转发链接:https://blog.csdn.net 原文作者:平底锅锅锅
f = open('sixPassdict.txt','w') for id in range(1000000): password = str(id).zfill(6)+' ' f.write(password) f.close()
import sys import zipfile import rarfile import threading import datetime import os import subprocess import getopt i = 0 fileGet = "" class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.name = name self.func = func self.args = args self.result = self.func(*self.args) def get_result(self): try: return self.result except Exception: return None def extractFile(fileExtr, password, fileType): try: encodestr = str.encode(password) if (fileType == "zip"): fileExtr.extractall(pwd=str.encode(password)) else: fileExtr.extractall(pwd=password) global i i = i + 1 print("search count : %d,real password is : %s" % (i, password)) return password except: i = i + 1 print("search count : %d,test password : %s, err:%s" % (i, password, sys.exc_info()[0])) pass def mainStep(): path = input("please input path:") #输入方式如:F:desktop123456001.zip try: if os.path.exists(path) == False: print("%s : path error!" % (path)) return type = os.path.splitext(path)[-1][1:] if type == "zip": fileGet = zipfile.ZipFile(path) with fileGet as z: for l in z.infolist(): is_encrypted = l.flag_bits & 0x1 if is_encrypted: print("have password ") break else: pass fileGet = zipfile.ZipFile(path) elif type == "rar": fileGet = rarfile.RarFile(path) with fileGet as z: if z.needs_password(): print("have password ") else: print("no password") return else: print("file not right") return pwdLists = open("D:File_GitPythonXdd破解压缩包密码sixPassdict.txt") startTime = datetime.datetime.now() for line in pwdLists.readlines(): Pwd = line.strip(' ') t = MyThread(extractFile, (fileGet, Pwd, type)) t.start() if (t.get_result() is Pwd): break endTime = datetime.datetime.now() timeSpan = endTime - startTime print("search time:%ss" % (timeSpan.total_seconds())) except: print("err:%s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': mainStep()