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  • 员工信息增删改查






     1 在一个文件中存入多个人的个人信息,如以下:
     2 username password age position department
     3 alex      abc123  21  Engineer       IT
     4 rain      xyz456  32  Teacher       Teaching
     6 功能:
     7 1.输入用户名及密码,正确登陆系统后显示
     8 (1)修改个人信息
     9 (2)打印个人信息
    10 (3)修改密码
    11 2.上述每个选项写一个方法
    12 3.登陆输错3次退出程序


      1 # 员工信息文件 -> info_employee.txt
      3 # 员工信息(列表嵌套) -> [ "alex", "abc123", 21, "Engineer", "IT"]
      4 info = []
      7 # 获取员工信息
      8 def get_info():
      9     with open("info_employee.txt", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
     10         # 读取每一行的数据存入列表中
     11         details = f.readlines()
     12         # 遍历列表将每一行的数据分开并将一行的数据作为一个列表存入info列表中
     13         for detail in details:
     14             detail = detail.strip().split()
     15             info.append(detail)
     18 # 登陆
     19 def login():
     20     users_pwds = []
     21     # 获取用户名及密码:
     22     for index in range(1, len(info)):
     23         # 获取用户数据
     24         detail = info[index]
     25         # 获取用户名及密码
     26         user = detail[0]
     27         pwd = detail[1]
     28         users_pwds.append(dict({user: pwd}))
     29     # 输入用户名及密码并验证用户名及密码是否正确
     30     for i in range(4):
     31         if i == 3:
     32             print("你已经输错3次,不能再登陆了!")
     33             exit()
     34         # 输入用户名及密码
     36         username, password = input("input the username and password(eg: user pwd): ").strip().split()
     37         for item in users_pwds:
     38             if item.get(username, None) == password:
     39                 print("登陆成功!欢迎%s!" % username)
     40                 now_user = username
     41                 return now_user
     42         else:
     43             print("用户名或密码错误!请重新输入")
     46 # 打印选项
     47 def output_chose():
     48     # 打印选项
     49     print("你有如下选项: ")
     50     print("1.修改个人信息")
     51     print("2.打印个人信息")
     52     print("3.修改密码")
     53     print("4.退出系统")
     54     # 用户输入选项,函数返回选项对应的整数
     55     while True:
     56         choice = input("请输入选项(数字): ")
     57         if choice.isdigit():
     58             choice = int(choice)
     59             if 1 <= choice <= 4:
     60                 return choice
     61             else:
     62                 print("请输入正确的数字选项!")
     63         else:
     64             print("请输入正确的数字选项!")
     65             continue
     68 # 将修改后的信息写入文件中
     69 def write_info():
     70     with open("info_employee.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
     71         for item in info:
     72             for value in item:
     73                 f.write(str(value)+"	")
     74             f.write("
     77 # 1.修改个人信息
     78 def change_info(update_name):
     79     index = 0
     80     for personal in info:
     81         if personal[0] == update_name:
     82             for i in range(len(personal)):
     83                 print(i+1, info[0][i], ": ", personal[i])
     84             choice = int(input("请输入你想要修改的选项: "))
     85             print("修改前的值: ", info[index][choice-1])
     86             change = input("请输入修改后的值: ")
     87             info[index][choice-1] = change
     88             write_info()
     89         index += 1
     92 # 2.打印个人信息
     93 def output_info(personal_name):
     94     for personal in info:
     95         if personal[0] == personal_name:
     96             for i in range(len(personal)):
     97                 print(info[0][i], ": ", personal[i])
    100 # 3.修改密码
    101 def change_pwd(change_name):
    102     index = 0
    103     # 遍历找到用户信息的位置
    104     for item in info:
    105         if item[0] == change_name:
    106             break
    107         index += 1
    108     # 输入两次密码,一样就通过,否则就重新输入
    109     while True:
    110         pwd1 = input("请输入新密码: ")
    111         pwd2 = input("请再一次输入新密码: ")
    112         if pwd1 == pwd2:
    113             info[index][1] = pwd1
    114             print("密码输入正确,修改密码成功!")
    115             write_info()
    116             break
    117         else:
    118             print("两次输入的密码不一样请重新输入!")
