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    You probably have played the game "Throwing Balls into the Basket". It is a simple game. You have to throw a ball into a basket from a certain distance. One day we (the AIUB ACMMER) were playing the game. But it was slightly different from the main game. In our game we were N people trying to throw balls into M identical Baskets. At each turn we all were selecting a basket and trying to throw a ball into it. After the game we saw exactly S balls were successful. Now you will be given the value of N and M. For each player probability of throwing a ball into any basket successfully is P. Assume that there are infinitely many balls and the probability of choosing a basket by any player is 1/M. If multiple people choose a common basket and throw their ball, you can assume that their balls will not conflict, and the probability remains same for getting inside a basket. You have to find the expected number of balls entered into the baskets after K turns.


    Input starts with an integer T (≤ 100), denoting the number of test cases.

    Each case starts with a line containing three integers N (1 ≤ N ≤ 16), M (1 ≤ M ≤ 100) and K (0 ≤ K ≤ 100) and a real number P (0 P ≤ 1). P contains at most three places after the decimal point.


    For each case, print the case number and the expected number of balls. Errors less than 10-6 will be ignored.

    Sample Input


    1 1 1 0.5

    1 1 2 0.5

    Sample Output

    Case 1: 0.5

    Case 2: 1.000000

    n个人 m个篮子 每一轮每一个人能够选m个篮子中一个扔球 扔中的概率都是p 求k轮后全部篮子里面球数量的期望值
    依据期望 的定义与篮筐个数无关。由于题目如果互不影响。结果就是N*K*P。
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        int T;
        int casex=1;
        double N,M,K,P;
        double ans;
            printf("Case %d: %lf
        return 0;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wzjhoutai/p/7044299.html
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