devexpress 2013 的第二个大版本出来了,一如既往,
What's New in 13.2.2 (VCL Product Line)
New Major Features in 13.2
What's New in VCL Products 13.2
Breaking Changes
To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:
Breaking Changes in 13.2.2 (VCL Product Line)
Known Issues
To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:
Known Issues in 13.2.2 (VCL Product Line)
The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress VCL 13.2.2. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for compatibility, but have not been updated.
Enhancements and Updates
- New Features/Updates
- ExpressBars Suite
- ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- ExpressScheduler Suite
- ExpressSkins Library
- ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
- ExpressEditors Library
- ExpressLibrary
- Resolved Issues
New Features/Updates
ExpressBars Suite
- AS10675 - Add the capability to provide separate image lists for standard size (16 by 16 pixels) item controls and enlarged standard size buttons located on individual toolbars, Ribbon Mini Toolbars, submenus, and popup menus
- S134230 - Localization - TdxBarApplicationMenu - Add the caption of the menu's extra pane header to localized strings
- Q532281 - Ribbon - Improve performance of painting contextual tabs
- S138496 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Add the capability to prohibit end-users from closing the Backstage View
- Q330763 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Add the capability to respond to end-user tab selection
- Q376807 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Add the capability to switch the visibility of the main menu (left pane)
- S135685 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Enlarge the default font size of tabs in the Office 2010 Ribbon style and add the capability to customize it
- Q524674 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageViewGalleryControl - Add an event to respond to clicking item pins
- S36373 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem and TdxSkinChooserGalleryItem - Add the capability to automatically calculate the size of items and item images based on a specified width or height
- S91082 - Ribbon Form - Allow closing the maximized form by clicking its top-right corner when Windows Aero effects are either disabled or not supported
- S171867 - TdxRibbonRadialMenu - Provide notification events that fire in response to displaying, closing, expanding, or collapsing the menu
ExpressDocking Library
- Q419332 - Add the capability to show custom buttons inside a dock control's caption
- Q451920 - Add the capability to show custom buttons inside tabs of tab containers and dock panels
ExpressLayout Control
- S172175 - Add simple docking capabilities to drag-and-drop operations with layout elements
- S34760 - Add the capability to expand layout groups using accelerators specified in group captions
- S34261 - Add the capability to specify the maximum size (height and width) of layout items whose size is dynamically calculated
- S34985 - Implement enhanced indication of potential drop positions during drag-and-drop operations
- S172589 - Provide a hint for a layout group's expand button
- S172492 - Add support for the ftLongWord data type fields
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- S137132 - Add support for a "Locked View" image
- CS25916 - Add the capability to sort column/row field values by summary values of cross cells located within a specific row/column
- S137240 - Add the capability to specify the default sort order applied to a column/row field whose values are sorted by summary values
- AS14553 - Extend the CopyToClipboard method with the capability to include values displayed in column and/or row areas
- S172698 - Provide indication for fields whose values are used by the "sorting by summary" feature
- S172587 - TcxDBPivotGrid - Add a design-time capability to connect the pivot grid to a data source linked to a dataset and automatically create pivot grid fields bound to dataset fields
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- S172658 - Add a design-time wizard to create and customize data-aware grid Views
- S172659 - Layout View - Add the capability to scroll grid records smoothly (pixel by pixel) rather than by entire records in lvvmSingleRow or lvvmSingleColumn display mode
- Q534847 - Server Mode - Provide the capability to handle server exceptions
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- S172660 - Add the capability to scroll nodes smoothly (pixel by pixel) rather than by entire nodes
- S172419 - TcxDBTreeList - Add a design-time capability to connect the tree list to a data source linked to a dataset and automatically create columns bound to dataset fields