    121 if __name__ == '__main__':
    122     get_info()
    123     login_user = login()
    124     while True:
    125         number = output_chose()
    126         if number == 1:
    127             change_info(login_user)
    128         if number == 2:
    129             output_info(login_user)
    130         if number == 3:
    131             change_pwd(login_user)
    132         if number == 4:
    133             exit()


      1 # __author__ = "wyb"
      2 # date: 2018/4/20
      5 def get_info():
      6     """
      7     获取员工信息
      8     :return: 返回列表,列表中每一项是存储员工信息的字典
      9     """
     10     info = []
     11     with open("info_employee.txt", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
     12         # 读取每一行的数据存入列表中
     13         details = f.readlines()
     14         topics = details[0].split()                                                 # 第一排数据作为键
     15         for index in range(1, len(details)):                                        # 第二排开始的数据作为值
     16             detail = details[index].strip().split()
     17             dic = dict(zip(topics, detail))                                         # 把两个列表合并为一个字典
     18             dic["user_id"] = index                                                  # 向用户数据中添加一项user_id方便替换用户数据
     19             info.append(dic)
     20     return info
     23 def write_info(user_data):
     24     """
     25     将修改后的用户信息写入文件中
     26     :param user_data: 用户信息
     27     :return:
     28     """
     29     data = get_info()                                               # 获取文件中数据
     30     for index in range(len(data)):                                  # 替换用户数据
     31         if data[index]["user_id"] == user_data["user_id"]:
     32             data[index] = user_data
     34     with open("info_employee.txt", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:     # 将数据写入新文件
     35         f.write("username	password	age	position	department
     36         for item in data:
     37             f.write("%s	%s	%s	%s	%s
    " % (item["username"], item["password"], item["age"], item["position"], item["department"]))
     39     return
     42 def login(info):
     43     """
     44     登陆接口
     45     :param info: 个人信息所有数据
     46     :return: 返回状态及信息
     47     """
     48     # 输入用户名及密码并验证用户名及密码是否正确
     49     for i in range(4):
     50         if i == 3:
     51             return {"status": -1, "error": "输错3次,不能再登陆"}
     52         # 输入用户名及密码
     53         username = input("username>>>").strip()
     54         password = input("password>>>").strip()
     55         for item in info:
     56             if item["username"] == username and item["password"] == password:                   # 登陆成功
     57                 return {"status": 0, "msg": "欢迎%s登陆" % username, "username": username}
     58         else:
     59             print("用户名或密码错误!请重新输入")
     62 def output_info(user_info):
     63     """
     64     打印个人信息
     65     :param user_info: 某个用户的个人信息
     66     :return:
     67     """
     68     print("USER INFO".center(50, "-"))
     69     for k, v in user_info.items():
     70         print("%18s: %s" % (k, v))
     71     print("END".center(50, "-"))
     72     return
     75 def change_info(user_info):
     76     """
     77     修改个人信息
     78     :param user_info: 某个用户的个人信息
     79     :return:
     80     """
     81     print("选择你要修改的个人信息: ")
     82     dic = {}
     83     for index, item in enumerate(user_info.keys()):         # 输出个人信息及选项,并将个人信息和选项捆绑
     84         if item == "user_id":
     85             continue
     86         print("%s: %s" % (index+1, item))
     87         dic[str(index+1)] = item
     88     choice = input("输入选项>>>").strip()
     89     change = input("输入修改后的值>>>").strip()
     90     user_info[dic[str(choice)]] = change                    # 修改信息
     91     write_info(user_info)                                   # 修改后的信息写入文件
     92     return
     95 def change_pwd(user_info):
     96     """
     97     修改用户的密码
     98     :param user_info: 某个用户的个人信息
     99     :return:
    100     """
    101     retry_times = 0                                         # 最多允许尝试3次
    102     while True:
    103         retry_times += 1
    104         pwd = input("输入修改后的密码: ").strip()
