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  • 弹出层


    /// <reference path="../../Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" />
        by tonglu_wzq
    ; (function ($) {
        var tool = {
            format: function (source, params) {
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                        return $.validator.format.apply(this, args);
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        var dlg = function () {
            this.para = {
                title: "标题",
                content: "内容",
                height: 200,
                icon: null,
                fnOk: null,
                fnNo: null
        dlg.prototype = {
            icon: {
                icon_error: $('<i class="dialog_icon dialog_icon_error"></i>'),
                icon_ques: $('<i class="dialog_icon dialog_icon_ques"></i>'),
                icon_success: $('<i class=" dialog_icon dialog_icon_success"></i>'),
            _open: function (obj, mask, isAutoClose) {
                var _this = this;
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                    setTimeout(function () {
                        _this._close(obj, mask);
                    }, 1000);
                document.onkeydown = function (e) {
                    e = e || window.event;
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                    if (keycode == 27) {
                        _this._close(obj, mask);
                _this._resize(obj, mask);
                $(window).on("resize", function () {
                    _this._resize(obj, mask);
            _resize: function (obj, mask) {
                var t = ($(window).height() - obj.height()) / 3;
                var l = ($(window).width() - obj.width()) / 2;
                if (t < 0) t = 0;
                obj.css({ "top": t, "left": l });
            _close: function (obj, mask) {
                mask.fadeOut(200, function () {
            close: function (id) {
                this._close($("#" + id), $("#mask_" + id));
            _drgn: function (head, obj) {
                var m_x, m_y;
                head.on("mousedown", function (e) {
                    e = e || window.event;
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                    tool.addEvent(document, "mouseup", _end, false);
                var _move = function (e) {
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                    window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.getSelection().empty();
                var _end = function () {
                    tool.removeEvent(document, "mousemove", _move);
                    tool.removeEvent(document, "mouseup", _end);
            _play: function (id, para, ele, minmax) {
                var _dlg = new dlg();//, ele = new this.element();
                ele.head.find("span").html(para.title);  //标题
                if (para.icon != null) { ele.cont.css("padding", "13px"); ele.cont.append(para.icon); }  //图标
                ele.cont.append(ele.text); //内容
                if (para.content) { ele.text.html(para.content); }
                if (para.fnOk != null && para.fnOk.constructor == Function) { ele.font.append(this.btn("确认", "btn_yes", para.fnOk)); }  //确认按钮
                if (para.fnNo != null && para.fnNo.constructor == Function) { ele.font.append(this.btn("取消", "btn_no", para.fnNo)); }  //取消按钮
                if (ele.framk) {//iframe
                    ele.framk.attr("src", ele.url);
                    ele.framk.css({ "width": ele.width - 5 + "px", "height": ele.height - 20 });
                ele.obj.css({ "width": para.width + "px" });
                ele.obj.attr("id", id);
                ele.mask.attr("id", "mask_" + id);
                ele.head.find("i:eq(0)").on("click", function () {
                    ele.mask.fadeOut(200, function () {
                if (minmax && minmax == true) {
                    var _height = 0;
                    var _width = 0;
                        function () {//最大化
                            _height = ele.obj.css("height");
                            _width = ele.obj.css("width");
                            ele.obj.css({ "top": "5px", "left": "5px", "width": $(window).width() - 12 });
                            if (ele.framk) {
                                ele.obj.css({ "height": $(window).height() - 12 });
                                    "width": parseInt(ele.obj.css("width")) - 10 + "px", "height": parseInt(ele.obj.css("height")) - 41 + "px"
                        function () {//还原
                            ele.obj.css({ "width": _width, "height": _height });
                            if (ele.framk) {
                                    "width": parseInt(_width) - 10 + "px", "height": parseInt(ele.obj.css("height")) - 41 + "px"
                            _dlg._resize(ele.obj, ele.mask);
                _dlg._open(ele.obj, ele.mask);
                _dlg._drgn(ele.head, ele.obj);
                return false;
            btn: function (txt, cla, fn) {
                return $('<a href="javascript:;"></a>')
                    .attr({ "class": cla, "title": txt })
                    .css({ "margin-left": "10px" })
                    .on("click", function () { fn(); });
            Box: {
                element: function () {
                    this.obj = $('<div class="dialog_main"></div>');
                    this.head = $('<div class="dialog_title"><span>标题</span><i class="dialog_close"></i></div>');
                    this.cont = $('<div class="dialog_content"></div>');
                    this.text = $('<span class="dialog_txt">内容</span>');
                    this.font = $('<div class="dialog_font"></div>');
                    this.maxmin = $('<i class="dialog_max_min dialog_max"></i>');
