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  • SQL行转列


      当系统中有汇总和明细的需求时,一般通过SQL来实现,汇总 就是 根据条件显示出全部的数据,明细 就是 一条汇总对应的详细信息。




      1). 新建表student,姓名(name)、学科(subject)、成绩(score)

    create table student(name nvarchar(20),subject nvarchar(20),score int)

      2). 插入数据

    insert into student values('张三','语文',80),('张三','数学',90),('张三','英语',75) 
    insert into student values('李四','语文',75),('李四','数学',93),('李四','英语',56) 
    insert into student values('王五','语文',87),('王五','数学',67),('王五','英语',83) 

      3). 方式一实现:使用case when ... then ... end

    select name,
        max(case subject when '语文' then score else 0 end) '语文',
        max(case subject when '数学' then score else 0 end) '数学',
        max(case subject when '英语' then score else 0 end) '英语',
        SUM(score)  as '总分',
        cast(AVG(cast(score as decimal(10,2))) as decimal(10,2)) as '平均分'
    from student group by name


      4) 方式二实现:自己和自己关联

        a.name,a.score,b.score,c.score,(a.score+b.score+c.score) '总分',CAST((a.score+b.score+c.score)/3.0 as decimal(5,2)) '平均分' 
    from student a,student b,student c 
    where a.name = b.name and b.name = c.name and a.subject='语文' and b.subject='数学' and c.subject='英语'


      5) 方式三实现:使用pivot

    select * from student pivot(max(score) for subject in (语文,数学,英语))a 



      1). 新建表tb_student,序号(id)、姓名(name)、学科(subject)、成绩(score)

    create table tab_student(id int,name nvarchar(20),subject nvarchar(20),score int)

      2). 插入数据:

    insert into tab_student values (1,'张三','语文',76),(2,'张三','数学',85),(3,'张三','英语',67)
    insert into tab_student values (3,'李四','语文',87),(4,'李四','数学',32),(5,'李四','英语',85)
    insert into tab_student values (6,'王五','语文',83),(7,'王五','数学',90),(8,'王五','英语',80)

      3) 方式一实现:使用 case when 

    select name,MAX(case subject when '语文' then score else 0 end) as '语文',
           MAX(case subject when '数学' then score else 0 end) as  '数学',
           MAX(case subject when '英语' then score else 0 end) as  '英语',
           SUM(score) '总数',
           cast(AVG(CAST(score as decimal(10,2))) as decimal(10,2)) '平均数' 
    from tab_student group by name


      4). 方式二实现:自己关联自己

        a.name,a.score,b.score,c.score,(a.score+b.score+c.score) '总分',CAST((a.score+b.score+c.score)/3.0 as decimal(5,2)) '平均分' 
    from tab_student a,tab_student b,tab_student c 
    where a.name = b.name and b.name = c.name and a.subject='语文' and b.subject='数学' and c.subject='英语'


       5). 方式三实现不了:pivot

    select * from tab_student pivot(
        max(score) for subject in (语文,数学,英语)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xbq8080/p/6846059.html
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