ExpressScheduler Suite
- Q105554 - Provide the Ribbon Office 2007, 2010, and 2013 UI styles for the Event dialog
- S91109 - TcxSchedulerHolidays - Add the capability to add a recurrence pattern to holidays
ExpressSkins Library
- S91967 - Add the capability to skin a standard VCL TRadioButton control
- S91966 - Add the capability to skin standard VCL TCheckBox and TDBCheckBox controls
- Q452998 - Port the "Metropolis" and "Metropolis Dark" skins from the Windows Forms Skinning Library
- S171857 - Port the "Office 2013 Dark Gray" and "Office 2013 Light Gray" skins from the Windows Forms Skinning Library
- S18970 - Skin Editor - Add the ability to add additional custom properties to all skins within a project
- S130618 - Skin Editor - Improve color edit capabilities
- Q507537 - TcxButton - Provide skin elements for a drop-down button displayed by the cxbkDropDownButton button
ExpressTile Control
- S170825 - Add image list support to tile images
- S171855 - Add the capability to adjust the space between individual tile groups
- S170292 - Add the capability to control switching the action bar visibility
- S171914 - Add the capability to create small tiles
- S171923 - Add the capability to customize the animation speed and transition effect applied to detail pages
- Q500881 - Add the capability to disable tile items and groups (make them inaccessible to end-users and disable frame and hot-track animations)
- S171653 - Add the capability to display fixed margins between visible tile groups and tile control edges regardless of the content's scrolling position
- S172116 - Add the capability to display images inside tiles with a mosaic effect similar to that found in the Windows Phone People Hub
- S172007 - Add the capability to drag and drop multiple tiles
- S171665 - Add the capability to highlight an entire tile in response to hot-tracking it
- Q463586 - Add the capability to provide image lists for individual tile items
- S172125 - Add the capability to scroll detail page tabs if the tile control is too narrow to display all of them
- Q476161 - Add the capability to specify tile dimensions (width and height) separately
- S171877 - Add the end-user capability to customize group captions
- Q447906 - Optionally paint action bar item glyphs without transparency masks
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
- S172583 - TcxDBVerticalGrid - Add a design-time capability to connect the vertical grid to a data source linked to a dataset and automatically create editor rows bound to dataset fields
- S171844 - TcxVirtualVerticalGrid - Multiple Records View - Optionally apply the ContentEven/ContentOdd styles (or Common.ContentEvenColor/Common.ContentOddColor skin colors) to records or rows
- S172661 - TcxVirtualVerticalGrid and TcxDBVerticalGrid - Add the capability to scroll records smoothly (pixel by pixel) rather than by entire records
ExpressWizard Control
- Q520463 - Add the capability to add custom buttons to a wizard control
Common Libraries
ExpressEditors Library
- S171686 - Alert windows - Add an option to dynamically resize an alert window based on its content, with animation
- S172375 - Alert windows - Add an option to resize an alert window with animation
- S170428 - Alert windows - Add the capability to automatically collapse empty slots that appear after closing alert windows
- Q453930 - Alert windows - Add the design-time capability to preview alert windows and test their behavior and showing/closing animation
- Q522350 - Alert windows - Scale UI elements based on the system DPI settings
- Q493134 - Breadcrumb controls - Add the capability to limit the number of recently used paths stored in the editor's drop-down window
- S171177 - Breadcrumb controls - Add the capability to switch the use of recently used paths
- Q508717 - Breadcrumb controls - Publish the TabOrder property
- S139853 - cxColorComboBox - Add the capability to display the color edit dialog fully expanded
- AS12275 - cxColorComboBox - Publish the Properties.DropDownListStyle property and synchronize its value with the Properties.AllowSelectColor property
- S134583 - Display TcxEditButton hints in status bar panels that support the AutoHint capability
- Q511389 - Localization - TcxShellBrowserDialog - Add the capability to localize the dialog's caption and label
- S171694 - Provide a skinnable color picker component
- S171891 - Provide a skinnable dialog similar to the system Color one
- S134784 - Shell controls - Make the display of ZIP files among folders optional in Windows Vista or later
- Q389449 - TcxShellListView - Add a method to sort contents by values of a specified column
- S130122 - TcxShellListView - Add the capability to invoke the current folder's context menu