    105         pwd_again = input("再次输入密码: ").strip()
    106         if pwd == pwd_again:
    107             user_info["password"] = pwd
    108             write_info(user_info)                           # 将修改后的数据写入文件
    109             print("两次输入密码相符,修改成功")
    110             return
    111         else:
    112             print("两次密码输入不符,请重新输入密码")
    115 def controller(all_info, username):
    116     """
    117     功能分发器
    118     :param all_info: 所有用户信息
    119     :param username:  登陆用户的用户名
    120     :return:
    121     """
    122     user_data = {}                          # 登陆用户的个人信息
    123     menus = [                               # 功能菜单
    124         ("修改个人信息", change_info),
    125         ("输出个人信息", output_info),
    126         ("修改密码", change_pwd),
    127         ("退出系统", 0),
    128     ]
    129     for item in all_info:                   # 根据用户名找到某个用户的用户信息
    130         if item["username"] == username:
    131             user_data = item
    132     while True:
    133         for index, item in enumerate(menus):    # 输出功能菜单
    134             print(index + 1, item[0])
    135         choice = input("请输入序号选择功能>>>")
    136         if choice.isdigit():
    137             choice = int(choice)
    138             if 1 <= choice < len(menus):
    139                 # 调用相应的功能函数
    140                 menus[choice-1][1](user_data)
    141             elif choice == len(menus):
    142                 exit("退出系统")
    143         if not choice:
    144             continue
    147 def entrance():
    148     """
    149     程序主入口
    150     :return:
    151     """
    152     details = get_info()                # 获取所有数据
    153     res = login(details)                # 调用登陆接口    
    154     username = ""
    155     if res["status"] == 0:              # 成功登陆
    156         username = res["username"]      # 获取登陆的用户的用户名
    157         print(res["msg"])
    158     else:                               # 登陆失败
    159         print(res)
    160         exit()
    161     controller(details, username)       # 调用功能分发器
    164 if __name__ == '__main__':
    165     entrance()





    整体思路: 在文件中存储员工信息,一个函数读取所有员工信息,并只在程序启动时读取,输入命令后根据不同命令调用不同函数来处理,如果命令是修改或增加或删除,在执行命令后将修改后的员工信息写入文件中


    1 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01
    2 2,wyb,20,15698704367,CTO,2016-8-9
    3 3,tim,26,18945312218,HR,2015-9-3
    4 4,Eric,30,18796342152,IT,2012-4-6
    5 5,rachel,32,15367833458,Market,2013-9-3
    6 6,jack,22,18398035682,HR,2016-7-6


     1 find:
     2     find * from staff_table
     3     find name,age from staff_table
     4     find name,age from staff_table where age > 22
     5     find * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
     6     find * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"
     8 add:
     9     add staff_table Alex Li,25,13651054608,IT,2016-7-8
    10     add staff_table Alex Li,25,13444679873,IT,2016-7-8
    11     add staff_table woz,20,13594372910,IT,2016-9-1
    13 del:
    14     del from staff_table where id=3
    15     del from staff_table where id=13
    17 update:
    18     update staff_table set dept = "market" where dept = "IT"
    19     update staff_table set age = 25 where name = "Alex Li"


     1 # 根据命令选择相应函数
     2 def chose_command(commands):
     3     command = commands[0]
     4     if command == "find":
     5         find(commands)
     6     if command == "add":
     7         add(commands)
     8     if command == "del":
     9         delete(commands)
    10     if command == "update":
    11         update(commands)
    14 # 输入命令并进行相关处理
    15 def input_command():
    16     while True:
    17         command = input("请输入与增删改查相关命令(q或exit退出程序): ")
    18         # 退出程序
    19         if command == "exit" or command == "q":
    20             exit()
    21         # 将字母统一转换成小写
    22         order = ""
    23         for i in range(len(command)):
    24             if command[i].isalpha():
    25                 order += command[i].lower()
    26             else:
    27                 order += command[i]
    28         command = order
    29         # 分割字符串
    30         command = command.split()
    31         orders = ["find", "del", "add", "update"]
    32         # 确保命令的首个单词正确
    33         if command[0] not in orders:
    34             print("请输入正确的命令!")
