using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using MyFactorize;
class TestCallback
public static void Main(){
long factorizableNum = 12345;
PrimeFactorizer pf = new PrimeFactorizer();
//Instantiate an AsyncCallback delegate to use as a parameter
//in the BeginFactorize method.
AsyncCallback cb = new AsyncCallback(TestCallback.FactorizeCallback);
// Begin the Async call to Factorize, passing in our
// AsyncCalback delegate and a reference
// to our instance of PrimeFactorizer.
IAsyncResult ar = pf.BeginFactorize(factorizableNum, cb, pf);
// Keep track of the time it takes to complete the async call
// as the call proceeds.
int start = DateTime.Now.Second;
int currentSecond = start;
while (!ar.IsCompleted){
if (currentSecond < DateTime.Now.Second) {
currentSecond = DateTime.Now.Second;
Console.WriteLine("Seconds Elapsed..." + (currentSecond - start).ToString() );
// Once the call has completed, you need a method to ensure the
// thread executing this Main function
// doesn't complete prior to the call-back function completing.
Console.Write("Press Enter to quit");
int quitchar = Console.Read();
// Set up a call-back function that is invoked by the proxy class
// when the asynchronous operation completes.
public static void FactorizeCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// You passed in our instance of PrimeFactorizer in the third
// parameter to BeginFactorize, which is accessible in the
// AsyncState property.
PrimeFactorizer pf = (PrimeFactorizer) ar.AsyncState;
long[] results;
// Get the completed results.
results = pf.EndFactorize(ar);
//Output the results.
Console.Write("12345 factors into: ");
int j;
for (j = 0; j<results.Length;j++){
if (j == results.Length - 1)
Console.Write(results[j] + ", ");