- 进程:计算机程序只是存储在磁盘上可执行的二进制文件。只有把他们加载到内存中并被操作系统调用,才拥有生命周期。进程则是一个执行中的程序。每个进程都有自己的地址空间,内存,数据栈以及其他用于跟踪执行的辅助数据。操作系统管理其上所有进程的执行,并为这些进程合理地分配时间。进程可以通过派生新的进程来执行其他任务。各个进程之间不能直接通信。
- 线程:可以被称作轻量级进程,他们是在同一个进程下面执行的,并共享上下文。线程包括开始,执行顺序和结束三部分。它有一个指令指针,用于记录当前运行的上下文。当其他线程运行时,它可以被抢占和临时挂起,这种行为成为让步。 一个进程中的各个线程与主进程共享同一片内存空间,因此相对于独立的进程而言,线程间的信息共享和通信更加容易。
- 设置GIL
- 切换进一个进程中执行
- 执行下面操作之一
- 指定数量的字节码指令
- 线程主动让出控制权
- 把线程设置回睡眠状态
- 解锁GIL
- 重复以上步骤
- 创建Thread实例,传给他一个函数。
- 创建thread实例,传给他一个可调用的类实例。
- 派生thread子类,并创建子类的实例。
import threading from time import sleep, ctime loops = [4,2] def loop(nloop, nsec): print "start loop", nloop, "at:", ctime() sleep(nsec) print "loop", nloop, "done at:", ctime() def main(): print 'starting at:', ctime() threads = [] nloops = range(len(loops)) for i in nloops: t = threading.Thread(target=loop, args=(i,loops[i])) threads.append(t) for i in nloops: threads[i].start() # for i in nloops: # 注意有无join的区别 # threads[i].join() print "all Done at:" , ctime() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import threading from time import ctime, sleep loops = [4,2] class MyThread(object): def __init__(self, func, args, name = "",): self.name = name self.func = func self.args = args def __call__(self): self.func(*self.args) def loop(nloop, nsec): print "start loop", nloop, "at:", ctime() sleep(nsec) print "loop", nloop, "done at:", ctime() def main(): print("starting at: ", ctime()) threads = [] nloops = range(len(loops)) for i in nloops: t = threading.Thread(target=MyThread(loop, (i, loops[i]), loop.__name__)) # 创建Thread类实例,然后把要传入的函数及参数封装成一个类实例传入。注意创建的类需调用内置的__call__方法。 # 注意内置__call__方法怎么调用 # A = class(object): # def __call__(self): # print("call") # a = A() # a() # 调用内置call方法 threads.append(t) for i in nloops: threads[i].start() for i in nloops: threads[i].join() print("all done!", ctime()) main()
import threading from time import ctime, sleep loops = [4,2] class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name = "",): super(MyThread,self).__init__() self.name = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(*self.args) def loop(nloop, nsec): print "start loop", nloop, "at:", ctime() sleep(nsec) print "loop", nloop, "done at:", ctime() def main(): print("starting at: ", ctime()) threads = [] nloops = range(len(loops)) for i in nloops: t = MyThread(loop, (i, loops[i]), loop.__name__) threads.append(t) for i in nloops: threads[i].start() for i in nloops: threads[i].join() print("all done!", ctime()) main()
- 新创建的类继承了基类Thread,必须对构造函数进行重写。
- 必须重写run方法,run函数就是每一个线程都要运行的函数。
import time import threading def run(n): print('[%s]------running---- ' % n) time.sleep(2) print('--done--') def main(): for i in range(5): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=[i, ]) t.start() t.join(1) print('starting thread', t.getName()) m = threading.Thread(target=main, args=[]) # m.setDaemon(True) # 将main线程设置为Daemon线程,它做为程序主线程的守护线程,当主线程退出时,m线程也会退出,由m启动的其它子线程会同时退出,不管是否执行完任务 m.start() m.join(timeout=2) print("---main thread done----")