    35             continue
    36         # 选择命令
    37         chose_command(command)


      1 # 输出查找及修改结果
      2 def output_result(res, flag):
      3     print("一共%s了%d条数据" % (flag, len(res)))
      4     if len(res) != 0:
      5         print("%s如下:" % flag)
      6     for s in res:
      7         print(s)
     10 def find_condition(rows, choice):
     11     # 存储符合条件的行
     12     res = []
     13     c1, c2, c3 = choice[0], choice[1], choice[2]
     14     # 处理c3
     15     if c3.isdigit():
     16         c3 = int(c3)
     17     else:
     18         c3 = c3.strip(""")
     19         # print(c3)
     20     if c2 == "=":
     21         for row in rows:
     22             item = str(row[c1])
     23             # 数字
     24             if item.isdigit():
     25                 if int(item) == c3:
     26                     res.append(row)
     27             # 字符串
     28             elif item.lower() == c3:
     29                 res.append(row)
     30     if c2 == ">":
     31         for row in rows:
     32             if row[c1] > c3:
     33                 res.append(row)
     34     if c2 == ">=":
     35         for row in rows:
     36             if row[c1] >= c3:
     37                 res.append(row)
     38     if c2 == "<":
     39         for row in rows:
     40             if row[c1] < c3:
     41                 res.append(row)
     42     if c2 == "<=":
     43         for row in rows:
     44             if row[c1] <= c3:
     45                 res.append(row)
     46     if c2 == "like":
     47         for row in rows:
     48             if c3 in row[c1]:
     49                 res.append(row)
     50     output_result(res, "查找")
     53 def find(commands):
     54     # find * from staff_table
     55     # find name,age from staff_table
     56     if len(commands) == 4:
     57         #
     58         column = commands[1]
     59         #
     60         table = commands[3]
     61         models = tables[table]
     62         if column == '*':
     63             output_result(models, "查找")           # 输出结果
     64         else:
     65             res = []                        # 存储选择的列
     66             columns = column.split(',')     # 选择的列
     67             # 提取选择的列
     68             for model in models:
     69                 res_dict = {}
     70                 for item in columns:
     71                     res_dict[item] = model[item]
     72                 res.append(res_dict)
     73             output_result(res, "查找")              # 输出结果
     74     # find name,age from staff_table where age > 22
     75     # find * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
     76     # find * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"
     77     elif len(commands) == 8:
     78         column, table = commands[1], commands[3]        # 列名和表名
     79         choice = commands[-3::1]                        # 筛选条件
     80         # print(column, table, chose1, chose2, chose3)
     81         #
     82         models = tables[table]
     83         if column == '*':
     84             find_condition(models, choice)      # 根据条件查找
     85         else:
     86             res = []                            # 存储选择的列
     87             columns = column.split(',')         # 选择的列
     88             # 提取选择的列
     89             for model in models:
     90                 res_dict = {}
     91                 for item in columns:
     92                     res_dict[item] = model[item]
     93                 res.append(res_dict)
     94             find_condition(res, choice)     # 根据条件查找
     96 def update(commands):
     97     # update staff_table set dept = "market" where dept = "IT"
     98     # update staff_table set age = 25 where name = "Alex Li"
     99     res = []            # 存储修改过的行
    100     #
    101     table = commands[1]
    102     models = tables[table]
    103     condition = commands[7::]               # 选择行的条件
    104     change = (commands[3], commands[5])     # 要修改的键以及其对应值
    105     # 处理条件
    106     if condition[0] == "id":
    107         print("不能修改id!")
    108         return
    109     if len(condition) == 3:
    110         if condition[2].isdigit():
    111             condition[2] = int(condition[2])
    112         else:
    113             condition[2] = condition[2].strip(""")
    114     if len(condition) == 4:
    115         condition[2] = condition[2] + " " + condition[3]
    116         condition[2] = condition[2].strip(""")
    117     # print(condition)
    118     # 根据条件选择表中的行
    119     for index in range(len(models)):
    120         dic = models[index][condition[0]]
    121         if str(dic).lower() == condition[2]:
    122             res.append(models[index])
    123     # 修改相应的值
    124     for index in range(len(res)):
    125         value = change[1]           # 要修改的值
    126         if value.isdigit():
    127             value = int(value)
    128         else:
    129             value = value.strip(""")
    130         res[index][change[0]] = value
    131     # 输出修改结果
    132     output_result(res, "修改")
    133     # 将修改结果存入文件中(根据id值将修改后的行赋给表中的行)
    134     for i in range(len(models)):
    135         for item in res:
    136             mid = models[i]["id"]
    137             if mid == item["id"]:
    138                 models[i] = item
    139     write_info(models)


     1 def add(commands):
     2     # add staff_table Alex Li,25,13444679873,IT,2016-7-8
     3     # add staff_table woz,20,13594372910,IT,2016-9-1
     4     #
     5     table = commands[1]
     6     models = tables[table]
     7     # 待添加的员工信息
     8     add_details = commands[2:]
     9     details = []
    10     # 处理数据
    11     if len(add_details) == 1:
    12         details = add_details[0].split(',')
    13     if len(add_details) == 2:
    14         details = add_details[1].split(',')
    15         details[0] = add_details[0] + " " + details[0]
    16     # print(models)
    17     # print(details[3])
    18     # 判断员工信息是否可以添加进表
    19     if details[2] not in tels:
    20         print("新增一条员工信息")
    21     else:
    22         print("电话号重复,无法新增员工信息!")
