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  • C# Path总结




    Path.GetFullPath(file) 取全路径
    Path.GetFileName(file) 取文件名,包含扩展名
    Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) 取文件名,不包含扩展名
    Path.GetExtension(file) 取扩展名
    Path.GetDirectoryName(file) 取路径名
    Path.GetPathRoot(file)  取盘符
    Path.Combine(file1,file2) 合并2个路径


    a.使用前需要对参数进行判空,其次追加try catch来捕获Exception。

                string fullpath7 = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                        fullpath7 = Path.GetFullPath(file);
                    catch (Exception e)

    b.GetFullPath()可以将多个 / 合并为1个,使之格式化为合法的路径。末尾的会保留。


    d.Combine() 不会合并多个 /   ,第二个参数不能以/ 开头。


    string dir2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(@"D:1","Temp")); // D:1
    string dir3 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(@"D:1", "Temp")); // D:1


           public static void TestPath()
                string file = "App.config"; //c:usersqqqsource
                /* 正常用法 */
                string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(file);  //c:usersqqqsource
                string name = Path.GetFileName(@"D:12App.config"); //App.config
                string extension = Path.GetExtension(@"D:12App.config"); //.config
                //取文件名 不带扩展名
                string nameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(@"D:12App.config"); //App
                string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(@"D:12App.config"); //D:12
                string root = Path.GetPathRoot(@"D:12App.config"); //D:
                string combine = Path.Combine(@"1", @"2"); // 12
                /* 异常用法 */
                //string fullpath1 = Path.GetFullPath(null); //Exception
                //string fullpath2 = Path.GetFullPath("");  //Exception
                string fullpath3 = Path.GetFullPath(@"D:\//\//dfjk\\1///2/////3");  //D:dfjk123     忽略了多个 /   为1个  。保留了末尾的  。
                string name1 = Path.GetFileName(@"D:12App"); //App 
                string name2 = Path.GetFileName(@"D:12.config"); //.config
                string name3 = Path.GetFileName(@"D:12"); // ""
                string name4 = Path.GetFileName(@"D:"); //  ""
                string name5 = Path.GetFileName(null); // null
                string name6 = Path.GetFileName(""); // ""
                string extension1 = Path.GetExtension(@"D:12App"); //""
                string extension2 = Path.GetExtension(@"D:12.config"); //.config
                string extension3 = Path.GetExtension(@"D:12"); // ""
                string extension4 = Path.GetExtension(@"D:"); //  ""
                string extension5 = Path.GetExtension(null); //  null
                string extension6 = Path.GetExtension(""); // ""
                //string combine1 = Path.Combine(null,null); // Exception
                //string combine2 = Path.Combine("", null); // Exception
                string combine3 = Path.Combine("", ""); // ""
                string combine4 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23", @"4"); //     ///1\234
                string combine5 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23", @"/4"); //    /4
                string combine6 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23", @"4"); //   4
                string combine7 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23\", @"4"); //   ///1\23\4
                string combine8 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23/", @"4"); //   ///1\23/4
                string combine9 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23", @"/4"); //   /4
                string combine10 = Path.Combine(@"///1\23", @"4"); //   4
                string dir1 = Path.GetDirectoryName(@"D:12"); //D:12
                string dir2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(@"D:1","Temp"));  //  D:1
                string dir3 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(@"D:1", "Temp")); //  D:1


                string dir4 = Path.GetDirectoryName(@"\"); // \
                string root1 = Path.GetPathRoot(@"\");  //  \
                string root2 = Path.GetPathRoot(@"");  //  ""
                string root3 = Path.GetPathRoot(@"//"); //  \
                string root4 = Path.GetPathRoot(@"//"); //  \
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wyvern0618/p/9454627.html
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