# *-* coding:utf-8 *-* # Auth: wangxz from MyThread import MyThread from time import ctime, sleep def fib(x): sleep(0.005) if x < 2: return 1 return (fib(x - 2) + fib(x - 1)) def fac(x): sleep(0.05) if x < 2: return 1 return (x * fac(x - 1)) def sum(x): sleep(0.05) if x < 2: return 1 return (x + sum(x - 1 )) func = [fib, fac, sum] n = 12 def main(): nfunc = range(len(func)) print("single thread".center(50,"-")) for i in nfunc: print("The %s starting at %s" % (func[i].__name__, ctime())) print(func[i](n)) print("The %s stop at %s" % (func[i].__name__, ctime())) print("Multiple threads".center(50,"-")) threads = [] for i in nfunc: t = MyThread(func[i],(n,),func[i].__name__) threads.append(t) for i in nfunc: threads[i].start() for i in nfunc: threads[i].join() print(threads[i].getResult()) print("all Done!") main()
#!/usr/bin/env python #*-* coding:utf-8 *-* import threading, time a = 50 b = 50 c = 50 d = 50 def printvars(): print "a = ", a print "b = ", b print "c = ", c print "d = ", d def threadcode(): global a, b, c, d a += 50 time.sleep(0.01) b = b + 50 c = 100 d = "Hello" print "[ChildThread] values of variabled in child thread:" printvars() print "[Mainchild] values of variables before child thread:" printvars() #create new thread t = threading.Thread(target = threadcode, name = "childThread") #This thread won't keep the program from terminating. t.setDaemon(1) #start the new thread t.start() #wait for the child thread to exit. t.join() print "[MainThread] values of variables after child thread:" printvars()
[Mainchild] values of variables before child thread:
a = 50
b = 50
c = 50
d = 50
[ChildThread] values of variabled in child thread:
a = 100
b = 100
c = 100
d = Hello
[MainThread] values of variables after child thread:
a = 100
b = 100
c = 100
d = Hello
- 150, 如果一个线程在另外一个线程之前运行,且都可以加50.
- 100,。如果两个线程同时执行计算。在这里,两个线程同时得到b=50的值,计算加50后的新值,并把新值写回b。在计算a+=50时,它的结果总是150.因为在整型上执行+=,被认为是原子的。系统会保证操作在其他任何线程开始之前结束。
#!/usr/bin/env python #*-* coding:utf-8 *-* import threading, time #Initialize a aimple variable b = 50 #And a lock object l = threading.Lock() def threadcode(): """This is run in the created threads""" global b print "Thread %s invoked" % threading.currentThread().getName() # Acquire the lock (will not return until a lock is acquired) l.acquire() try: print "Thread %s running" % threading.currentThread().getName() time.sleep(1) b = b + 50 print "Thread %s set b to %d" % (threading.currentThread().getName(),b) finally: l.release() print "Value of b at start of program:", b childthreads = [] for i in xrange(1, 5): # create new thread t = threading.Thread(target = threadcode, name = "Thread-%d" % i) #This thread won't keep the program from terminating t.setDaemon(1) #Start the new thread t.start() childthreads.append(t) for t in childthreads: #wait for the child thread to exit: t.join() print "New value of b:", b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value of b at start of program: 50 Thread Thread-1 invoked Thread Thread-1 running Thread Thread-2 invoked Thread Thread-3 invoked Thread Thread-4 invoked Thread Thread-1 set b to 100 Thread Thread-2 running Thread Thread-2 set b to 150 Thread Thread-3 running Thread Thread-3 set b to 200 Thread Thread-4 running Thread Thread-4 set b to 250 New value of b: 250
#!/usr/bin/env python import threading import time a = 1 def addNum(): global a b = a time.sleep(0.001) # 记得这里是用停顿,模拟大量的IO操作 a = b + 1 time.sleep(1) threads = [] for i in range(100): t = threading.Thread(target=addNum) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() -----------执行--------------- [root@ct02 ~]# python one.py The end num is 9 [root@ct02 ~]# python one.py The end num is 11 [root@ct02 ~]# python one.py The end num is 10 [root@ct02 ~]# python one.py The end num is 11
