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  • 学习笔记(第四周)




    • 控制电机带重物上升,从静止加速到800r/min
    • 保持800r/min匀速运动0.5s,
    • 减速到静止,保持静止状态0.5s,
    • 带重物下降,从静止达到600r/min
    • 保持600r/min匀速运动0.6s,
    • 减速到静止。

    2) 升降机构和重物折算到到电机转子轴上的等效负载惯量为1Kg.m^2,折算到到电机转子轴上的等效负载转矩是15N.m。







    ⑵调速: 采用变频调速。三个频率分别为





    ⑶制动:根据书上所述,“卷扬机放下重物,为了使下降速度不致太快,就常用这种工作状态”,这里的“这种状态”就是指倒拉制动。此处串联的电阻设为R=2 ohm。


    model SACIM "A Simple AC Induction Motor Model"

    type Voltage=Real(unit="V");

    type Current=Real(unit="A");

    type Resistance=Real(unit="Ohm");

    type Inductance=Real(unit="H");

    type Speed=Real(unit="r/min");

    type Torque=Real(unit="N.m");

    type Inertia=Real(unit="kg.m^2");

    type Frequency=Real(unit="Hz");

    type Flux=Real(unit="Wb");

    type Angle=Real(unit="rad");

    type AngularVelocity=Real(unit="rad/s");

    constant Real Pi = 3.1415926;

    Current i_A"A Phase Current of Stator";

    Current i_B"B Phase Current of Stator";

    Current i_C"C Phase Current of Stator";

    Voltage u_A"A Phase Voltage of Stator";

    Voltage u_B"B Phase Voltage of Stator";

    Voltage u_C"C Phase Voltage of Stator";

    Current i_a"A Phase Current of Rotor";

    Current i_b"B Phase Current of Rotor";

    Current i_c"C Phase Current of Rotor";

    Frequency f_s"Frequency of Stator";

    Torque Tm"Torque of the Motor";

    Speed n"Speed of the Motor";

    Flux Psi_A"A Phase Flux-Linkage of Stator";

    Flux Psi_B"B Phase Flux-Linkage of Stator";

    Flux Psi_C"C Phase Flux-Linkage of Stator";

    Flux Psi_a"a Phase Flux-Linkage of Rotor";

    Flux Psi_b"b Phase Flux-Linkage of Rotor";

    Flux Psi_c"c Phase Flux-Linkage of Rotor";

    Angle phi"Electrical Angle of Rotor";

    Angle phi_m"Mechnical Angle of Rotor";

    AngularVelocity w"Angular Velocity of Rotor";

    Torque Tl"Load Torque";

    Resistance Rs"Stator Resistance";

    parameter Resistance Rr=0.408"Rotor Resistance";

    parameter Inductance Ls = 0.00252"Stator Leakage Inductance";

    parameter Inductance Lr = 0.00252"Rotor Leakage Inductance";

    parameter Inductance Lm = 0.00847"Mutual Inductance";

    parameter Frequency f_N = 50"Rated Frequency of Stator";

    parameter Voltage u_N = 220"Rated Phase Voltage of Stator";

    parameter Real p =2"number of pole pairs";

    parameter Inertia Jm = 0.1"Motor Inertia";

    parameter Inertia Jl = 1"Load Inertia";

    parameter Real K=0.8"starting rate";

    parameter Real a=0.54"frequency rate";

    parameter Real b=0.069"stable frequency rate";

    parameter Real c=0.39"another frequency rate";

    parameter Real P=0.7"stoping rate";

    initial equation

    Psi_A = 0;

    Psi_B = 0;

    Psi_C = 0;

    Psi_a = 0;

    Psi_b = 0;

    Psi_c = 0;

    phi = 0;

    w = 0;


    u_A = Rs * i_A + 1000 * der(Psi_A);

    u_B = Rs * i_B + 1000 * der(Psi_B);

    u_C = Rs * i_C + 1000 * der(Psi_C);

