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  • delphi 自动滚动到最底端scroll


    Uses MSHTML;
    {$R *.dfm}
      ScrollPos: integer=0;
    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      inc(ScrollPos, 10);
      if WebBrowser1.Document <> nil then
        (WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).parentWindow.scroll(0,ScrollPos);
    // *********************************************************************//
    // Interface: IHTMLWindow2
    // Flags:     (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
    // GUID:      {332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}
    // *********************************************************************//
      IHTMLWindow2 = interface(IHTMLFramesCollection2)
        function Get_frames: IHTMLFramesCollection2; safecall;
        procedure Set_defaultStatus(const p: WideString); safecall;
        function Get_defaultStatus: WideString; safecall;
        procedure Set_status(const p: WideString); safecall;
        function Get_status: WideString; safecall;
        function setTimeout(const expression: WideString; msec: Integer; var language: OleVariant): Integer; safecall;
        procedure clearTimeout(timerID: Integer); safecall;
        procedure alert(const message: WideString); safecall;
        function confirm(const message: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
        function prompt(const message: WideString; const defstr: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
        function Get_Image: IHTMLImageElementFactory; safecall;
        function Get_location: IHTMLLocation; safecall;
        function Get_history: IOmHistory; safecall;
        procedure close; safecall;
        procedure Set_opener(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_opener: OleVariant; safecall;
        function Get_navigator: IOmNavigator; safecall;
        procedure Set_name(const p: WideString); safecall;
        function Get_name: WideString; safecall;
        function Get_parent: IHTMLWindow2; safecall;
        function open(const url: WideString; const name: WideString; const features: WideString; 
                      replace: WordBool): IHTMLWindow2; safecall;
        function Get_self: IHTMLWindow2; safecall;
        function Get_top: IHTMLWindow2; safecall;
        function Get_window: IHTMLWindow2; safecall;
        procedure navigate(const url: WideString); safecall;
        procedure Set_onfocus(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onfocus: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onblur(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onblur: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onload(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onload: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onbeforeunload(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onbeforeunload: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onunload(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onunload: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onhelp(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onhelp: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onerror(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onerror: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onresize(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onresize: OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure Set_onscroll(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_onscroll: OleVariant; safecall;
        function Get_document: IHTMLDocument2; safecall;
        function Get_event: IHTMLEventObj; safecall;
        function Get__newEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
        function showModalDialog(const dialog: WideString; var varArgIn: OleVariant; 
                                 var varOptions: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;
        procedure showHelp(const helpURL: WideString; helpArg: OleVariant; const features: WideString); safecall;
        function Get_screen: IHTMLScreen; safecall;
        function Get_Option: IHTMLOptionElementFactory; safecall;
        procedure focus; safecall;
        function Get_closed: WordBool; safecall;
        procedure blur; safecall;
        procedure scroll(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        function Get_clientInformation: IOmNavigator; safecall;
        function setInterval(const expression: WideString; msec: Integer; var language: OleVariant): Integer; safecall;
        procedure clearInterval(timerID: Integer); safecall;
        procedure Set_offscreenBuffering(p: OleVariant); safecall;
        function Get_offscreenBuffering: OleVariant; safecall;
        function execScript(const code: WideString; const language: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
        function toString: WideString; safecall;
        procedure scrollBy(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        procedure scrollTo(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        procedure moveTo(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        procedure moveBy(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        procedure resizeTo(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        procedure resizeBy(x: Integer; y: Integer); safecall;
        function Get_external: IDispatch; safecall;
        property frames: IHTMLFramesCollection2 read Get_frames;
        property defaultStatus: WideString read Get_defaultStatus write Set_defaultStatus;
        property status: WideString read Get_status write Set_status;
        property Image: IHTMLImageElementFactory read Get_Image;
        property location: IHTMLLocation read Get_location;
        property history: IOmHistory read Get_history;
        property opener: OleVariant read Get_opener write Set_opener;
        property navigator: IOmNavigator read Get_navigator;
        property name: WideString read Get_name write Set_name;
        property parent: IHTMLWindow2 read Get_parent;
        property self: IHTMLWindow2 read Get_self;
        property top: IHTMLWindow2 read Get_top;
        property window: IHTMLWindow2 read Get_window;
        property onfocus: OleVariant read Get_onfocus write Set_onfocus;
        property onblur: OleVariant read Get_onblur write Set_onblur;
        property onload: OleVariant read Get_onload write Set_onload;
        property onbeforeunload: OleVariant read Get_onbeforeunload write Set_onbeforeunload;
        property onunload: OleVariant read Get_onunload write Set_onunload;
        property onhelp: OleVariant read Get_onhelp write Set_onhelp;
        property onerror: OleVariant read Get_onerror write Set_onerror;
        property onresize: OleVariant read Get_onresize write Set_onresize;
        property onscroll: OleVariant read Get_onscroll write Set_onscroll;
        property document: IHTMLDocument2 read Get_document;
        property event: IHTMLEventObj read Get_event;
        property _newEnum: IUnknown read Get__newEnum;
        property screen: IHTMLScreen read Get_screen;
        property Option: IHTMLOptionElementFactory read Get_Option;
        property closed: WordBool read Get_closed;
        property clientInformation: IOmNavigator read Get_clientInformation;
        property offscreenBuffering: OleVariant read Get_offscreenBuffering write Set_offscreenBuffering;
        property external: IDispatch read Get_external;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xe2011/p/3876341.html
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