- Q386358 - TcxShellListView - Provide a simple way to obtain paths that correspond to shell items selected in the list view
- S172162 - TdxGalleryControl and TdxRibbonBackstageViewGalleryControl - Add the capability to modify selection while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key
- Q470209 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit - Add the OnAddFolder event similar to that found in other DevExpress shell controls
- Q512242 - Widen spin buttons in Touch mode to make their size more touch-friendly
ExpressGDI+ Library
- Q462463 - Make binding to the BMP, GIF, JPEG, and TIFF codecs optional
- S172319 - Enhance the touch experience with the cxFilterControl, TPageControl, TcxTabControl, cxDateEdit, and cxBlobEdit controls
- Q504500 - Provide the DevExpress Icon Library for VCL controls
- S37521 - Replace command icons within design-time collection editors (TcxComponentCollection descendants) with true color equivalents
Resolved Issues
ExpressBars Suite
- Q538240 - Applying a skin to a bar manager via a skin controller makes the Customization Form horizontally sizeable
- B238071 - At design time, pressing the Esc key while a form is focused results in an AV if the popup menu editor that contains a selected bar item control is on screen
- Q512054 - Changing the TdxBarEdit.MaxLength property at runtime has no effect
- Q476901 - Documentation - The "Ribbon Application Menu" topic does not contain the menu creation steps that are specific to TdxRibbonBackstageView
- Q452658 - Documentation - The TdxCustomRibbonGalleryItem.GalleryGroups property is not marked as deprecated and is used in topics instead of TdxCustomRibbonGalleryItem.GalleryCategories
- Q513198 - Moving focus to TcxDBSpinEdit placed in TdxBarControlContainerItem does not fire the OnExit and OnEnter events and, as a result, does not fire the OnGetText event of a dataset field bound to the editor
- Q552326 - Ribbon - A Ribbon tab's caption replaces the ampersand character (&) with an accelerator if the tab resides on the Windows Aero Glass frame
- Q552598 - Ribbon - Calling the TdxRibbonContext.Activate method of the Ribbon control located in a merged MDI child window doesn't activate the corresponding Ribbon context in the main form
- Q296120 - Ribbon - In-Ribbon gallery items first scale their images rather than clip their text when the item width is not sufficient to completely display the item content
- Q522572 - Ribbon - Office 2013 Backstage View - AV occurs if no tabs are shown
- Q529628 - Ribbon - Submenus and buttons display incorrect caption colors in low color modes
- Q525599 - Ribbon - TcxBarEditItem content blends with background if the editor is shown in the QAT residing on the Windows Aero Glass frame
- Q521395 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Clicking the Application Button to close the parentless Backstage View created at runtime results in an AV
- Q508784 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Closing the Backstage View moves focus from a window invoked from this View
- Q520539 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - Invoking the drop-down gallery that contains other TdxRibbonGalleryItem controls freezes an application
- B238682 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem and TdxRibbonDropDownGallery - Drop-down gallery displays extra space below its gallery items if a bar item embedded into the gallery is wider than this gallery
- B238688 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem and TdxRibbonDropDownGallery - Drop-down gallery enables design-time customization with drag and drop for its gallery control
- Q519999 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem does not repaint its content in response to the gallery GalleryOptions.Images or group Options.Images property value changes
- B238928 - Ribbon - The down arrow is incorrectly painted in subitems if the system DPI setting does not match 96
- Q521783 - Ribbon Form - An AV occurs when restoring a minimized form whose non-client area is painted by the Ribbon if the form was minimized while displaying a hint for its window button
- Q533676 - Ribbon Form - Closing a child Office 2013 style Ribbon form does not move focus to the main Ribbon form
- Q554068 - Ribbon Form - Form settings are inaccessible in C++Builder 2010 and XE due to incorrectly generated HPP files
- Q526309 - Ribbon Form - The OnActivate event fires twice on opening the form
- Q507388 - Ribbon Form - Updating a TdxStatusBar or TdxRibbonStatusBar panels repaints TGraphicControl descendants residing on the main MDI form if at least one MDI child window is shown
- Q526813 - TcxBarEditItem - CheckBox - Displaced caption if the ViewLayout property is set to ivlGlyphControlCaption