    23         return
    24     # 获取id值
    25     aid = models[-1]["id"] + 1
    26     # 将可添加的员工信息加入新字典中
    27     new_dict = {}
    28     new_dict.update(id=aid, name=details[0], age=int(details[1]), tel=details[2], dept=details[3], enroll_date=details[4])
    29     # 将新字典加入表中
    30     models.append(new_dict)
    31     # 写入数据
    32     write_info(models)
    34 def delete(commands):
    35     # del from staff_table where id=3
    36     # del from staff_table where id=13
    37     #
    38     table = commands[2]
    39     models = tables[table]
    40     # 选择条件
    41     condition = commands[-1]
    42     # print(table, condition)     # 表名和条件
    43     if "=" in condition:
    44         conditions = condition.split('=')
    45         # print(conditions)
    46         for index in range(len(models)):
    47             if models[index]["id"] == int(conditions[1]):
    48                 print("删除一条员工信息,删除信息如下:")
    49                 print(models[index])
    50                 del models[index]
    51                 break
    52         else:
    53             print("请输入正确的del命令!")
    54             return
    55         write_info(models)
    56     else:
    57         print("请输入正确的del命令!")
    58         return


     1 # 表结构: tables -> staff_table -> employee_detail
     2 # 全局变量:
     3 tables = {}
     4 tels = []       # 字符串存储员工的电话号
     7 # 获取员工信息
     8 def get_info():
     9     with open("employee_info.txt", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
    10         # staff_table存储多行员工信息,每一行的员工信息存在字典中
    11         staff_table = []
    12         # 读取每一行的数据存入列表中
    13         details = f.readlines()
    14         # 遍历列表将每一行的数据分开并将一行的数据作为一个字典存入info列表中
    15         for detail in details:
    16             employee_detail = {}
    17             detail = detail.strip()
    18             items = detail.split(',')
    19             # 去掉开头和结尾的空白
    20             for i in range(len(items)):
    21                 items[i] = items[i].strip()
    22             # 将一条员工信息存入字典
    23             employee_detail.update(id=int(items[0]), name=items[1], age=int(items[2]), tel=items[3], dept=items[4], enroll_date=items[5])
    24             tels.append(items[3])
    25             staff_table.append(employee_detail)
    26         tables.update(staff_table=staff_table)
    27         # print(tables)
    28         # print(tables["staff_table"])
    31 # 将员工信息写入文件中
    32 def write_info(models):
    33     with open("employee_info.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    34         for model in models:
    35             f.write(str(model["id"]) + "," + model["name"] + "," + str(model["age"]) + ",")
    36             f.write(model["tel"] + "," + model["dept"] + "," + model["enroll_date"] + "


      1 # __author__ = "wyb"
      2 # date: 2018/4/22
      4 # 表结构: tables -> staff_table -> employee_detail
      5 tables = {}
      6 tels = []       # 字符串存储员工的电话号
      9 # 获取员工信息
     10 def get_info():
     11     with open("employee_info.txt", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
     12         # staff_table存储多行员工信息,每一行的员工信息存在字典中
     13         staff_table = []
     14         # 读取每一行的数据存入列表中
     15         details = f.readlines()
     16         # 遍历列表将每一行的数据分开并将一行的数据作为一个字典存入info列表中
     17         for detail in details:
     18             employee_detail = {}
     19             detail = detail.strip()
     20             items = detail.split(',')
     21             # 去掉开头和结尾的空白
     22             for i in range(len(items)):
     23                 items[i] = items[i].strip()
     24             # 将一条员工信息存入字典
     25             employee_detail.update(id=int(items[0]), name=items[1], age=int(items[2]), tel=items[3], dept=items[4], enroll_date=items[5])
     26             tels.append(items[3])
     27             staff_table.append(employee_detail)
     28         tables.update(staff_table=staff_table)
     29         # print(tables)
     30         # print(tables["staff_table"])
     33 # 将员工信息写入文件中
     34 def write_info(models):
     35     with open("employee_info.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
     36         for model in models:
     37             f.write(str(model["id"]) + "," + model["name"] + "," + str(model["age"]) + ",")
     38             f.write(model["tel"] + "," + model["dept"] + "," + model["enroll_date"] + "
