Get Files from Directory [C#]
This example shows how to get list of file names from a directory (includingsubdirectories).
You can filter the list by specific extension.
To get file names from the specified directory, use static method
Lets have these files andsubfolders in „c:MyDir“ folder:
Get files from directory
Method Directory.GetFiles returns string array with files names (fullpaths).
[C#] using System.IO;
string[] filelist = Directory.GetFiles(@"D:迅雷下载");
foreach (var f in filelist)
richTextBox1.AppendText(f + "
"); Get files from directory (with specified extension)
You can specify search pattern. You can use wildcard specifiers in the searchpattern,
e.g. „*.bmp“ to select files with the extension or „a*“ toselect files beginning with letter „a“.
[C#] string[] filelist = Directory.GetFiles(@"D:迅雷下载","*.zip");
foreach (var f in filelist)
richTextBox1.AppendText(f + "
"); 获得文件夹下的指定文件列表(只找一层)
Get files from directory (including all subdirectories)
If you want to search also in subfolders use parameterSearchOption.AllDirectories.
[C#] string[] filelist = Directory.GetFiles(@"D:迅雷下载", "*.*",SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (var f in filelist)
richTextBox1.AppendText(f + "