- Q531893 - TcxBarEditItem - ColorComboBox - Color description provided via a Properties.OnNamingConvention event handler is ignored if the bar item is located on a vertically oriented toolbar and the Enter value dialog is used for color selection
- Q531899 - TcxBarEditItem - ColorComboBox - Custom colors selected in the Color dialog disappear if the bar item is located on a vertically oriented toolbar and the Enter value dialog is used for color selection
- B238359 - TcxDBSpinEdit placed into TdxBarControlContainerItem incorrectly handles spin button presses
- B237977 - TdxBarPopupMenu used as a TcxButton's drop-down menu is displaced if there is no enough space to display it to the right of this button
- S172073 - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Clicking a page tab or embedded button does not display page/button properties within the Object Inspector
- B237250 - TdxRibbonRadialMenu - Displaced arc is painted for a hot-tracked item
- Q506925 - TdxRibbonRadialMenu - Item font is incorrectly displayed if the Windows Classic theme is applied
- B251359 - TdxRibbonRadialMenu - Memory leaks after opening any subitem
- Q518386 - TdxStatusBar and TdxRibbonStatusBar - Incorrect width of the last visible panel if one or more hidden panels follow it
- B239480 - The TdxBarItemLink.ImageIndex property cannot be assigned via the TdxBarItemLink.Assign method call
ExpressDBTree Suite
- Q526268 - In Windows 7, populating TdxDBTreeView with data from a bound dataset freezes an application
ExpressDocking Library
- B239636 - A dock site docked to the right/bottom edge does not accept dock panels if 0 is assigned to the Width/Height property of this dock site and its AutoSize and DockStyle properties are set to True and dsVS2005, respectively
- Q539412 - Opening a submenu located on a toolbar and slightly displacing the mouse pointer closes this panel if the toolbar is hosted within an auto hide panel located on an MDI form
- B239098 - The MousePos event parameter returns an incorrect value in a dock site's OnContextPopup event handler if the event is raised at the position with negative screen coordinates (on systems with multiple monitors)
ExpressLayout Control
- Q524885 - Activating a tabbed group's tab switches the Checked property value of the first radio button on the activated tab page
- Q511331 - Embedding several controls whose AutoSize property is set to True to layout items incorrectly sizes them
- Q535645 - Import - AV occurs when a layout control imports its parent container
- Q503222 - Switching tabs in a tabbed layout group resets the OptionsView.RowHeaderWidth property value of the vertical grid residing on any of these tabs
- Q517792 - Two layout groups containing controls in AutoSize mode hang up an application if the alignment settings of these groups are set to occupy the entire client area
- S171789 - VS2010 and Office2013White skins - Excessive space between the caption and content in layout groups and TcxGroupBox controls
- B238354 - Items designer - The Select All and Delete buttons do not always perform the associated operation with selected items in RAD Studio XE3 or later
- B238839 - A custom button's OnCanShow event fires in response to hot-tracking tabs if the Properties.CustomButtons.Mode property is set to cbmNone or cbmActiveTab
- Q529899 - In Windows 8, the GoDialog button is too narrow to display its image
- B238639 - Localization - Localized resource strings are not applied to tab/page control elements
- Q535947 - Raising the OnMouseLeave event does not reset HitTest information
- Q523671 - TcxPageControl - Docking a form to the page control with one or more hidden pages unexpectedly modifies page settings
- Q526647 - The mouse pointer flickers when moved over a control embedded to a TcxControl descendant if the Cursor property values of these controls do not match
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- B238331 - AV when displaying a filter dropdown of a data field whose GroupInterval property is set to group by date/time values
- B238271 - OLAP mode - Parser errors occur when a field is filtered by more than one value
- B251465 - TcxDBPivotGrid - The CreateAllFields method does not initialize the Visible property of created pivot grid fields based on the corresponding setting of bound dataset fields
- Q531033 - TcxPivotGridSummaryDataSet - Variation or percentage values calculated in variation modes are not passed to the resulting dataset
ExpressPrinting System
- Q500098 - Certain cxProgressBar values are incorrectly rounded in a report
- Q459163 - Documentation - The cpoDropStorageModeAfterPreview flag is not described in the TCustomdxComponentPrinter.Options topic
- Q459167 - Documentation - The TBasedxReportLink.StorageName property is not described
