    17、按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的“数据库”、“企业管理”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,,数据库,企业管理,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分 
        SELECT S# as 学生ID 
            ,(SELECT score FROM SC WHERE SC.S#=t.S# AND C#='004') AS 数据库 
            ,(SELECT score FROM SC WHERE SC.S#=t.S# AND C#='001') AS 企业管理 
            ,(SELECT score FROM SC WHERE SC.S#=t.S# AND C#='006') AS 英语 
            ,COUNT(*) AS 有效课程数, AVG(t.score) AS 平均成绩 
        FROM SC AS t 
        GROUP BY S# 
        ORDER BY avg(t.score)  
        SELECT L.C# As 课程ID,L.score AS 最高分,R.score AS 最低分 
        FROM SC L ,SC AS R 
        WHERE L.C# = R.C# and 
            L.score = (SELECT MAX(IL.score) 
                          FROM SC AS IL,Student AS IM 
                          WHERE L.C# = IL.C# and IM.S#=IL.S# 
                          GROUP BY IL.C#) 
            R.Score = (SELECT MIN(IR.score) 
                          FROM SC AS IR 
                          WHERE R.C# = IR.C# 
                      GROUP BY IR.C# 
    自己写的:select c# ,max(score)as 最高分 ,min(score) as 最低分 from dbo.sc  group by c#
        SELECT t.C# AS 课程号,max(course.Cname)AS 课程名,isnull(AVG(score),0) AS 平均成绩 
            ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN  isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) AS 及格百分数 
        FROM SC T,Course 
        where t.C#=course.C# 
        GROUP BY t.C# 
        ORDER BY 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN  isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) DESC 
    20、查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用"1行"显示): 企业管理(001),马克思(002),OO&UML (003),数据库(004SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN C# ='001' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '001' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 企业管理平均分 
            ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '001' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '001' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 企业管理及格百分数 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '002' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 马克思平均分 
            ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '002' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 马克思及格百分数 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '003' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UML平均分 
            ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '003' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UML及格百分数 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '004' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 数据库平均分 
            ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '004' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN C# = '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 数据库及格百分数 
      FROM SC


      SELECT max(Z.T#) AS 教师ID,MAX(Z.Tname) AS 教师姓名,C.C# AS 课程ID,MAX(C.Cname) AS 课程名称,AVG(Score) AS 平均成绩 
        FROM SC AS T,Course AS C ,Teacher AS Z 
        where T.C#=C.C# and C.T#=Z.T# 
      GROUP BY C.C# 
      ORDER BY AVG(Score) DESC 
    22、查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:企业管理(001),马克思(002),UML (003),数据库(004[学生ID],[学生姓名],企业管理,马克思,UML,数据库,平均成绩 
        SELECT  DISTINCT top 3 
          SC.S# As 学生学号, 
            Student.Sname AS 学生姓名 , 
          T1.score AS 企业管理, 
          T2.score AS 马克思, 
          T3.score AS UML, 
          T4.score AS 数据库, 
          ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0) as 总分 
          FROM Student,SC  LEFT JOIN SC AS T1 
                          ON SC.S# = T1.S# AND T1.C# = '001' 
                LEFT JOIN SC AS T2 
                          ON SC.S# = T2.S# AND T2.C# = '002' 
                LEFT JOIN SC AS T3 
                          ON SC.S# = T3.S# AND T3.C# = '003' 
                LEFT JOIN SC AS T4 
                          ON SC.S# = T4.S# AND T4.C# = '004' 
          WHERE student.S#=SC.S# and 
          ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0) 
          NOT IN 
                TOP 15 WITH TIES 
                ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0) 
          FROM sc 
                LEFT JOIN sc AS T1 
                          ON sc.S# = T1.S# AND T1.C# = 'k1' 
                LEFT JOIN sc AS T2 
                          ON sc.S# = T2.S# AND T2.C# = 'k2' 
                LEFT JOIN sc AS T3 
                          ON sc.S# = T3.S# AND T3.C# = 'k3' 
                LEFT JOIN sc AS T4 