     41 # 输出查询及修改结果
     42 def output_result(res, flag):
     43     print("一共%s了%d条数据" % (flag, len(res)))
     44     if len(res) != 0:
     45         print("%s如下:" % flag)
     46     for s in res:
     47         print(s)
     50 def find_condition(rows, choice):
     51     # 存储符合条件的行
     52     res = []
     53     c1, c2, c3 = choice[0], choice[1], choice[2]
     54     # 处理c3
     55     if c3.isdigit():
     56         c3 = int(c3)
     57     else:
     58         c3 = c3.strip(""")
     59         # print(c3)
     60     if c2 == "=":
     61         for row in rows:
     62             item = str(row[c1])
     63             # 数字
     64             if item.isdigit():
     65                 if int(item) == c3:
     66                     res.append(row)
     67             # 字符串
     68             elif item.lower() == c3:
     69                 res.append(row)
     70     if c2 == ">":
     71         for row in rows:
     72             if row[c1] > c3:
     73                 res.append(row)
     74     if c2 == ">=":
     75         for row in rows:
     76             if row[c1] >= c3:
     77                 res.append(row)
     78     if c2 == "<":
     79         for row in rows:
     80             if row[c1] < c3:
     81                 res.append(row)
     82     if c2 == "<=":
     83         for row in rows:
     84             if row[c1] <= c3:
     85                 res.append(row)
     86     if c2 == "like":
     87         for row in rows:
     88             if c3 in row[c1]:
     89                 res.append(row)
     90     output_result(res, "查找")
     93 def find(commands):
     94     # find * from staff_table
     95     # find name,age from staff_table
     96     if len(commands) == 4:
     97         #
     98         column = commands[1]
     99         #
    100         table = commands[3]
    101         models = tables[table]
    102         if column == '*':
    103             output_result(models, "查找")           # 输出结果
    104         else:
    105             res = []                        # 存储选择的列
    106             columns = column.split(',')     # 选择的列
    107             # 提取选择的列
    108             for model in models:
    109                 res_dict = {}
    110                 for item in columns:
    111                     res_dict[item] = model[item]
    112                 res.append(res_dict)
    113             output_result(res, "查找")              # 输出结果
    114     # find name,age from staff_table where age > 22
    115     # find * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
    116     # find * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"
    117     elif len(commands) == 8:
    118         column, table = commands[1], commands[3]        # 列名和表名
    119         choice = commands[-3::1]                        # 筛选条件
    120         # print(column, table, chose1, chose2, chose3)
    121         #
    122         models = tables[table]
    123         if column == '*':
    124             find_condition(models, choice)      # 根据条件查找
    125         else:
    126             res = []                            # 存储选择的列
    127             columns = column.split(',')         # 选择的列
    128             # 提取选择的列
    129             for model in models:
    130                 res_dict = {}
    131                 for item in columns:
    132                     res_dict[item] = model[item]
    133                 res.append(res_dict)
    134             find_condition(res, choice)     # 根据条件查找
    137 def add(commands):
    138     # add staff_table Alex Li,25,13444679873,IT,2016-7-8
    139     # add staff_table woz,20,13594372910,IT,2016-9-1
    140     #
    141     table = commands[1]
    142     models = tables[table]
    143     # 待添加的员工信息
    144     add_details = commands[2:]
    145     details = []
    146     # 处理数据
    147     if len(add_details) == 1:
    148         details = add_details[0].split(',')
    149     if len(add_details) == 2:
    150         details = add_details[1].split(',')
    151         details[0] = add_details[0] + " " + details[0]
    152     # print(models)
    153     # print(details[3])
    154     # 判断员工信息是否可以添加进表
    155     if details[2] not in tels:
    156         print("新增一条员工信息")
    157     else:
    158         print("电话号重复,无法新增员工信息!")