- Q527858 - Export to PDF - Header/footer word wrapping in the exported file mismatches the preview if certain fonts are used
- Q508737 - Page Setup - Auxiliary transparent panels may appear opaque if certain skins are applied
- B238960 - Page Setup - Entering an invalid margin value results in an AV
- Q508723 - Page Setup - Header/Footer tab - The "Predefined Functions" panel displays truncated buttons if certain skins are applied
- B237953 - PDF Export - The ANom and ADenom parameters are incorrectly initialized in the TdxComponentPrinter.OnCustomDrawPage event handler
- B238554 - Print Preview - All Ribbon-style and Advanced dialogs incorrectly apply TdxComponentPrinter.PreviewOptions.VisibleOptions settings to UI elements
- B239976 - Scheduler Report Link - TimeLine Style - Only one day from the specified print range is printed
- B239980 - Scheduler Report Link - Weekly Style - Switching to this style raises the "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error under certain conditions
- B239470 - SpreadSheet Report Link - A row containing only merged cells is not printed if the link's RowAutoHeight property is set to True
- Q522890 - Spreadsheet Report Link - Incorrect row height if the system DPI setting does not match 96
- B239469 - SpreadSheet Report Link - Rows in a report are 3 pixels higher than those in a spreadsheet control
- Q537498 - TdxCustomContainerReportLink and its descendants cause memory leaks
- B238381 - The "Control 'Preview' has no parent window" exception occurs when closing the Print Preview window that displays a report loaded via the LoadDataFromFile or LoadDataFromStream method
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- Q522716 - Automatic sizing enabled with EditAutoHeight produces painting artifacts in a cell whose vertical alignment does not match taTopJustify
- Q532777 - Banded Table View - Incorrect order of nested bands after restoring the View using RestoreFrom~ methods
- Q516263 - Documentation - The EditAutoHeight property is not shown in property lists of TcxCustomGridTableOptionsBehavior descendants
- B233000 - Documentation - The TcxCustomGridTableView.OnUpdateEdit event is not documented
- B238156 - Documentation - Undocumented TcxFilterValueItem, PcxFilterValueItem, and TcxFilterValueList breaking changes introduced with VCL 13.1
- Q509019 - Layout View - The card size is not updated in response to switching the visibility of the vertical scrollbar and/or filter panel via filtering
- Q526060 - Memory leaks when destroying a form if the View's BeginUpdate method is called without calling a matching EndUpdate method
- Q551276 - Modifying the properties of a grouped column scrambles grouped rows if the last record in a group is in edit mode and this group is not the last in a group list
- Q520431 - Naming mechanism for newly created View items is changed
- B223018 - Pressing the Backspace key does not fire the View's OnEditKeyDown event in lookup columns
- Q535174 - Server Mode - Filter drop-downs for ImageComboBox columns display item values rather than item descriptions
- Q532821 - Server Mode - No content is shown in cells located under group rows with Null grouping values
- Q534726 - Touch support - The "List index out of bounds" exception is thrown when panning an empty View
- Q480350 - Validation fails for a filter row cell displayed in a CurrencyEdit column with the assigned Properties.DisplayFormat
- Q511720 - Validation fails in cxFilterControl for a CurrencyEdit column with the assigned Properties.DisplayFormat
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- Q537744 - An inherited form with TcxTreeList shuffles its columns and bands after the save and restore operation
- B238916 - AV occurs if the Screen.Cursor property value is modified while handling a mouse event
- Q504869 - Bands unexpectedly swap their positions when restoring previously saved layout
- Q525613 - Creating a node in a tree list with an unallocated Handle does not specify the node's AbsoluteIndex property value
- Q520603 - cxDBTreeList - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs after a top node is inserted, and then the insertion is canceled
- Q520696 - cxDBTreeList - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs when binding the tree list to a Firebird table using a TSQLTable component
- Q524576 - Documentation - A typo in the TcxTreeListImageIndexType type syntax
- Q513882 - In-place cxButtonEdit - Hints are not displayed after the editor has been activated by a button click
- B252517 - Performance regression when loading/deleting large amounts of data due to the bug fix for Q537367
