New stuff
- Added kbmMWSmartBind.pas unit with optional kbmMWSmartBindVCL.pas and kbmMWSmartBindFMX.pas
Provides new easy to use multiway databinding between data, controls and objects.
- Added support for XML-RPC and JSON-RPC. Include kbmMWJSONRPCTransStream and/or kbmMWXMLRPCTransStream units
and select JSONRPC or XMLRPC as transport stream format in request/response transports.
- Updated TkbmMWONArray, added:
procedure MoveAppend(const AValue:TkbmMWONArray);
procedure MoveInsert(const AIndex:TkbmNativeInt; const AValue:TkbmMWONArray);
procedure CopyAppend(const AValue:TkbmMWONArray);
procedure CopyInsert(const AIndex:TkbmNativeInt; const AValue:TkbmMWONArray);
procedure Insert(const AIndex:TkbmNativeInt; const AValues:array of variant); overload;
- Updated TkbmMWONObject, added:
property PropertyValueAsVariant[const AIndex:TkbmNativeInt]:variant read GetPropertyValueAsVariant write SetPropertyValueAsVariant;
- Added function IkbmMWScheduledEvent.SyncQueued:IkbmMWScheduledEvent which works similar to Synchronized
except it will queue the operation and not block to prevent certain deadlock scenarios.
- Added IkbmMWScheduledEvent.AfterEnd and IkbmMWScheduledEvent.SynchronizedAfterEnd optional handlers
which will be called when the event has run and it is never to be run again (it is truely ending).
- Added IkbmMWScheduledEvent.Executed:boolean property that returns true if the event has been executed
at least once.
- Added properties OnAnonymousAfterEndProcedure:TkbmMWOnAnonymousScheduledProcedure and OnSimpleAnonymousAfterEndProcedure:TkbmMWOnSimpleAnonymousScheduledProcedure
to IkbmMWScheduledEvent. See AfterEnd explanation.
- Added property IkbmMWScheduledEvent.IsSynchronized which indicates if an event is running synchronized (or syncqueued).
- Added new methods to TkbmMWRTTI:
class function IskbmMWONCustomObject(const AVariant:variant):boolean;
class function GetkbmMWONCustomObject(const AVariant:variant; var ACustomObject:TkbmMWONCustomObject):boolean;
class function CompareValue(const AValue1,AValue2:TValue):integer;
class function GetIsInteger(const AValue:TValue):boolean;
class function GetIsInt64(const AValue:TValue):boolean;
class function GetIsBoolean(const AValue:TValue):boolean;
class function IsDesigntime:boolean;
- Added TkbmMWThreadList<T>.Count property in kbmMWGlobal.pas
- Added TkbmMWThreadDictionary<TKey,TValue> and TkbmMWThreadObjectDictionary<TKey,TValue> class
in kbmMWGlobal.pas
- Added function kbmMWSafeDelphiIdentifier(AIdentifier:string):string; to kbmMWGlobal.pas
- Added new functions to TkbmMWJSONMarshal:
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF8File(const AFileName:string; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF16File(const AFileName:string; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF8Stream(const AStream:TStream; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF16Stream(const AStream:TStream; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
They generate Delphi source code that is able to marshal/demarshal provided JSON data.
- Added new functions to Use (kbmMWSmartUtils.pas):
class function IsObject(const AVariant:Variant):boolean
class function IsObject<T>(const AVariant:Variant):boolean
class function IsDateTime(const AVariant:Variant)
class function IsString(const AVariant:Variant):boolean
class function IsDouble(const AVariant:Variant):boolean
class function IsInteger(const AVariant:Variant):boolean
class function IsInt64(const AVariant:Variant):boolean
- Added new functions to TkbmMWYAMLMarshal:
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF8File(const AFileName:string; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF16File(const AFileName:string; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF8Stream(const AStream:TStream; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromUTF16Stream(const AStream:TStream; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
They generate Delphi source code that is able to marshal/demarshal provided YAML data.
- Added TkbmMWLockFreeCountLock to kbmMWLockFree.pas
Provides a simple way to count interests in a resource.