cat one.py #!/usr/bin/env python import threading import time a = 1 def addNum(): global a lock.acquire() b = a time.sleep(0.001) a = b + 1 lock.release() time.sleep(1) threads = [] lock = threading.Lock() for i in range(100): t = threading.Thread(target=addNum) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() print "The end num is %s" % a
#!/usr/bin/env python #*-* coding:utf-8 *-* import threading import time def foo(): lockA.acquire() print "foo获得A锁" lockB.acquire() print "foo获得B锁" lockB.release() lockA.release() def bar(): lockB.acquire() print "bar获得A锁" time.sleep(2) # 模拟io或者其他操作,第一个线程执行到这,在这个时候,lockA会被第二个进程占用 # 所以第一个进程无法进行后续操作,只能等待lockA锁的释放 lockA.acquire() print "bar获得B锁" lockB.release() lockA.release() def run(): foo() bar() lockA=threading.Lock() lockB=threading.Lock() for i in range(10): t=threading.Thread(target=run,args=()) t.start() 输出结果:只有四行,因为产生了死锁阻断了 foo获得A锁 foo获得B锁 bar获得A锁 foo获得A锁
第一个线程(系统中产生的第一个)获得A锁,获得B锁,因此会执行foo函数,然后释放得到的锁。接着执行bar函数,获得B锁(未释放),执行 print "bar获得A锁"语句,然后进入等待;第二个线程执行foo函数,获得A锁,但获得B锁时候需要等待。
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 from threading import Thread,Lock,RLock import time mutexA=mutexB=RLock() # 注意只能这样连等的生成锁对象 class MyThread(Thread): def run(self): self.f1() self.f2() def f1(self): mutexA.acquire() print('%s 拿到A锁' %self.name) mutexB.acquire() print('%s 拿到B锁' %self.name) mutexB.release() mutexA.release() def f2(self): mutexB.acquire() print('%s 拿到B锁' % self.name) time.sleep(0.1) mutexA.acquire() print('%s 拿到A锁' % self.name) mutexA.release() mutexB.release() if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(5): t=MyThread() t.start()
, 每当调用release()时,内置计数器+
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import threading, time def hello(): print "Hello wolrd at %s" % time.ctime() time.sleep(2) for i in range(12): t = threading.Thread(target=hello) t.start() -------------执行----------------- Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:46:18 2018
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import threading, time sem = threading.BoundedSemaphore(3) # 加入计数 def hello(): sem.acquire() print "Hello wolrd at %s" % time.ctime() time.sleep(2) sem.release() for i in range(12): t = threading.Thread(target=hello) t.start() ---------------------执行----------------------- Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:12 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:12 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:12 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:14 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:14 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:14 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:16 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:16 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:16 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:18 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:48:18 2018 # 每次最多有三个线程执行,防止线程产生过多阻塞操作系统
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import threading, time def hello(): print "Hello wolrd at %s" % time.ctime() time.sleep(2) t = threading.Timer(5.0, hello) # 5s之后执行hello函数 print "before starting %s" % time.ctime() t.start() ----------------------执行---------------------- before starting Mon May 28 11:52:14 2018 Hello wolrd at Mon May 28 11:52:19 2018
- Python通过threading.Event()产生一个event对象。event对象维护一个内部标志(标志初始值为False),通过set()将其置为True。
- wait(timeout)则用于堵塞线程直至Flag被set(或者超时,可选的)。
- isSet()用于查询标志位是否为True。
- Clear()则用于清除标志位(使之为False)。
import threading import time event = threading.Event() def lighter(): count = 0 while True: if count < 5: event.set() print("