- Q534394 - TcxDBTreeList - Moving focus from a node edited via the data controller reloads all its data if the tree list's OptionsData.SmartRefresh is enabled
- B239226 - TcxTreeList - the OnChange event occurs before the TForm.OnCreate event
- Q523360 - TcxVirtualTreeList - "Access violation" when adding an icon to TcxImageList from the GetNodeImageIndex event handler
- Q537367 - The checked property of a parent node is not updated on adding a child node
- Q550440 - The DBTreeList doesn't update the editing value if the dataset was disabled and switched to editing externally
ExpressScheduler Suite
- Q553072 - Clicking a currently selected event does not fire OnEventSelectionChanged for this event
- Q529318 - cxSchedulerStorage - Posting a new event does not store an event's ParentGroup property value
- Q528911 - Documentation - TcxSchedulerEventList Object - The topic references an incorrect item type (TcxSchedulerControlEvent rather than TcxSchedulerEvent)
- Q535980 - Documentation - The omGroup constant used to compose the Options field's value in an underlying data store is not described
- Q518829 - Gantt View - Automatically view scrolling does not work when an event is sized horizontally
- Q528467 - Gantt View - AV occurs when unbinding a dataset linked to TcxSchedulerDBStorage that contains events with assigned ParentGroup
- Q527885 - Gantt View - Localization - Localized captions are not applied to Tree Browser columns
- Q530680 - Gantt View - Navigating from a Tree Browser cell being edited using the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys focuses an incorrect tree node
- Q539772 - Gantt View - Pressing the Clear button in an in-place date editor shown in the Start or Finish column cell causes the EVariantTypeCastError exception in the Tree Browser
- B250602 - Gantt View - The FullCollapse/FullExpand methods do not fully expand/collapse nodes in the Tree Browser
- Q529604 - Gantt View - The FullCollapse/FullExpand methods do not fully expand/collapse nodes in the Tree Browser
- B238298 - Gantt View - The 'Invalid argument to date encode' exception occurs when horizontally sizing an event scrolls the View
- Q524792 - TcxDateNavigator linked to the scheduler does not reflect the days selected with the scheduler's SelectDays method call
- Q524684 - TcxSchedulerDBStorage - AV occurs when setting an event's ParentGroup property to nil
- Q527125 - TimeGrid View - Clicking a zero duration event selects an invalid time interval
ExpressSkins Library
- B251726 - Docking - The text color specified via a dock control's AutoHideHostSite.Font.Color property is not applied to tabs displayed in auto hide dock sites
- Q527084 - Form - A maximized form whose Contraints.MinHeight and/or Contraints.MinWidth properties are set to a value other than 0 displays clipped borders
- Q531447 - Form - Clicking a form's Help button does not enable the context-sensitive help
- Q520899 - Form - Incorrect size of the non-client area after a maximized form is minimized and then restored
- Q508268 - Office 2013 White skin - The package source file for Delphi 7 (dxSkinOffice2013WhiteD7.dpk) has an incorrect package name
- Q552327 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonStatusBar - Certain skins display an incorrect background for Toolbar panels whose Bevel property is set to dxpbRaised
- B233016 - Ribbon Form - A form with TdxRibbonStatusBar incorrectly paints its bottom corners if certain skins are applied
- Q506924 - Scheduler - The Styles.Selection.Color property value is ignored when skinning selected all day events
- Q533786 - Skin Form - In Windows XP, desktop icons flicker when creating a skinned form in certain conditions
- Q499521 - The "Invalid floating point" exception occurs in certain cases if Windows themes are disabled
- Q511649 - The Skin Editor generates incorrect references in a C++Builder project file
- Q521751 - Cells marked as blank in the formula array display the source formula rather than remain blank
- Q507822 - Deleting a row/column and/or undoing this operation incorrectly updates related cell ranges in formulas
- Q522927 - Deleting cells containing data with a shift in a column corrupts its cell data if the rectangle to be deleted terminates below the bottommost data cell
- Q505413 - Entering a formula containing an invalid function doesn't lead to displaying the #NAME! result
- Q521622 - Incorrect output text when drawing text that contains chars with #160 code and current locale is Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
- B238620 - Memory leaks when opening an invalid spreadsheet file
- Q527229 - Number value in a cell stored as text with currency formating is displayed as currency
- Q505412 - Passing text to the function that requires numbers results in the #NAME! error instead of #VALUE!