    159         return
    160     # 获取id值
    161     aid = models[-1]["id"] + 1
    162     # 将可添加的员工信息加入新字典中
    163     new_dict = {}
    164     new_dict.update(id=aid, name=details[0], age=int(details[1]), tel=details[2], dept=details[3], enroll_date=details[4])
    165     # 将新字典加入表中
    166     models.append(new_dict)
    167     # 写入数据
    168     write_info(models)
    171 def delete(commands):
    172     # del from staff_table where id=3
    173     # del from staff_table where id=13
    174     #
    175     table = commands[2]
    176     models = tables[table]
    177     # 选择条件
    178     condition = commands[-1]
    179     # print(table, condition)     # 表名和条件
    180     if "=" in condition:
    181         conditions = condition.split('=')
    182         # print(conditions)
    183         for index in range(len(models)):
    184             if models[index]["id"] == int(conditions[1]):
    185                 print("删除一条员工信息,删除信息如下:")
    186                 print(models[index])
    187                 del models[index]
    188                 break
    189         else:
    190             print("请输入正确的del命令!")
    191             return
    192         write_info(models)
    193     else:
    194         print("请输入正确的del命令!")
    195         return
    198 def update(commands):
    199     # update staff_table set dept = "market" where dept = "IT"
    200     # update staff_table set age = 25 where name = "Alex Li"
    201     res = []            # 存储修改过的行
    202     #
    203     table = commands[1]
    204     models = tables[table]
    205     condition = commands[7::]               # 选择行的条件
    206     change = (commands[3], commands[5])     # 要修改的键以及其对应值
    207     # 处理条件
    208     if condition[0] == "id":
    209         print("不能修改id!")
    210         return
    211     if len(condition) == 3:
    212         if condition[2].isdigit():
    213             condition[2] = int(condition[2])
    214         else:
    215             condition[2] = condition[2].strip(""")
    216     if len(condition) == 4:
    217         condition[2] = condition[2] + " " + condition[3]
    218         condition[2] = condition[2].strip(""")
    219     # print(condition)
    220     # 根据条件选择表中的行
    221     for index in range(len(models)):
    222         dic = models[index][condition[0]]
    223         if str(dic).lower() == condition[2]:
    224             res.append(models[index])
    225     # 修改相应的值
    226     for index in range(len(res)):
    227         value = change[1]           # 要修改的值
    228         if value.isdigit():
    229             value = int(value)
    230         else:
    231             value = value.strip(""")
    232         res[index][change[0]] = value
    233     # 输出修改结果
    234     output_result(res, "修改")
    235     # 将修改结果存入文件中(根据id值将修改后的行赋给表中的行)
    236     for i in range(len(models)):
    237         for item in res:
    238             mid = models[i]["id"]
    239             if mid == item["id"]:
    240                 models[i] = item
    241     write_info(models)
    244 # 根据命令选择相应函数
    245 def chose_command(commands):
    246     command = commands[0]
    247     if command == "find":
    248         find(commands)
    249     if command == "add":
    250         add(commands)
    251     if command == "del":
    252         delete(commands)
    253     if command == "update":
    254         update(commands)
    257 # 输入命令并进行相关处理
    258 def input_command():
    259     while True:
    260         command = input("请输入与增删改查相关命令(q或exit退出程序): ")
    261         # 退出程序
    262         if command == "exit" or command == "q":
    263             exit()
    264         # 将字母统一转换成小写
    265         order = ""
    266         for i in range(len(command)):
    267             if command[i].isalpha():
    268                 order += command[i].lower()
    269             else:
    270                 order += command[i]
    271         command = order
    272         # 分割字符串
    273         command = command.split()
    274         orders = ["find", "del", "add", "update"]
    275         # 确保命令的首个单词正确
    276         if command[0] not in orders:
    277             print("请输入正确的命令!")
    278             continue
    279         # 选择命令
    280         chose_command(command)
    283 if __name__ == '__main__':
    284     get_info()
    285     input_command()
  • 相关阅读:
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    GDB 调试C程序
    C语言 结构体存储空间分配
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wyb666/p/8891340.html
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