- Added class function TkbmMWONCustomMarshal.GenerateDelphiClass(const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string; const AON:TkbmMWONCustomObject):string;
- Added support for ORM to detect primary key field changes and automaticaly update datastorage accordingly.
- Added support for marshalling/demarshalling data of type variant.
- Added new function to kbmMWHTTPUtils.pas
function kbmMWIsMimetypeTextual(const AMimeType:string):boolean;
- Added support for rewriting ALTER TABLE PRIMARY KEY SQL
- Added new functions to TkbmMWXMLMarshal:
class function FromFile<T>(const AFileName:string):T; overload;
class function FromFile(const AFileName:string; AResultClass:TClass):TObject; overload;
Provides easy access to marshalling and demarshalling in one line.
class procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName:string; const AValue:TValue); overload;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromFile(const AFileName:string; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
class function GenerateDelphiClassFromStream(const AStream:TStream; const AUnitName:string; const AMainClassName:string):string;
They generate Delphi source code that is able to marshal/demarshal provided YAML data.
Changes/minor additions
- Improved TkbmMWONNative.SetAsFmtString to correctly use AFormat.FormatSettings when handling decimal comma.
- Improved TkbmMWONArray.GetAsVariant and TkbmMWONObject.GetAsVariant to allow for returning embededded kbmMW supported object/record
as variant when needed for kbmMW SKUs supporting SmartService.
- Improved TkbmMWONArray.GetAsValue and TkbmMWONObject.GetAsVariant to allow for returning embededded kbmMW supported object/record
as TValue when needed for kbmMW SKUs supporting SmartService.
- Improved TkbmMWONArray.SetAsVariant and TkbmMWONObject.SetAsVariant to handle variant embededded kbmMW supported object/record
when needed for kbmMW SKUs supporting SmartService.
- Improved TkbmMWONArray.SetAsValue and TkbmMWONObject.SetAsValue to handle TValue embededded kbmMW supported object/record
when needed for kbmMW SKUs supporting SmartService.
- Improved TkbmMWONArray.Add(const AValues:array of variant) to handle variant embededded kbmMW supported object/record
when needed for kbmMW SKUs supporting SmartService.
- Updated class function TkbmMWProcess.ExecuteProcess to support optional TEncoding argument.
- Improved TkbmMWJSONStreamer to differenciate between number and integer, although JSON standard only knows about number.
It is of interest when converting object notation to other formats.
- Added optional argument const ABestMatch:boolean = false to TkbmMWRTTIKnownTypes.Get and GetClass functions.
If true and no known exact type is found, it will attempt to find usable parent type.
- Added optional const AWait:boolean = true argument to several TkbmMWScheduler.Unschedule and Clear methods.
- Updated kbmSQLite.pas adapter to respect default Journal mode and default page size.
- Improved updating SQLite journal mode and page size.
- Improved TkbmMWLinqStage.AsStrings to attempt better formatting of data.
- Improved REST transport stream format.
- Improved kbmMWCustomServerMessagingTransport.pas to allow encrypted subscription and unsubscription
message to be proxied without knowing key.
- Improved TkbmMWNullableReplacementVisualizer.
- Updated TkbmMWRESTAttribute, added Required property default false.
Indicates if an argument is required or not.
- Improved TkbmMWRTTI.GetQualifiedName to attempt to generate qualified names for non registered types too.
- Fixed TkbmMWProcess.ExecuteProcess to terminate job on function end, if AJob handled given in arguments.
- Fixed various bugs and some leaks in kbmMW Scheduler.
- Fixed bugs in TkbmMWRTTI methods.
- Fixed TkbmMWRemoteDesktopClient.Connect to unsubscribe from previous subscription if any.
- Fixed bugs in TkbmMWOracleMetaData.
- Fixed bugs in kbmMWGlobal.pas.
- Fixed bugs and leaks in kbmMWORM.pas.
- Fixed typo bug in TkbmMWORM.GenerateDelphiClass.
- Fixed access violation when reregistering kbmMW in Delphi due to internal Delphi RTTI bug.
- Fixed AutoCommit issue in UniDAC database adapter.
- Fixed bugs in kbmMWCustomServerMessagingTransport.pas.