ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ds_TopListWeek] @keyword varchar(30), -- 区分活动 @userName varchar(50), -- 作者 @title varchar(100), -- 标题 @time varchar(10), -- 时间 @pageindex int, -- 当前页码 @pagesize int -- 每页记录数 AS BEGIN declare @frmindex int,@endindex int set @frmindex=(@pageindex-1)*@pagesize set @endindex=@pageindex*@pagesize declare @sql varchar(3000),@condition varchar(1000),@tempdate datetime,@likeUserName varchar(50),@likeTitle varchar(100) --查询时间的周的周一时间 set @tempdate = dateadd(day,1 - (datepart(weekday,@time) + @@datefirst - 2) % 7 - 1,@time) set @condition=' where t.keyword=''' + @keyword + ''' and t.top_type=0' if (@userName!='' and @userName is not null) begin set @likeUserName = dbo.f_Filter_EscapeStr(@userName) set @condition=@condition+' and t.nickname like ''%'+@likeUserName+'%'' escape ''/''' end if (@title!='' and @title is not null) begin set @likeTitle = dbo.f_Filter_EscapeStr(@title) set @condition=@condition+' and n.title like ''%'+@likeTitle+'%'' escape ''/''' end set @sql = 'with tb as(' +'select t.t_id,t.news_id,t.username,t.nickname,t.praisecnt,t.randomcnt,t.praisecnt+t.randomcnt as cnt,t.create_time,t.IsPub,n.title,n.url' +' from ds_toplist t inner join sy_news n on t.news_id=n.news_id' + @condition +' and t.create_time between ''' + convert(varchar(20), @tempdate, 120) +''' and dateadd(day,6,'''+ convert(varchar(20), @tempdate, 23) + ''')' +'),tbNoRepeat as (' +'select t.* from (select distinct nickname from tb) t1' +' cross apply(select top 1 * from tb t2 where t1.nickname=t2.nickname order by t2.cnt desc) t' +'),tbRes as(' +'select t.t_id,t.news_id,t.username,t.nickname,t.praisecnt,t.randomcnt,t.title,' +'t.url,t.IsPub,t.create_time,row_number() over(order by (t.praisecnt + t.randomcnt) desc) as place from tbNoRepeat t)' +'select *,(select count(1) from tbRes) as pagecount from tbRes' +' where place > ' + cast(@frmindex as varchar) +' and place <='+ cast(@endindex as varchar) print @sql exec (@sql) END