- B238856 - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when undoing the deletion of a cell with custom style settings
- B238244 - The "Reading SST record error" exception occasionally occurs when loading an XLS file that contains Unicode characters
- B252203 - The function does not return #NAME value if one of its parameters cannot be calculated due to an invalid function used for calculation
- Q505748 - The TcxSSFormulasCache.Clone method does not correctly copy the result of the cloned function
ExpressTile Control
- Q522777 - AV occurs when you delete a tile item while its hot-track animation is played
- B239014 - Frame animation stops when a form that owns a focused tile control is maximized by double-clicking the form's caption
- B237975 - The content of large tile items is incorrectly repainted in response to changing the tile control's OptionsView.ItemIndent property
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
- Q519549 - Painting issues with styles applied to rows
- B237246 - Setting the AHeaderViewInfo.Transparent property to True within an OnDrawRowHeader event handler produces painting artifacts
- Q520547 - TcxVirtualVerticalGrid - Possible exception in the TcxvgPainter.DrawRow method when destroying and recreating rows within the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block
- Q508749 - The style specified via the Styles.ContentOddor Styles.ContentEven property is not applied to rows
- Q377965 - The style specified via the Styles.Inactive property is ignored
- Q525420 - The Styles.OnGetContentStyle event initializes its ARecordIndex parameter with a row VisibleIndex rather than a record index
ExpressWizard Control
- Q554465 - Pressing the Enter key while the Next button advances two pages instead of one if this button is enabled on the next page
Common Libraries
- Q489352 - Data-aware data controllers - Linear decrease in record navigation performance if one or more key field names are assigned to a data controller's KeyFieldNames property
- Q515962 - Destroying a data controller's owner initiates unnecessary operations with data
- Q532495 - Server Mode - A filter criteria returned by the FilterText property includes column captions rather than dataset fields
- Q511581 - Server Mode - Advantage adapter incorrectly interprets null (blank) values
- Q533389 - Server Mode - An incorrect criteria is returned by the data contoller's Filter.FilterText property if Null is passed as a filter value
ExpressEditors Library
- B239168 - Alert windows - Setting an alert window's Pinned property to True in the alert window manager's OnShow event handler does not pin the alert window if its OptionsAnimate.ShowingAnimation property is set to awaNone
- B238464 - AV when pasting certain DevExpress controls from the clipboard to a form at design time
- B239013 - Breadcrumb controls - Duplicate entries in the AutoComplete drop-down window
- Q533218 - cxBlobEdit - AV occurs when interacting with the editor's open drop-down window if the RepositoryItem assigned to this editor is shared with other blob editors
- Q502800 - cxCheckListBox - Check boxes flicker in response to hot-tracking them
- Q522581 - cxColorComboBox - Selecting a new custom color with the system Color dialog does not replace the currently selected color if their descriptions match
- B237301 - cxColorComboBox - The PaintTo method draws color descriptions if the Properties.ShowDescriptions property is set to False
- Q522749 - cxExtLookupCombobox - The "RowIndex out of range" exception is thrown when filtering data using the incremental filtering feature if the View embedded in the editor's drop-down window displays the built-in navigator
- Q530064 - cxLabel - Incorrect editor size if the AutoSize and Properties.WordWrap properties are set to True
- Q528876 - cxMaskEdit - Any valid text can be typed after text that is already validated against the mask using the Enter key
- Q505831 - cxMaskEdit - The editor does not uppercase non-Latin characters if the Properties.MaskKind property is set to emkStandard and the mask contains the '<' character
- Q523958 - cxMemo - The Stack Overflow exception occurs when calling the PostEditValue method from the Properties.OnChange event handler
- B237985 - cxRichEdit - Calling the InsertTable method has no effect in certain cases
- Q536880 - cxRichEdit - Text formatting is lost when switching a skin
- B237652 - cxTrackBar and dxZoomTrackBar - Moving the mouse pointer away from the thumb does not always hide a hint window if the Properties.ShowPositionHint property is set to True
- B251569 - Data-aware controls allow pasting data from the clipboard if a bound data source' AutoEdit property is set to False
- Q531259 - Data-aware editors - An AV occurs when closing a form that contains a data-aware editor whose Style.TransparentBorder is set to False
