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  • leetcode 【 Search for a Range 】python 实现


    Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value.

    Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n).

    If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1].

    For example,
    Given [5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10] and target value 8,
    return [3, 4].

    代码:oj测试通过 Runtime: 91 ms

     1 class Solution:
     2     # @param A, a list of integers
     3     # @param target, an integer to be searched
     4     # @return a list of length 2, [index1, index2]
     5     def searchAllTarget(self, A, index, target):
     6         # left index
     7         left_index = index
     8         curr_index = index
     9         while curr_index>=0 and A[curr_index]==target:
    10             left_index = curr_index
    11             curr_index = curr_index-1
    12         # right index
    13         right_index = index
    14         curr_index = index
    15         while curr_index<len(A) and A[curr_index]==target:
    16             right_index = curr_index
    17             curr_index = curr_index+1
    18         return [left_index,right_index]
    20     def searchRange(self, A, target):
    21         # none case
    22         if A is None:
    23             return None
    24         # short length cases
    25         if len(A)==1 :
    26             return[[-1,-1],[0,0]][A[0]==target]
    27         # binary search
    28         start = 0
    29         end = len(A)-1
    30         while start<=end :
    31             if start==end:
    32                 if A[start]==target :
    33                     return self.searchAllTarget(A, start, target)
    34                 else :
    35                     return [-1,-1]
    36             if start+1==end :
    37                 if A[start]==target :
    38                     return self.searchAllTarget(A, start, target)
    39                 elif A[end]==target :
    40                     return self.searchAllTarget(A, end, target)
    41                 else :
    42                     return [-1,-1]
    43             mid = (start+end)/2
    44             if A[mid]==target :
    45                 return self.searchAllTarget(A, mid, target)
    46             elif A[mid]>target :
    47                 end = mid-1
    48             else :
    49                 start = mid+1


    这道题还是基于binary search,但是要求找到的是某个值的range。


    step1. 常规二分查找到target的某个index;如果没有找到则返回[-1,-1]

    step2. 假设A中可能有多个位置为target,则从step1找到的index开始向左右search,直到把index左右两侧的target都找出来。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xbf9xbf/p/4261312.html
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