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  • 复数计算器




      1 #include<iostream>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 #include<windows.h>
      5 //复数类
      6 class complexnumber
      7 {
      8 private:
      9     float real;
     10     float imag;
     11 public:
     12     friend istream& operator >>(istream& in,complexnumber &temple);//重载输入运算符
     13     friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& out,complexnumber &temple);//重载输出运算符
     14     friend complexnumber operator +(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2);//重载加法运算符
     15     friend complexnumber operator -(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2);//重载减法运算符
     16     friend complexnumber operator *(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2);//重载乘法运算符
     17     friend complexnumber operator /(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2);//重载除法运算符
     18 };
     20 //重载输入运算符
     21 istream& operator >>(istream& in,complexnumber &temple)
     22 {
     23     cout<<"实部    虚部"<<endl;
     24     in>>temple.real>>temple.imag;
     25     return in;
     26 }
     28 //重载输出运算符
     29 ostream& operator <<(ostream& out,complexnumber &temple)
     30 {
     31     if(temple.real==0)
     32     {
     33         if(temple.imag==0)
     34         {
     35             cout<<0<<endl;
     36         }
     37         else if(temple.imag==1)
     38         {
     39             out<<"i"<<endl;
     40         }
     41         else if(temple.imag==-1)
     42         {
     43             out<<"-i"<<endl;
     44         }
     45         else
     46         {
     47             out<<temple.imag<<"i"<<endl;
     48         }
     49     }
     50     else
     51     {
     52         out<<temple.real;
     53         if(temple.imag>0)
     54         {
     55             out<<"+";
     56         }
     57         if(temple.imag!=0)
     58         {
     59             out<<temple.imag<<"i"<<endl;
     60         }
     61     }
     62     return out;
     63 }
     65 //重载加法运算符
     66 complexnumber operator +(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2)
     67 {
     68     complexnumber temple;
     69     temple.real=t1.real+t2.real;
     70     temple.imag=t1.imag+t2.imag;
     71     return temple;
     72 }
     74 //重载减法运算符
     75 complexnumber operator -(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2)
     76 {
     77     complexnumber temple;
     78     temple.real=t1.real-t2.real;
     79     temple.imag=t1.imag-t2.imag;
     80     return temple;
     81 }
     83 //重载乘法运算符
     84 complexnumber operator *(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2)
     85 {
     86     complexnumber temple;
     87     temple.real=(t1.real*t2.real)-(t1.imag*t2.imag);
     88     temple.imag=(t1.imag*t2.real)+(t1.real*t2.imag);
     89     return temple;
     90 }
     92 //重载除法运算符
     93 complexnumber operator /(complexnumber t1,complexnumber t2)
     94 {
     95     complexnumber temple;
     96     temple.real=((t1.real*t2.real)+(t1.imag*t2.imag))/((t2.real*t2.real)+(t2.imag*t2.imag));
     97     temple.imag=((t1.imag*t2.real)-(t1.real*t2.imag))/((t2.real*t2.real)+(t2.imag*t2.imag));
     98     return temple;
     99 }
    101 int main()
    102 {
    103     system("color f3");
    104     int select;
    105     complexnumber ob1,ob2,ob;
    106     do
    107     {
    108         cout<<"*******************************"<<endl;//菜单
    109         cout<<"*         复数计算器         *"<<endl;
    110         cout<<"*******************************"<<endl;
    111         cout<<"*1------------------------加法*"<<endl;
    112         cout<<"*2------------------------减法*"<<endl;
    113         cout<<"*3------------------------乘法*"<<endl;
    114         cout<<"*4------------------------除法*"<<endl;
    115         cout<<"*0------------------------退出*"<<endl;
    116         cout<<"*******************************"<<endl;
    117         cout<<"请输入你的选择:";
    118         cin>>select;
    119         switch(select)
    120         {
    121             case 1: cout<<endl<<"加法:"<<endl;
    122                     cout<<"请输入第一个复数的值:"<<endl;
    123                     cin>>ob1;
    124                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    125                     cout<<"请输入第二个复数的值:"<<endl;
    126                     cin>>ob2;
    127                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    128                     system("pause");
    129                     ob=ob1+ob2;
    130                     system("cls");
    131                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    132                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    133                     cout<<"两数之和为:"<<ob<<endl;
    134                     system("pause");
    135                     system("cls");
    136                 break;
    137             case 2: cout<<endl<<"减法:"<<endl;
    138                     cout<<"请输入第一个复数的值:"<<endl;
    139                     cin>>ob1;
    140                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    141                     cout<<"请输入第二个复数的值:"<<endl;
    142                     cin>>ob2;
    143                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    144                     system("pause");
    145                     ob=ob1-ob2;
    146                     system("cls");
    147                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    148                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    149                     cout<<"两数之差为:"<<ob<<endl;
    150                     system("pause");
    151                     system("cls");
    152                 break;
    153             case 3: cout<<endl<<"乘法:"<<endl;
    154                     cout<<"请输入第一个复数的值:"<<endl;
    155                     cin>>ob1;
    156                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    157                     cout<<"请输入第二个复数的值:"<<endl;
    158                     cin>>ob2;
    159                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    160                     system("pause");
    161                     ob=ob1*ob2;
    162                     system("cls");
    163                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    164                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    165                     cout<<"两数之积为:"<<ob<<endl;
    166                     system("pause");
    167                     system("cls");
    168                 break;
    169             case 4: cout<<endl<<"除法:"<<endl;
    170                     cout<<"请输入第一个复数的值:"<<endl;
    171                     cin>>ob1;
    172                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    173                     cout<<"请输入第二个复数的值:"<<endl;
    174                     cin>>ob2;
    175                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    176                     system("pause");
    177                     ob=ob1/ob2;
    178                     system("cls");
    179                     cout<<"第一个复数为:"<<ob1<<endl;
    180                     cout<<"第二个复数为:"<<ob2<<endl;
    181                     cout<<"两数之商为:"<<ob<<endl;
    182                     system("pause");
    183                     system("cls");
    184                 break;
    185         }
    186     }while(select!=0);
    187     system("cls");
    188     cout<<"欢迎使用!!"<<endl;
    189     return 0;
    190 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xautlmx/p/3493419.html
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