- Q529799 - Data-aware editors - Raising an exception or displaying a modal window in an OnValidate event handler freezes an application
- Q525238 - Documentation - Classes defined in the cxDBNavigator unit reference the cxNavigator unit in error
- Q494903 - dxColorEdit - The PaintTo method draws a numeric equivalent of the currently selected color
- Q515033 - IDE freezes when compiling an application that includes a non-visual component within TFrame embedded into TcxScrollBox with the Align property set to alClient
- Q505429 - In-place cxProgressBar - Incorrect cell margins when the native style is applied
- Q484137 - Properties.DisplayFormat is incorrectly applied to visualize the edit value validated with the ValidateEdit method call
- Q536625 - Shell controls - Incorrect memory allocation in certain PIDL management functions
- B239794 - Spin button controls and editors - In Windows 7, the left spin button is vertically misplaced if the Properties.SpinButtons.Position property is set to sbpHorzRight and the native painting style is applied
- Q506628 - TcxButton - An exception occurs when assigning the OptionsImage or SpeedButtonOptions property
- Q513654 - TcxButton - Italicized caption is clipped if certain fonts are applied
- B238476 - TcxButton is incorrectly painted in applications run via Remote Desktop if the Office11 paint style is applied and Windows themes are disabled
- Q524948 - TcxButton plays fading animation if the native painting style is applied and Windows themes are disabled
- Q510014 - TcxControl descendants fire the OnMouseLeave event in response to moving the mouse pointer to their child controls
- Q505917 - TcxDBCalcEdit - The "1.000,00 is not a valid BCD value" exception is thrown if the editor is bound to an FMTBcd field and the editor's ControlState property value includes csPaintCopy
- Q531874 - TcxDBImage - The editor with Properties.GraphicClass set to TdxSmartImage stops displaying an image pasted from Internet Explorer using the clipboard after the image is posted to a data source
- B238538 - TcxFilterControl being destroyed updates its filter criteria
- Q552571 - TcxHeader - A value passed as the ANewSortOrder parameter of the OnSectionChangingSortOrder event handler is ignored
- Q512780 - TcxHeader - The left border of the first header section is not shown if skins are applied
- Q553910 - TcxScrollBox - A form's OnMouseWheel event does not fire when the scroll container is focused
- Q517381 - TcxScrollbox - Scrolling the embedded cxImage produces painting artifacts
- Q513796 - TdxGalleryControl - A gallery group cannot be hidden by setting its Visible property to False
- Q529395 - TdxGalleryControl and descendants - An AV occurs when removing a gallery item located under the mouse pointer
- Q525331 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit incorrectly updates its content in response to renaming shell items if the Properties.ShellOptions.TrackShellChanges option is enabled
- Q509593 - The "E2026 Constant expression expected" error occurs when compiling the cxTextEdit unit if the USETOPVERTICALALIGNMENTASDEFAULT conditional symbol is defined
- Q528088 - The new item height specified on the second and subsequent OnMeasureItem event occurrences is not applied to individual items
- S33740 - The OnMouseLeave and OnMouseEnter events fire incorrectly
- Q481882 - The ValidateEdit method performs incorrect validations for editors with assigned Properties.DisplayFormat
- Q488058 - cxCurrencyEdit - The Properties.DecimalPlaces property value is ignored when pasting a value from the clipboard
- B238537 - Destroying a TcxCustomPopupWindow class instance may recreate it
- Q535284 - Export - A string whose length exceeds 32768 characters makes the resulting XLSX file unreadable
- B238931 - Export - Files exported to XLSX cannot be opened with OpenOffice or LibreOffice
- Q535533 - TcxExtLookupComboBox - AV occurs when double-clicking the focus rectangle displayed around an in-place cxCheckBox editor being edited in an embedded grid
- Q525491 - TcxListView - Items are always arranged into one column
- Q462199 - TcxListView - The vertical scrollbar is not painted if runtime themes are enabled
- Q529834 - TcxStorage - Updating an INI file or the registry with the StoreTo~ methods does not clear the information about deleted objects
- Q522401 - TcxStyleRepository - The default font size is scaled twice if the Scalable property is set to True
- Q505848 - The cxDateUtils.StrToDateDef function duplicates the SysUtils.StrToDateDef function
- Q507589 - The dxGetWeekNumber function throws the "Invalid argument to date encode" exception when obtaining week numbers of December, 9999
- Q520691 - The dxHalfOfPi constant declaration in cxGeometry.hpp causes warnings when generating precompiled headers in C++Builder
- Q531075 - Touch support - TcxListBox embedded in a TdxNavBar group cannot be panned after TdxNavBar has been tapped