    0 = Rr * i_a + 1000 * der(Psi_a);

    0 = Rr * i_b + 1000 * der(Psi_b);

    0 = Rr * i_c + 1000 * der(Psi_c);

    Psi_A = (Lm+Ls)*i_A + (-0.5*Lm)*i_B + (-0.5*Lm)*i_C + (Lm*cos(phi))*i_a + (Lm*cos(phi+2*Pi/3))*i_b + (Lm*cos(phi-2*Pi/3))*i_c;

    Psi_B = (-0.5*Lm)*i_A + (Lm+Ls)*i_B + (-0.5*Lm)*i_C + (Lm*cos(phi-2*Pi/3))*i_a + (Lm*cos(phi))*i_b + (Lm*cos(phi+2*Pi/3))*i_c;

    Psi_C = (-0.5*Lm)*i_A + (-0.5*Lm)*i_B + (Lm+Ls)*i_C + (Lm*cos(phi+2*Pi/3))*i_a + (Lm*cos(phi-2*Pi/3))*i_b + (Lm*cos(phi))*i_c;

    Psi_a = (Lm*cos(phi))*i_A + (Lm*cos(phi-2*Pi/3))*i_B + (Lm*cos(phi+2*Pi/3))*i_C + (Lm+Lr)*i_a + (-0.5*Lm)*i_b + (-0.5*Lm)*i_c;

    Psi_b = (Lm*cos(phi+2*Pi/3))*i_A + (Lm*cos(phi))*i_B + (Lm*cos(phi-2*Pi/3))*i_C + (-0.5*Lm)*i_a + (Lm+Lr)*i_b + (-0.5*Lm)*i_c;

    Psi_c = (Lm*cos(phi-2*Pi/3))*i_A + (Lm*cos(phi+2*Pi/3))*i_B + (Lm*cos(phi))*i_C + (-0.5*Lm)*i_a + (-0.5*Lm)*i_b + (Lm+Lr)*i_c;

    Tm =-p*Lm*((i_A*i_a+i_B*i_b+i_C*i_c)*sin(phi)+(i_A*i_b+i_B*i_c+i_C*i_a)*sin(phi+2*Pi/3)+(i_A*i_c+i_B*i_a+i_C*i_b)*sin(phi-2*Pi/3));

    w = 1000 * der(phi_m);

    phi_m = phi/p;

    n= w*60/(2*Pi);

    Tm-Tl = (Jm+Jl) * 1000 * der(w);

    Tl = 15;

    if time <= 100 then

    u_A = 0;

    u_B = 0;

    u_C = 0;

    f_s = 0;Rs = 0.531;

    elseif time<=180 then

    f_s = f_N*a; Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*K*a;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*K*a;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*K*a;

    elseif time<=1870 then

    f_s = f_N*a;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*a;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*a;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*a;

    elseif time<=1930 then

    f_s = f_N*a;Rs = 2;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*a;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*a;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*a;

    elseif time<=2841 then

    f_s = f_N*a;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*a;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*a;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*a;

    elseif time<=3450 then

    f_s = f_N*b;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*b;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*b;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*b;

    elseif time<=3571 then

    f_s = f_N*K*c;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*K*c;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*K*c;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*K*c;

    elseif time<=4980 then

    f_s = f_N*c;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*c;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*c;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*c;

    elseif time<=5050 then

    f_s = f_N*P*a;Rs = 2;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*a*P;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*a*P;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*a*P;

    elseif time<=6000 then

    f_s = f_N*a;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*a;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*a;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*a;


    f_s = f_N*b;Rs = 0.531;

    u_A = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000)*b;

    u_B = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-2*Pi/3)*b;

    u_C = u_N * 1.414 * sin(2*Pi*f_s*time/1000-4*Pi/3)*b;

    end if;

    end SACIM;



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wzh111/p/5299524.html
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