                          ON sc.S# = T4.S# AND T4.C# = 'k4' 
          ORDER BY ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0) DESC); 
    23、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60] 
        SELECT SC.C# as 课程ID, Cname as 课程名称 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 85 AND 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [100 - 85] 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 70 AND 85 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [85 - 70] 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 60 AND 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [70 - 60] 
            ,SUM(CASE WHEN score < 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [60 -] 
        FROM SC,Course 
        where SC.C#=Course.C# 
        GROUP BY SC.C#,Cname; 
          SELECT 1+(SELECT COUNT( distinct 平均成绩) 
                  FROM (SELECT S#,AVG(score) AS 平均成绩 
                          FROM SC 
                      GROUP BY S# 
                      ) AS T1 
                WHERE 平均成绩 > T2.平均成绩) as 名次, 
          S# as 学生学号,平均成绩 
        FROM (SELECT S#,AVG(score) 平均成绩 
                FROM SC 
            GROUP BY S# 
            ) AS T2 
        ORDER BY 平均成绩 desc; 
          SELECT t1.S# as 学生ID,t1.C# as 课程ID,Score as 分数 
          FROM SC t1 
          WHERE score IN (SELECT TOP 3 score 
                  FROM SC 
                  WHERE t1.C#= C# 
                ORDER BY score DESC 
          ORDER BY t1.C#; 
      select c#,count(S#) from sc group by C#; 
      select SC.S#,Student.Sname,count(C#) AS 选课数 
      from SC ,Student 
      where SC.S#=Student.S# group by SC.S# ,Student.Sname having count(C#)=1; 
        Select count(Ssex) as 男生人数 from Student group by Ssex having Ssex=''; 
        Select count(Ssex) as 女生人数 from Student group by Ssex having Ssex=''29、查询姓“张”的学生名单 
        SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sname like '张%'; 
      select Sname,count(*) from Student group by Sname having  count(*)>1;; 
        select Sname,  CONVERT(char (11),DATEPART(year,Sage)) as age 
        from student 
        where  CONVERT(char(11),DATEPART(year,Sage))='1981'; 
        Select C#,Avg(score) from SC group by C# order by Avg(score),C# DESC ; 
        select Sname,SC.S# ,avg(score) 
        from Student,SC 
        where Student.S#=SC.S# group by SC.S#,Sname having    avg(score)>85; 
        Select Sname,isnull(score,0) 
        from Student,SC,Course 
        where SC.S#=Student.S# and SC.C#=Course.C# and  Course.Cname='数据库'and score <60; 
        SELECT SC.S#,SC.C#,Sname,Cname 
        FROM SC,Student,Course 
        where SC.S#=Student.S# and SC.C#=Course.C# ; 
        SELECT  distinct student.S#,student.Sname,SC.C#,SC.score 
        FROM student,Sc 
        WHERE SC.score>=70 AND SC.S#=student.S#; 
        select c# from sc where scor e <60 order by C# ; 
        select SC.S#,Student.Sname from SC,Student where SC.S#=Student.S# and Score>80 and C#='003'; 
        select count(*) from sc; 
        select Student.Sname,score 
        from Student,SC,Course C,Teacher 
        where Student.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#=C.C# and C.T#=Teacher.T# and Teacher.Tname='叶平' and SC.score=(select max(score)from SC where C#=C.C# ); 
        select count(*) from sc group by C#; 
      select distinct  A.S#,B.score from SC A  ,SC B where A.Score=B.Score and A.C# <>B.C# ; 
        SELECT t1.S# as 学生ID,t1.C# as 课程ID,Score as 分数 
          FROM SC t1 
          WHERE score IN (SELECT TOP 2 score 
                  FROM SC 
                  WHERE t1.C#= C# 
                ORDER BY score DESC 
          ORDER BY t1.C#; 
        select  C# as 课程号,count(*) as 人数 
        from  sc  
        group  by  C# 
        order  by  count(*) desc,c#  
        select  S#  
        from  sc  
        group  by  s# 
        having  count(*)  >  =  2 
        select  C#,Cname  
        from  Course  
        where  C#  in  (select  c#  from  sc group  by  c#)  
        select Sname from Student where S# not in (select S# from Course,Teacher,SC where Course.T#=Teacher.T# and SC.C#=course.C# and Tname='叶平'); 
        select S#,avg(isnull(score,0)) from SC where S# in (select S# from SC where score <60 group by S# having count(*)>2)group by S#; 
        select S# from SC where C#='004'and score <60 order by score desc; 
    delete from Sc where S#='001'and C#='001';
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuzhiming/p/4867359.html
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