                    this.mask = $('<div class="dialog_Mask"><iframe scrolling="no"></iframe ></div>');//<iframe scrolling="no"></iframe >/*IE 覆盖select*/
                Confrim: function (id, _title, _content, _width, _fnOk, _fnNo) {
                    var _dlg = new dlg();
                    var p = _dlg.para;
                    $.extend(p, { title: _title, content: _content,  _width, fnOk: _fnOk, fnNo: _fnNo, icon: _dlg.icon.icon_ques });
                    _dlg._play(id, p, new this.element());
                Info: function (id, _title, _content, _width) {
                    var _dlg = new dlg();
                    var p = _dlg.para;
                    $.extend(p, { title: _title, content: _content,  _width });
                    _dlg._play(id, p, new this.element(), true);
                Comm: function (id, _title, _content, _width, _fnOk, _fnNo) {
                    var _dlg = new dlg();
                    var p = _dlg.para;
                    $.extend(p, { title: _title,  _width, content: _content, fnOk: _fnOk || function () { }, fnNo: _fnNo || function () { } });
                    _dlg._play(id, p, new this.element(), false);
            Msg: {
                element: function () {
                    this.obj = $('<div class="dialog_Msg_Main">');
                    this.cont = $('<div class="dialog_Msg_Content">');
                    this.icon_info = $('<i class="dialog_icon_info"></i>');
                    this.text = $(' <span class="dialog_Msg_txt">提示内容!</span>');
                    this.mask = $('<div class="dialog_Mask"><iframe scrollint="no"></iframe ></div>');
                Success: function (txt) {
                    var _dlg = new dlg(), e = new this.element(), p = _dlg.para;
                    _dlg._open(e.obj, e.mask, true);
                Error: function (txt) {
                    var _dlg = new dlg(), e = new this.element(), p = _dlg.para;
                    _dlg._open(e.obj, e.mask, true);
            Frame: {
                element: function () {
                    this.id = "cusIFrame";
                    this.width = 500;
                    this.height = 450;
                    this.title = "标题";
                    this.url = "/";
                    this.obj = $('<div class="dialog_main"></div>');
                    this.head = $('<div class="dialog_title"><span>标题</span><i class="dialog_close"></i></div>');
                    this.cont = $('<div class="dialog_content"></div>');
                    this.framk = $('<iframe src="/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="no"   border="no" overflow="auto"></iframe>');
                    this.mask = $('<div class="dialog_Mask"><iframe scrolling="no"></iframe ></div>');
                    this.maxmin = $('<i class="dialog_max_min dialog_max"></i>');
                Open: function (_id, _title, _url, _width, _height) {
                    var _dlg = new dlg(), ele = new this.element();
                    $.extend(ele, { id: _id, title: _title, url: _url,  _width, height: _height });
                    _dlg._play(ele.id, ele, ele, true);
                    return false;
        $.dlg = new dlg;


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        <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
     <!--   <link href="Content/qz_dialog.css" rel="stylesheet" />-->
        <link href="Content/css/dialog.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <script src="Content/js/dialog.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css">
            ul li {
                text-decoration: none;
                list-style: none;
                margin-top: 20px;
        <div style="margin: 100px;">
                <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showConfirm()">弹出对话框</a> </li>
                <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showInfo();">弹出普通层</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showComm();">弹出普通层(有按钮)</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showMsg();">弹出成功提示框</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showErrorMsg();">弹出错误提示框</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showFrame();">弹出Iframe</a></li>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            //function show() {
            //    $.dlg.Box.Confrim("log", "操作提示", '确定删除该订单吗?', function () { alert('执行删除操作'); }, function () { alert('取消删除操作'); $.dlg.close("log"); }, 300);
            //function OpenMsg() {
            //    $.dlg.Msg.Comm("表单提交成功!");
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                //   DrgnMove(".dialog_title", ".dialog_main", 1);
                //   DrgnMove(".dialog_title", ".dialog_main", 2);
                // $.dlg._drgn($("#title"), $("#main"))
                //  $.dlg.Box.Confrim("log", "操作提示1", '确定删除该订单吗?', function () { alert('执行删除操作'); }, function () { alert('取消删除操作'); $.dlg.close("log"); }, 300);
            function showErrorMsg(txt) {
            function showMsg() {
            function showConfirm() {
                $.dlg.Box.Confrim("log", "系统提示", '确定删除该订单吗?', 300,
                    function () { alert('执行删除操作'); $.dlg.Msg.Success("删除订单成功!"); $.dlg.close("log"); },
                    function () { alert('取消删除操作'); $.dlg.close("log"); });
            function showInfo() {
                    , "自定义标题"
                    , '刘云山:领导干部要心中有杆秤,手中有戒尺
    2014年09月08日 11:55:40 来源: 学习时报', 800);
            function showComm() {
                    , "学生列表"
                    , '<table style="100%;">
                    , 300, function () { alert("自定义确定事件"); }, function () { alert("自定义取消事件"); $.dlg.close("com") });
            function showFrame() {
                $.dlg.Frame.Open("fa", "网页内容", "http://news.baidu.com/", 888, 600);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wzq806341010/p/4008269.html
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